Sunday, October 9, 2022

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain's Status as an Ongoing or Limited Series Confuses Readers

Marvel's "Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain" was initially announced as a 5-issue limited series by AiPT!CBRNewsaramaBleedingCool, among other media outlets.

Cover Artist Erica D'urso took to Instagram to announce it as a five-issue series as well and that she will work on all five covers:

Interior Artist Vasco Giorgiev confirmed it is a limited series for now:

AiPT! has now retracted their former statement via Twitter after reaching out to Marvel:

Hopefully, this matter can be clarified in the upcoming days as we all know Knights of X also announced as an ongoing was turned into a stealth limited series due to poor sales.


  1. Best case scenario: Tini leaves after #5 and a new creative team takes over

  2. The baddest of the bad era to be a Betsy fan. 5 years crapola.

  3. As an 80s baby and CB stan, I’ve absolutely loved TH run on Betsy. I can see why all the Betsy fans abandoned this blog long ago.. what a toxic community you’ve cultivated for yourselves. Yikes.

    1. @BraddockClan also an 80's baby & there are definitely lots of Betsy fans on here and on the FB group Psychic butterfly that don't like Tini's take on Betsy (and we are just as much Betsy fans as anyone who does enjoy Tini's work). Your welcome to your opinion on her work and I hope you continue to enjoy it :) However, It's not a requirement to like TH work to be considered a Betsy fan. Imho Tini knows a lot about Betsy, but doesn't get Betsy's true voice and while she may actually like Betsy, she made it clear that #1 Apocalypse is who she really wanted to write (and it shows in her work) & #2 her love for D&D like themes will always spill into her storytelling despite a lot of us Betsy fans feeling like Betsy feels out of place with those type of themes (I feel like Tini would be better suited writing Dr Strange or Scarlett Witch to be honest). If that makes us toxic than so be it, I personally feel its a lot more toxic to think everyone must be of the same mind and love one author to be considered a Betsy fan. In fact a lot of people who love Tini's work come off to me as dismissive. Usually the response we get when giving some valid points in a debate is that we just want action junkie ninja Betsy back which imo makes me question how long some of these people have been Betsy fans considering there are some like me who have wanted Betsy back in her original appearance for years, but think a characterization like how she was in Dissasembled was more plausible than Tini's take because those experiences/traumas/skills she had as a ninja shouldn't be erased simply because she's back in her original appearance. Furthermore, stellar writing for Betsy's character like Rick Remender did for instance had made her a fully fleshed character who was more than a "simple action junkie ninja" a long long time ago. She was much more than a ninja, she just happened to be a ninja in addition to everything else she was. I don't see that with TH Captain Britain. I don't see the skilled Psi who used her psychic powers creatively that we loved in the Outback storylines, ironically I see someone whose almost total existence is about being CB aka a knight. Whereas Remender's Betsy seemed fully fleshed to me and Dissasembled Betsy was the ultimate culmination of pre & post siege perilous Betsy, in contrast Tini's Betsy whole existence seems dependent on her Captain Britain status. I'm not anymore a fan of that than her whole existence being based on being a ninja (like that "as you wish" phase lol) I know what Tini is going for, I even appreciate it in some ways (like saying CB will return like they do in the MCU movies), but her take on Betsy (and other characters) continues to fall flat for me and others in 2 books now. We are ready for a change and frankly feel like Betsy deserves better respectfully. Jmho!!!

    2. You provoke the posters in here and call us toxic?

    3. Clan quit smokin stuff. You ain't going nowhere defending Captain Clown. Marvel shoved knighthood down Betsy to make forget the race swap. Alrighty ninja ain't flying with a Brit Lady but listen forcing all whiteness stereotypes on a killing machine who doesn't give a damn about Big Ben and hail queens is on the nose. Brian is the destined Captain Britain and Betsy gets rekt in his boots. She had Psylocke and a place with the X-Men now nothing. If you were a true Betsy fan you wouldn't talk smack about people truly loving her and seeing through bull crap.

  4. The blog is doing fine and is very active, thank you very much. You should be more worried about all the Betsy fans abandoning Tini Howard's books judging by the embarassing low sales.
