Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A.X.E.: Judgment Day #6 Spoilers & Art

Jean Grey mentions Betsy's mastery of psychic weapons and pays homage.


  1. So, technically, we can count this as Betsy's 6th appearance in a comic book this year?!

  2. Jean complimenting her daughter in law 😁

  3. "Jean complimenting her daughter in law ��"

    That truth just added a whole new layer of creepiness in this train wreck of a saga. I mean is Howard going to address that? - I guess I have a thing for the Summers cuz I used to be hot for your dad- chills

    Like some I felt like the Betsy Rachel relationship came out of nowhere and felt creepy and more so in the way Howard defends her reasoning around it, big wet kisses blah blah blah. I always had the word incestious in my mind. I mean someday when Jean and Scott give Birth to Rachel, will Betsy be there and and . . . more chills

    At the risk of sounding mean:

    The only love that I see in Howards writing is herself for her own ideas to the point hat she is fully prepared tho throw out decades of continuity to change this character with her own personal point of view. And from what I have read about her reasoning and approach, it seems like there is an echo chamber of support in the editorial office ie "noodle baking zoom sessions" how adorable, ideas are yummy lets forgo research and nuanced story telling and apply tropey thinking, readers will be happier even if though they say there not via poor sales, if they continue reading, one day they might learn to be like me "inquisitive, and open to exploring". Ugh, who openly declares and thinks of themselves like that?. They will soon see the brilliance of our forward thinking uni-mind - we are the borings, resistance is futile.

    In my opinion, they have forgotten about or just given a big FU we dont care were gonna do what we want to do. Not asking for fan service out of the editorial office, just the realization that Betsys real first loves are the legions of readers who have been following her with devotion for years, like the people who write on this forum, they should have some respect for that.

    1. Yeah always found that aspect really awkward to. Betsy tried to bang Scott and she ended up settling for his frumpy dumpy daughter

  4. @randy

    She was also doing Cable's clones in X-Force.

  5. And she's smooched Havok and walked into his bedroom in lingerie! xD

  6. My friend and I were talking about how fucked up Betsy's romantic plots were in the 2010s the other day. Such a big fuck you to the character.

    They didn't even make sense. Remember the hologram she was apparently in love with that she somehow 'killed for real' in the Danger Room?

    And let's not forget how awkwardly her flirtation with barely-a-teen Doug has aged...

    1. Yes Betsy banging the Cable clones and then forming a relationship with essentially the danger room in the shape of her own personal pleasure device was beyond cringe and overkill.

  7. Betsy is the trendsetter in Marvel Universe. She rightfully is the influencer for telepaths being a top model icon.

    Betsy used first the telepathic signature of her butterfly. Soon after followed Jean with her Phoenix raptor owing to the power swap with Betsy in the 00s. Rachel was next with her hound scars and Phoenix insignia.

    Emma recently got her own telepathic signature with diamond gemstones .

    Xi'an Coy Manh a.k.a. Karma still has her Buddha halo signature when controlling minds.

    And Cassandra Nova makes a Mummudrai effect while using her powers while Charles has the cerebro helmet.

    The only left out is Kwannon who relies on stolen Betsy butterflies.

  8. Didn't she also get with an alternate Sabertooth?

  9. Betsy's past with the Summers family doesn't really bother me, to be honest. I mean, her time flirting with Havok and later with Scott were both very short-lived - plus, if I remember correctly, basically everyone was attracted to and/or flirting with each other back in the Outback era. And in Scott's case, I think the most intimate contact they had was Betsy licking oil from his face, wasn't it? And after Revanche showed up and things were settled, it seems both Betsy and Scott decided to pretend the tension between them never happened (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she literally erased those memories from both Scott's mind and hers), and they've spent decades since then as only teammates.

    The affair with the Cable clones and the virtual simulation from the Danger Room were indeed messed up - then again, Spurrier's X-Force run was exploring exactly how messed up she was at that time and how she had difficulty realizing that and trying to put herself together, so it makes sense that her romantic/sexual relationships at that time would reflect her personal issues (sometimes it seems Howard and White forgot that all of this journey of Betsy reaching rock-bottom and then climbing back up had already happened when they decided to show Betsy going through all of that again in Excalibur). And come to think of it, was the real Cable actually aware of what his clones were doing? I don't recall if their memories were "downloaded" into the comatose Cable whenever they died or if he awoke with none of their memories.

    As for the affair with an alternate Sabretooth: yes, it happened in Exiles/New Exiles. In her defense, that version of him was actually a pretty decent person (and she did try to kill him at first and then remained hostile towards him for a long time, until she got used to the fact that he wasn't the same Sabretooth she knew).

    (and sorry for my absence; I haven't been very well lately)

  10. @FSaker, she has tongue-kissed Alex, Scott, and Rachel. And had full-on intercourse with clones of Nathan. She needs to stop.

  11. Also, it's kinda unrealistic if no one inside or outside of Family Summers ever mentions her history with the family. If not in her presence, than at least behind her back. I wonder if Tini will show that kind of real human behavior on panel.

  12. @Randy, you are correct about Ray. She is literally the most unfashionable X-Man. Frumpster Max! LOL!

  13. @Rahsaan, @FSaker
    The brooding one-off's with Cable's clones made a hell of a lot more sense than this new thing with Rachel, which frankly makes me snicker uncontrollably the more I think about how incapable Tini Howard is of writing a plot with a beginning, a middle and an end. Psylocke was so burned out mentally under the black ops that she needed something that helped her cling to her humanity, and intimacy through physical contact was one such antidote. It may seem strange for Betsy to sleep with men she's not even attracted to, but Spurrier at least tried to rationalise it and it worked in the context of the story.

    The romance with Rachel reeks of desperation and does absolutely nothing to push LGBT relationships in comics.

    1. Yeah we can expect the same garbage from Howard when Knights was being hyped literally all they teased was "THE KISS!" and now they're making the selling point "the only book being led by LGBT characters" LOL fuck if the story is good i guess if the Twitter crowd is happy

  14. I think i remember betsy and jean having a conversatio (after revange memories/influence were removed from betsy) where she explains that she (betsy) finds Scott attractive but acting on it and seducing it was kwanons influence... I dont see any problem with the cable clones or the making out with a holo guy in the danger room. A human has needs... And she was not available to real/ emotional relationships at the time... I actually think she did the grown up thing... "Instead of messing up with someones else's emotions i will find another way to pleasure myself."

  15. Jean pays tribute to Betsy and it's heartwarming. Acts as compensation for Betsy being quarantined in the Otherworld and kept away from the mutant society.
