Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Knights of X #2 Spoilers

Spoilers: Merlyn gathers the regents of all provinces in the Lunatic Citadel and scolds them for not eradicating the mutants left. Merlyn takes out his rage on Mister M from Mercator and Mad Jim Jaspers from the Crooked Market, as they’re both mutants. While Mister M is absent, Jaspers is taken prisoner with the aid of blightswill, a power-dampening liquor.

Meanwhile in Lavender’s Keep, Betsy contacts the Quiet Council telepathically with the aid of a mutant circuit and updates Xavier on Otherworld, Mordred and Shogo, to Jubilee’s relief. While Kylun and Mordred spar with each other, Betsy and Rachel overhear Jaspers’ cry for help in their minds.

The team splits up, and Gambit takes Meggan, Bei, Kylun and Rachel to the Crooked Market. While Gambit smuggles food to mutants in hiding, Rachel realizes the people of the Crooked Market are terrified of blightswill and warns Betsy, who has remained in Roma’s Floating Kingdom.

Betsy leaves Shogo under Roma’s care as he is just an innocent baby. Captain Britain then takes Rictor, Shatterstar and Mordred to Blightspoke to investigate the source of the blightswill liquor and the whereabouts of Sheriff Whitechapel. The Knights of X find Blightspoke overrun by Vescoras and the Sheriff and her posse imprisoned. While Rictor, Shatterstar and Mordred fight off the Vescora army, Betsy attempts to rescue Sheriff Whitechapel; however, the Sheriff instead fakes her death to fool the Vescora. Betsy contacts Rachel and warns that her team will head off to Sevalith to look for Death.

Elsewhere, Merlyn dispatches Furies to eliminate Gambit’s team. One of the Furies detects Rachel as an anomaly, someone without alternate counterparts. Gambit’s team works together and combines their powers strategically to take down the Furies in order to free Jaspers.

In the meantime, Betsy, Rictor, Shatterstar and Mordred make it to Sevalith and are watched by the vampire Countexes.


  1. Sounds like a filler and nothing really happened. Oh Tini.

  2. Actually, there's some dialogue hinting at important plot points to come, so I wouldn't call it filler just yet

  3. The dialogue has seen great improvement. The action sequences are equally good.

  4. I feel dumb for not understanding the significance or how they decided to go looking for Sheriff Blightspoke
