Tuesday, April 5, 2022

X-Pieces of Gossip for "Destiny of X" (Spoilers)

BleedingCool: Not all X-Men gossip can be relegated to Mister Sinister's Red Diamond gossip sheet from Bar Sinister. Especially now we know he only gets it all by peeking ahead. Because, hey, Bleeding Cool can play that game too, without having to kill off chimaera clones of ourselves and Moira Mactaggert.

  1. Orra Serrata only has eyes for you. Or an eye for you.
  2. In Knights, the X stands for the ten members required by the quest. Oh gosh, oh golly, oh wow.
  3. In Legion…. well he has more personalities than ten. X is for the unknown.
  4. In Red, Thunderbird isn't joining an X-Men team, but a new Brotherhood, Vulcan is back to his old self. And Petra and Sway were never real.
  5. In Green, Nature Girl will be getting another new look.
  6. In Force Quentin Quire has gone AWOL. Maybe X marks the spot? Nightcrawler is also missing Gambit. Maybe because he's on Otherworld?
  7. Courtney Ross was the 616 version of Saturnyne, and the girlfriend of Brian Braddock, before being murdered by and impersonated by another multidimensional doppelganger, Sat-Yr-Nin. But once upon a time, Saturnyne was also Courtney Ross.
  8. Talking of precogs, Blindfold has only just been resurrected thanks to Moira Mactaggert;'s former ban on resurrecting precogs. Though Psylocke seemed to get a pass. When Psylocke was first introduced she was as a precog, something now forgotten about. But not by one of the many Captain Britains.
  9. The Altar is a mutant-only pocket dimension. The Starlight Citadel is the Lunatic Citadel. One book will give us back the Seige Perilous, the other the Circle Perilous. Either way, there is a lot perilous to go around…
  10. Chris Claremont is coming to Krakoa.


  1. Where should we start...?

    "In Knights, the X stands for the ten members required by the quest" - ...I'm pretty sure we already knew that.

    "In Red, Thunderbird isn't joining an X-Men team, but a new Brotherhood, Vulcan is back to his old self. And Petra and Sway were never real" - First things first, which Thunderbird are we talking about: John Proudstar or Neal Sharra? And this part about "Petra and Sway were never real" seems interesting.

    "Nightcrawler is also missing Gambit. Maybe because he's on Otherworld?" - Yeah, probably.

    "But once upon a time, Saturnyne was also Courtney Ross" - Does that mean that Courtney may somehow be "reborn" in Saturnyne's body and have her personality merge with Saturnyne's? I'm not going to lie; that could be cool (I was sad when Courtney was murdered). I also wonder where Sat-Yr-Nin is nowadays (her card game against Emma Frost was pretty cool).

    "Though Psylocke seemed to get a pass. When Psylocke was first introduced she was as a precog, something now forgotten about." - I hope that, by "Psylocke", they mean "Betsy" and NOT "Kwannon". No offense to Kwannon, but AFAIK, she has NEVER been a precog - and she should NOT become one now (they do mention "Captain Britain" in the end, so I guess they're talking about Betsy, but we never know when it comes to Marvel).

    "Chris Claremont is coming to Krakoa" - Claremont is responsible for the best X-Men run EVER, and I can never thank him enough for his amazing stories back in the 1970s-1980s. That said, I hope he stays as far away from Betsy as possible; every time he has written her after he left the X-books for the first time, the result has always been poor (new powers coming out of nowhere; cheap death fighting Vargas; the dreadful First Fallen story; spending a couple years stuck with the Exiles while the X-Men were finally having a great event again in Messiah CompleX...).

  2. Oh, one more thing: my previous comment considers that "Chris Claremont is coming to Krakoa" means that Marvel hired Claremont to write a new X-book. It just now occurred to me that "Chris Claremont is coming to Krakoa" could also mean that Claremont will somehow appear in Krakoa as a character. That would be... weird, but it could also be interesting.

  3. Do we believe that this is like the butterfly effect finally returning…

    Basically Tini and Editors realized after us talking about this online the last two plus years that it was a really wack oversight that Moira would not recall in all her research that Betsy is capable of unpredictably random precognition which might hurt her plans?? Though, they’re late as usual now that Moira’s cat is out the bag. sigh.

    1. And instead of allowing Elizabeth to be part of major ish like Inferno, her precognition will most likely be a mention in a what will likely prove a non-sequitur arc? Lol

    2. Yeah but to be fair. They haven't had her use that ability for years lol.

      Is this actually real spoilers? I can't really figure if this is real or not lol.

      If she gets her precog abilities back that would be good. It would differentiate her abilities from Kwannon's a little more.

    3. She technically never lost them. They always came on randomly and without her having any kind of control over the ability. Which is why I think it was dumb of Moira (or the writers and editors) to disregard. Someone with no conscious control over an ability that is a danger to my plans would be someone who I would definitely be worried about accidentally stumbling upon my plans and then consciously and deliberately deciding to spoil said plans.

    4. Especially, when I know said someone to have more moral integrity than me.

    5. Which is the case as Moira basically as no moral integrity.

  4. IIRC, the real Psylocke (not Kwannon) never manifested precog abilities after going through The Seige Perilous and undergoing the body swap. It was kind of assumed that it had been lost through those. I had always personally toyed with the idea that she never lost it and thought it could be cool to explore. Under the present writers/editors and their immeasurable propensity to f$&@ things up, I am assuming this is going to blow.

    Like are the really going to give it to Kwannon instead of Elizabeth? And the whole “it’s got a pass from Moira” just seems sloppy and lazy and it really just solidifies how inconsequential she has been. I’m assuming this story will be just as lazy, sloppy, and the real Psylocke as inconsequential as ever.

    1. She had a precog flash or two when Jim Lee was still on XMen after CC left but not since then but she was ofc at that point already in Kwannons body

    2. @Some, Randy is correct. She manifested it in that arc the blue team had with Fenris, Sabes, the Hand and Maverick where she pretended to be under the conditioning of the Hand again. There is an image in this article.


  5. @FSaker Thunderbird is John Proudstar.

    Marvel chose the logical and right decision to give John his legacy back unlike with Psylocke for which Marvel decided to tramble Betsy's history as Psylocke and favor the erotica ninja mold.

    For Saturnyne chances are few Courtney to merge with her counterpart or counterparts. Opal Luna Saturnyne has solidified her presence in the magic realm much like Sa-tyr-9 has become the dark Beast equivalent and Goblin Queen.

    I doubt Marvel editors will commit another transgression against Betsy and give another power of Betsy to Kwannon.

    They start to understand the butterfly is integral to Betsy's existence together with her initial precognition power and psionic fortitude. In case they piled everything Betsy on Kwannon the weight would crush Kwannon for being a perfect ripoff.

  6. Oh Gosh, Oh Golly, Oh Wow...Widget is joining Knights of X?

    1. @Flying Negro, whatever happened to Widget aka DOFP Kate?

  7. @FSaker Marvel avoided the mistake they made with Betsy making her to step down from Psylocke and gave John Proudstar back his legacy name Thunderbird. Neal Shaara will be given something along his Indian origins.

    Safe to predict Courtney remains a different entity for Saturnyne is established and with a fan base of her own the way Madelyne Pryor has as the Goblin Queen separate from Jean Grey.

  8. @FSaker power wise Betsy had precognition before her telepathy and telekinesis fully emerged. For that I can't see Marvel let Kwannon borrow more from Betsy because Kwannon will be a perfect imitation of Betsy. I'm glad they stopped forcing the butterfly and purple hair on Kwannon to let her develop as original she can be out of her retcon tool origin.

    It's interesting to see Claremont return to writing duties for the X-Men and the plans he has hatched all these years paid to abstain.

    I'm eager to see Claremont's reaction to what has been done to his Psylocke creation now that the mantle has been vacated by his character Betsy and taken by another writer's, Nicieza who didn't come up with the concept.

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