Friday, March 4, 2022

Marvel Contest of Champions Reveal: Captain Britain


  1. Very cool! Betsy looks amazing

  2. Funny the portrait of the character in games while in the magazine she's.... well we all know it

  3. I would not mind at all a display of these powersets and abilities in the comic.
    But she is a damn loser. Betsy doesn't need the amulet, she's powerful enough but still, she's got the amulet, the mix of both could put her close to Thor in therms of powerful.
    But in Tini's crappy comic, she doesn't shine she doesn't have cool fighting scenes. Everything is meh. Why is so hard to make her cool and likable?
    I still think we are going to keep Kwannon as asian Psylocke for obvious reasons but Betsy as CB is not going to make it. And the writer is to blame this for.
    Brian will be CB again eventually, Kwannon will be Psylocke and Betsy will go to limbo.
    Sad. I wish she stayed asian to be honest.

    1. Was with you till "I wish she stayed Asian".

      Na na na ain't the real Betsy love wishing she wears another skin to be badass. Betsy was slaying left right before the change she can fly solo on her real body and take names.

      Racism goes both ways one for POCs and one for Whites. $h!tty writing for Betsy is kinda racist like ban her from whooping @$$ with kicks and punches. She does it here without the ninja crap.

  4. Can someone tag Tini and ask her to take note that this is how Elizabeth Braddock should be written?

    1. Tini sees the trailer and shes like "not my betsy" 😂

  5. Tini can write Betsy like that if she wants, she just doesn't want to smh.

    Reread the issue where Malice takes over Betsy's body.

    She used the Psi blade, astral butterfly, psi shrapnel daggers, mind controlled Brian, took down Rogue & Rictor etc etc.

    I also don't think Betsy needed to remain Asian.

    Dissasembled Betsy was great. I think Kwannon needed to stay dead or get her own empathic powerset & codename upon resurrection.

    The majority of the time Betsy was drawn looking like a white woman anyway, most people probably wouldn't have even noticed a difference. Especially if she kept the ninja skills front and center.

    1. Use to call the skimpy ninja Revanche but Psyclone is tempting me. Joke's on Marvel for making a joke outta two different chars.

  6. What I meant is that Betsy getting her original body back (by herself) was promising but end up being more complicated again.
    If she was back in her original body, why get Kwannon back to life, only to be asian Betsy? She could had another identity of her own, her own costume and traits, and go by Revanche, wich is an excellent codename.

    We end up having more issues, Kwannon slays as the asian version of Psylocke, and Betsy sucks as CB.
    Then why all this narrative?

    Why can't Betsy still be Psylocke with her original body, and have the butterfly effect, the psi blast, the psi knife and blade?
    Where are her fighting skills? She forgot about them when she was back in her British body?
    Drop that stupid shield she is not Black Knight. She can make a TK forcefield.
    Marvel, get your shit together!

    1. Cause sjws got triggered by yellowface Betsy and double triggered for losing the Asian token Psylocke. Can't please em activists.

      I was all in getting Betsy in her body away from the coochie cutter. Mahmud Asrar did awesomeness with his Psylocke costume but activists strike and took it down.

      The whole shebang was Cebulski and co secure their sexy blow up doll cash grabing the fan thirst.

  7. Still how many damn Wolverines we got? Logan, X-23, Daken, even more.
    Why can't we have 2 telepaths with similar traits but at the same time, each one with uniqueness.
    Give the katanas to Revanche and a new unique costume, medium level telepathy, I don't know even psychic shurikens.
    Let Betsy be Psylocke with her butterfly signature, telepathy, precognitive powers and psiknife, psi blast, tk blade and keep her fighting abilities, she is a fucking warrior.
    Is that really that hard?

    Ugh, I hate what Marvel did to Betsy.

    1. Agreed. I always felt the same logic can apply to Betsy and Kwannon. Don't forget about the red heads associated with the Phoenix running around too. They could easily have both characters doing their own thing sharing traits and it not be as difficult to follow as everyone swears it is.

  8. Wow, that's a great trailer!

    As for the Betsy/Kwannon debate, I agree that giving Kwannon the "Psylocke" identity wasn't the best decision - it's maybe a good way to keep the psychic ninja known by the casual audience around, but it takes a lot away from, you know, the original Psylocke, who's suddenly stripped of her identity. Not to mention that Kwannon ends up looking like she doesn't have an identity either and is once again being merely a "body" for Psylocke rather than a character of her own.

    That said, the idea of giving Betsy a new identity could have worked if Marvel had put some effort into making her an engaging Captain Britain from the start. Sadly, they failed hard; it wasn't until the final Excalibur arc that Howard managed to convince me that Betsy was a good CB, while a big part of the run was wasted to show Betsy's insecurities (which isn't a bad idea per se, but it was already done before - and better - by Spurrier and by even by Humphries, and it took too many issues in the Excalibur run to be resolved).

    Having her "die" in her first battle in X of Swords and vanish was the "icing" of the cake (and the worst part is, Hickman and Howard could have salvaged it if Betsy appeared in the final issue of XoS leading the Captain Britain Corps into battle and surprising everyone who thought she was dead... and they just didn't do it).

    Complaints aside, the idea of Betsy using her powers as a knight can work if done correctly, as this trailer shows. Her sword and shield moves look great.

  9. I hate Marvel for booting Betsy out of Psylocke. For me Khannon is a sexy uniform Betsy was wearing and Marvel's COC knows it. Description writes past and present Betsy before when she was stuck in Kwannon and after she found her body.

  10. @Kuno Marvel can't rewrite Khannon as the Betsy Psylocke. Chris Claremont is the creator of Betsy and of the name Psylocke he will stomp foot and want his copyrights fixed like he created them the first time.

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