Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Marvel Contest of Champions Wallpapers


  1. I love numbers two and three. With his former flames coming to blows, I wonder if we’ll ever see Neal Sharra in comic books again.

    1. I dug the chemistry between Bets and Neal. It’d be nice to see them interact again on some level even if not as lovers.

  2. I didn't like Neal lol. I still remember when Betsy got dressed up for him in some special garb cause it pleased her to please him.

    It just annoyed me lol.

  3. "I still remember when Betsy got dressed up for him in some special garb cause it pleased her to please him"

    Yes, that was a terrible line. And quite odd, since it seems to fit with the idea that women should be submissive to men - despite Betsy clearly being the person in charge of their relationship.

    That said, Neal was a nice person, from what I remember. Some people may say that he moved on from her loss a little too fast, but I don't think Betsy herself would mind; she doesn't strike me as the kind of person who wants an everlasting love where both sides are tied to each other in life and in death.

    I don't see the two of them deciding to restart their romance, but I can see them being on friendly terms. Just like I suppose she would be with most of her former boyfriends (Fantomex maybe being the only exception, which is kinda sad; their relationship ended in an awful way, but they had a lot of chemistry in Remender's run and Fantomex was actually a very caring partner to her in that run).

  4. But back to Neal, was it ever shown whether Betsy and Karima are aware that both of them dated him?

    Not that I think there would be any problem if they found out, since neither of them seems to even remember that Neal exists. Karima becoming a cyborg trying to eradicate mutantkind might be a more convincing reason for them to fight each other.

    1. FSaker, no, they’ve never discussed their mutual connection in Neal. At least, not on panel. As for Karima’s current mission, please stay tuned. I think you are a few months behind and her current modus operandi (and what happened since we last saw her back to her former self in Brian Wood’s all women X-Men volume) is explained in Jonathan Hickman’s Inferno.

    2. FSaker, Betsy and Karima discussing a shared sexual history with Neal is one thing. What I’m wondering is if nearly two-thirds of the Grey-Summers clan will discuss their shared Bets-related sexual tensions and/or history. Based on som of the panels Tini and her artists have created, it seems like we may soon add Rachel to the mix of her uncle, her dad, and her brother having those attractions and her mom at one point being a sexual rival to Bets. So messy. 😆

    3. FSaker, Betsy and Karima discussing a shared sexual history with Neal is one thing. What I’m wondering is if nearly two-thirds of the Grey-Summers clan will discuss their shared Bets-related sexual tensions and/or history. Based on som of the panels Tini and her artists have created, it seems like we may soon add Rachel to the mix of her uncle, her dad, and her brother having those attractions and her mom at one point being a sexual rival to Bets. So messy. 😆

    4. @Rahsaan Betsy likes the bad boy type. Alex, Warren, Nathan, Sabretooth, Charlie are a bit of bad boys. Neal was the one good guy she hooked up with. Wasn't Betsy slashed by Vargas I'm sure they'd tie the knot. Thirty issues in Betsy would file for divorce.

    5. @Kiki, you forgot Pete Wisdom on your scoundrels list. As for good guys, Neal is not alone. She went steady with Tom Lennox and Agent Gabriel who both were the salt of the earth.

    6. Tom was Mr.Perfect they came close to engaging. Gabriel was a sleazebag. Slaymaster and Mojo did a number on Betsy's brain she was made sucker for douchebags.

  5. Can't stand the mammy apron. I'd be pro kettle costume without the apron and the cape.

  6. Rahsaan, thank you for the information! Yes, I look forward to reading Inferno (in fact, I stopped reading X-Men until it gets published here). Hopefully Karima will have some redeeming features in it.

    And yes, Betsy has been involved with quite a lot of the Summers family... if she does get romantically involved with Rachel, this could lead to some awkward moments.

    Well, more specifically with Scott (and Jean) and Alex. I'm not sure if Nathan counts, as she was actually involved with his clones that would die in a day or so, so I guess the real Cable may not remember those.

    (by the way, I see Old Cable appearing in some covers in solicitations... is Young Cable still around as well or has Marvel ditched him in favor of Old Cable?)
