Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Jamie McKelvie Shares Character Designs for 'Captain Carter' Character ink designs for Peggy Carter, and additional cast, by Marika Cresta.
Lizzie is most likely S.T.R.I.K.E. Agent Braddock.


  1. Can't imagine Betsy wants to be called Lizzie in any timeline. Except for being brainwashed. There are other better diminutives of Elizabeth. Elle, Beth, Lisa. Lizzie sounds cartoonish for an agent.

  2. Love the look. Reminds me of her original design for Ultimate XMen.

  3. @jaime, I think Liz would be cooler than both Bets and Lizzie. I also like Bets.

  4. Lovely design and I like Liz/Lizzie. Both of which are better than her current status.

  5. Correction: I meant to say I think Liz and Bets are both cooler than Lizzie and Betsy. :-)

  6. She looks good for a Variant. Glad she is getting the attention she deserves.

  7. @Rahsaan Liz is a common name for women in Marvel. Liz Allan is the most famous.

    Betsy is one of a kind it has become trademark of Betsy like her purple hair and her butterfly iconography. Bets is the short for the Betsy short of Elizabeth which is often used by her friends and family.

    Likewise Patsy Walker is grabbing your attention. Trish for Patricia is weak for Hellcat. Lizzie and Liz is weak for Psylocke and Captain Britain especially for a Strike agent.

  8. It's sad when a variant is more Betsy than the 616 version is.

  9. Betsy with less than shoulder hair length is a Britney meltdown alarm. The 90s did her filthy.
