Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Marvel Announces "Knights of X" by Tini Howard & Bob Quinn

The fate of Otherworld is in danger! Tini Howard and Bob Quinn begin a new quest of mutants and magic in 'Knights of X' this April.


  1. I love Elizabeth's cute, little, eyes-in-wings psi-self.

    1. Me too. it's like a modern version or how it originally had the spooky eyes in the 80s

  2. I love it when the butterfly has eyes!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Why? Because the eyes are the windows to Elizabeth's soul. Most telepaths in the Marvel Universe have astral avatars that resemble their physical forms, but Elizabeth is unique in that her astral form/psi-self looks like a butterfly with eyes in its wings. I've always thought of the eyes as those she sees through and that those she is communicating with see her soul through. Like these scenes where others seem to be looking directly into the eyes when interacting with "the butterfly":

    1. I was talking about our Wonder writer, not about the butterfly effect, that considering how she is written i didn't doubt that is kwannon...

  5. The butterfly is here I'll bitch about less and less period

  6. It's really nice to see the retro/eerie eye butterfly. Think that power design faded out when she got turned Asian. Wonder if the Betsy in the circle is our lady or the one who only learned to focus her psychic totality into magics? Think her name was Elsbeth or something?

  7. And where's the Betsy Isca rematch the first was set up.

  8. I'm glad to see the butterfly back, but I hate the idea of KoX being even more detached from the Krakoan society than Excalibur already was.

    And that preview art indicating dragon-Shogo as a possible character in this book worries me - again, it was cute the first time, as a way to show a baby's fantasy coming true, but now it's just plain wrong. Really, why can't Jubilee let someone babysit him while she goes to Otherworld? Even if she's worried about antimutant forces attacking Krakoa while she's gone, it's not like he's safer in Otherworld - in fact, he has already been injured there. In Krakoa, at least he'd have the protection of people like Magneto, Exodus, Jean, Hope and other very powerful mutants.

  9. Here's hoping there's no horrible global issues that cause shipping issues or any company wide X-Men or AvX events. Tini's story telling is shaky but those delays/shortchanges & events hurt Excalibur.

  10. @Alex, the cute little butterfly with eyes in wings astral form did disappear for years when she was Asian and instead her astral form looked like her physical body like many other telepaths. However, it later reappeared during the Nightcralwer 2014-2015 series drawn by Nanuk, but not as intricately drawn as we have seen it by Davis, To, and Reiss. I'm not even sure if it had eyes in its wings in the Nightcrawler series.

    I'm really glad to see it back as it's so unique to Elizabeth.

    And I know I'm of a minority opinion, but I prefer when it's colored a glowing yellow and white like how it was originally. The yellow and white pop way more in contrast to her hair and outfit colors. And the yellow and white look more like unbridled, powerful energy to me. Sometimes, I tire of all the pink and purple, and I think it being yellow and white is a nice complement to her styled colors and a callback to the color of her energy signature in her Marvel UK days.

  11. @Rahsaan, that's a good point about the butterfly's color!

    But I wonder, now that she's Captain Britain, shouldn't the butterfly be blue, white and/or red?

  12. @Unknown, thanks for clarifying that you didn't mean the astral form but instead Howard's insistence on removing Elizabeth from Krakoa's affairs. I cannot stomach two more years of fruitless rabbit holes. I pray this story somehow ties Jim Jaspers, the Furies, etc. to Nimrod and the Phalanx. I have no use for Merlyn, Arthur, and Morgan. I just have to admit that Tini's writing style may be for some, but not for me, including much of the dialogue.

    @FSaker, no need for a red/white/blue astral self. The yellow and white are perfect as is and she had the yellow and white back while she was wearing pink and purple (but they did switch to it being pink) shortly after. I still think the yellow/white energy signature looks way more powerful and complements her colors without being overly matchy-match.

  13. Elated to see more of Betsy's butterfly. The eyes in the butterfly hold the charm for their purpose was blinded Betsy to see and feel her surroundings which is a focal point of the butterfly reminding us Betsy was a disabled person and carries those memories and strengths in spite of vision damage repair. Also the butterfly brings Betsy's cute and elegant side to the table after claiming the Captain Britain mantle.

  14. I remember there was a Greg Land cover with a split image of Betsy and Kwannon. Betsy manifested her butterfly as a means of astral form or projection and Kwannan her psychic knife and katana.

    That cover sums up the differences of the two women and their souls' expressions. Betsy is the cute and frail but strong butterfly and Kwannon the lethal ninja with a sharp katana.

  15. @Jaime Braz, great observation! And there's also that variant cover by Russell Dauterman for Hellions #13 showing almost all versions of Betsy and Kwannon throughout the decades, with the two versions at the center being 1990s ninja Psylocke (representing Kwannon) and 1980s Outback Psylocke (representing Betsy) - the ninja with the psi-knife, and the one in armor and cloak with the butterfly effect.

  16. @FSaker Dauterman's cover is a second example of their different powers and symbologies. The artists have the inherent talent to tell apart trademarks of characters and their physiologies compared to writers like Brian Edward Hill and Zeb Wells who got confused by the obvious showing in their narratives.

    Betsy's messy body change-swap history makes it complicated therefore we must remind writers and editors the butterfly is Betsy and the knife is Kwannon.

  17. I would also add and praise the effort of artists who differentiate Betsy and Kwannon by their hair colors. Betsy is back to her trademark purple hair and Kwannon returned to her natural black hair color and Asian face.

  18. Elizabeth = The Iron Fist in A Velvet Glove

    @Jaime, agreed. I have always likened that saying to her. I do hope to see her use martial arts in KoX since Tini has shown that she still recalls her hand to hand combat skills in that one issue after XoS.

  19. @Fsaker & @Jamie I respectively disagree.

    That cover was similar to a cover that was later made for Warren/Archangel representing his two sides.

    The image in the cover is Both of Betsy. One in her original body & one in Kwannon's representing different sides of her, very different but both equally strong.

    Kwannon barely even registered as a psi originally. Basically a low level empath who "at times" registered telepathic potential. Making a psychic blade would have been basically impossible for her lol. Until she was granted half of Betsy's psychic abilities after Spiral's meddling (which she returned when she died, so no clue how she's a psi now).

    When Kwannon did show up in Betsy's originally body as Revanche, ironically it was she who preferred a psychic sword & Betsy the blade.

    It now seems reversed lol.

  20. In other news, the Trial of Magneto miniseries ends next week, right?

    The reveal of who tried to kill Wanda doesn't make me much interested - Betsy barely stays in Krakoa these days, so I doubt she has any chance of being the culprit (or of appearing in the final issue at all). What really makes me curious is that people were considering Wanda's death would be used as a way to make her a mutant again due to the new body she would get from the Five - however, it turned out that she "resurrected" in the same body that was "killed", so I wonder if there's still any chance that Marvel will retcon her (and maybe Pietro as well) as being mutants again.

    Then again, most X-readers seem to despise Wanda, so maybe the best decision would be to keep her and Pietro as "artificially-superpowered beings" and keep them as far away from Krakoa as possible.

  21. @FSaker,

    I think they should keep them as artificially super-powered beings. Both have their fanbases but Wanda & to an extent, Pietro, have done more damage than Magneto ever could to the X-Men & Avengers. Even making them mutants again won't help most mutants from hating her.

    Basically a damned if you do/don't kinda situation for her character.

  22. @Jaime and @FSaker, I agree with @X-Man. The psychic knife is all Betsy. What we saw in "The Key That Breaks The Locke" (Uncanny Vol. 1, No. 256) was all Betsy's life including her blindness and her relationships. The blade is the focused totality of her power. Kwannon who had no telepathy has nothing to do with it other than it first being manifested in her body. Especially, since we have seen on multiple occasions that Betsy can manifest in her own body, including the Sisterhood arc, Disassembled, Age of X-Man, and in Excalibur.

    As for the butterfly's eyes, I love @Jaime's interpretation that they're an extension of her sight beyond her former disability. It's quite beautiful and poetic and maybe that's what Claremont wanted to convey. Thank you for making us consider that as it never dawned on me but makes perfect sense. I am not sure though that was the case as the first time we actually saw this version of her astral form displayed was Uncanny No. 213 if I'm correct. When she was still blind in New Mutants Annual No. 2 and before, I don't think she displayed the butterfly on-panel yet. That being said, I actually love your interpretation and would love it if Office X did read this conversation and make it official canon.

  23. The CB corps of betsy... it seems they all are telepaths... and how an army of telepaths fought by hand?

  24. @Unknown, that's what's called uninspired writing. I don't mind telepaths using a combination of physical and telepathic warfare. You are correct. Their telepathy should be used as a strategic advantage in waging physical combat. If physical combat is even necessary. A writer who values reader intelligence should realize that we might question why a whole army of Elizabeth Braddock counterparts wouldn't be synching their collective telepathy and using it offensively to take out their enemies. Or at the very least, the writer should be writing into the story why that is not an optimal tactic, such as some kind of mystical defense that Arthur and Merlyn's forces have that makes them invulnerable to the extreme telepathic potency of an army of Besty Braddock counterparts. Especially, since 616 Besty has been proven to be one of the world's most formidable telepaths on he own. Not to mention, an extremely powerful telekinetic. I would assume that some if not all of the Corps members are also extremely powerful telepaths/telekinetics.

    This is why I feel like the writing in this book often feels uninspired because it regularly ignores in-lore logic.

    1. I don't know why i can select a profile :). Anyway... this thing Just shows why there's no sense in betsy being CB. Brian doesn't have powers. Betsy in other hand does. And isn't something forgetable...

    2. Sadly she's not the only writer to do this. I still get annoyed as to why Jean/Betsy never combined their telepathy to attack Legion's mind anytime I read the team's encounter with him in Legionquest lol. Smh.

      Btw @Rahsaan I'm not a fan of the yellow butterfly, but I did recently see a pic of a purple astral butterfly with yellow eyes that could be a great compromise for fans of both. I meant to post it. I'll have to see if I can find it again lol.

  25. For me, one of the worst things a writer can do in literature, television, film, and theater is to discount the intellectual abilities of their audiences. For me, Excalibur and several other X-Books regularly do that with really incomplete writing. And the editors should be catching these omissions and making the writers revise them before going to print.

  26. @X-Man, pics or it didn't happen! LOL!

    If you find it again, please share it. I wonder though would I like the yellow one as much as I do if I saw someone draw it as intricately as Davis did colored pink instead. Every time we have seen it colored pink even when drawn with detail by artists like Silvestri, To, and now Reiss, it never has much detail as it did when Davis drew it during her earliest days in Uncanny. I would have loved to Lee draw it during his run. He did draw the butterfly effect around her and others with great detail when she was telepathically communicating, but he never drew her astral psi-self.

    That being said, some of the times when Besty has looked her most powerful to me she has had the yellow power signature:

    Image 2 above with the panel of her blasting Creed remains one of the best displays of her power to this day due to Davis' detail. I would love to see Davis draw her using her powers with a contemporary color artist applying color (pink or yellow) now that they use digital vs. ink.

    Hell, the scene where she killed Captain Briton (who brother's imposter), she looked super powerful and her signature was blue there:

    Don't get me wrong. We have seen some powerful displays in the pink, like during Disassembled. Though what I'm hoping is that Reiss and future efforts start to put some detail into how their draw her energy signature and her astral projection.

    I think my second favorite depictions of her energy signature were by Lee/Williams in the panels below. Though we never saw her psi-self during Lee/Williams' run. They did a wonderful job on detailing her power signature:

  27. @Fsaker,

    The Trial of Magneto started off strong in issue one and then became incredibly bad incredibly fast. I loved Leah's work on X-Factor, but Trial of Mags is such a painful read. I'm at the point where I don't even care who killed Wanda and just want the mini to end. Are you currently reading it? I know things are released later where you are, so I don't want to spoil, but there is a fight that is going on in the last couple of issues that is like something out of a Godzilla movie and I'm just like "What the hell is the point of all this?"

    Inferno is still solid and really the only book that is currently exciting me along with Hellions which is over.

  28. @Rahsaan every individual focuses on their point of view and I happen to be disabled that is the reason Betsy's blindness and her artificial eyes are close to me therefore Betsy's butterfly is so meaningful to me. It is an aspect of Betsy that is embedded by experience in her character and she knows at heart what means to be blind.

    Whenever the butterfly is detached from her eye area and floats it needs to have her eyes on its wings for her to communicate on the astral level. I welcome this homage to Betsy's X-Men origins with great joy.

    Whoever thought of this comeback be it Tini Howard or Marcus To has my absolute gratitude because they remembered Betsy was a disabled person and honor that experience of hers with the eyes butterfly of Davis.

    Concerning the coloring of the butterfly I have no particular color as long as it looks as above with butterfly wings ending in abstract eyelashes and the butterfly antennae. That style captures the "iron fist in a velvet glove" you mentioned about Betsy perfectly.

  29. @Rahsaan & others this is it. I guess it's more kinda whiteish with a purplish tinge, but I can dig it lol.

  30. @FSaker the trial of Magneto is a weak story-telling trying to fix a convoluted mess similar to Betsy's racial and cultural transformation about the relations of Magneto with the Maximoff twins.

    Wanda and Pietro are the Maximoffs of Romani/Gypsy background having nothing to do with Magneto who abused them for years and are his plain foster children while Lorna is his biological daughter.

    Wanda and Pietro had a retcon origin story that explained they were experimented upon by the High Evolutionary the much successful type of Mister Sinister. However was it really a retcon or their original origin?

    The High Evolutionary connects to Bova another of his creations like Dempsey and Bova was tasked by the High Evolutionary to raise the Maximoff twins. Wanda's and Pietro's origins should remain tied to the High Evolutionary as Romani orphans who had the misfortune to meet Magneto through his romance with their mother.

  31. @X-Man I've never seen that cover with Betsy! Possibly some kind of anniversary trade or premium collection for Claremont's run.

    Examining Betsy's butterfly I assume it is a prototype that was meant to evolve into the actual eyes butterfly with fully developed wings. The center features the body of a butterfly with psychic antennae. Fascinating as Beast would say.

    1. @Jaime I heard that "fascinating" in the cartoon Beast's voice lol.

      Yeah I think it's a revamped cover or something, but I could dig that butterfly.

      It has a cool "spectral" feel to it and I actually enjoy the yellow glowing eyes here.

  32. @X-Man the cover is certainly special. A missed opportunity to be the official cover for the Uncanny X-Men #213.

    Speaking of the Beast, the Excalibur lacks in grotesque and bestial members. Nightcrawler and Neuri Meggan were the magic creature staples of Excalibur.

    Nightcrawler is absent and Meggan hasn't transformed into her Neuri self at all lately.

    Rictor was a left choice for the title and to become wizard. Rahne Sinclair his ex who is a werewolf and a wolf fits into the Otherworld and is Scottish I think.

    Bei herself is an unexpected pick. Kylun who grew up in Otherworld and has sonic based powers and a lion appearance is a preferable choice.

    If Jubilee wasn't cured of vampirism and somehow kept her mutant powers, Excalibur and Knights of X would consist of a full set of supernatural beings.
