Friday, December 3, 2021

Happy 45th Anniversary, Betsy Braddock!

December marks the 45th anniversary of Betsy Braddock's first appearance in Captain Britain vol. 1 #8 (1976). “To Elizabeth. Long may she reign!”


  1. Happy anniversary, Betts!

    These two files look great! And I love the eras chosen for the second one!

    The red, white and blue wig looked very cool at the time she had it. It probably wouldn't be cool nowadays, but it doesn't look bad at all (then again, is there anything drawn by Alan Davis that looks bad?).

    It's a good thing that Kwannon is now mostly drawn with black hair, though, because I wouldn't put it past Marvel to give her the purple hair and make Betsy "decide" to dye her hair red, white and blue like that wig... fortunately they let Betsy keep at least her hair color.

  2. Again this debate? Hair color is not really that big of a deal.

    Betsy now sucks big time, I totally hate her as Captain Britain. I would take her dead limbo era past Xtreme or her New Exiles era when she was wearing a strapless top. I loathe Excalibur and her as CB with passion.

    Instead reinventing Kwannon as Revanche and give her separate traits of her own (or leave the messy body swap for good as they should) they turned Betsy in this crap knight weak character and left Kwannon exactly as asian Betsy but, oh wait with dark hair.
    I don't give a fuck about Kwannon having dark purple hair. I'm worried because she is featured in more books and its more recognizable while Betsy sucks after more than 2 years wasted on this CB D&D crap. She is not featured in videogames, or doesn't even have an action figure.

    It blows my mind why some people is just happy because Kwannon has dark hair and Betsy kept her "lavender" hair. Gurl, Kwannon is stealing Betsy powers and identity, fuck, even her codename and WINNING, while Betsy is going straight to limbo thanks to that Tini bitch and her pathetic book and pathetic weak new knight identity, stolen from her brother.

    I need a real writer to take over Betsy and undo this fucking mess.

    1. Imo the tone of the first post isn't even close to being thrilled with Betsy's current situation.

      @Fsaker appears to be saying what they are still thankful for in terms of the things that haven't been stolen from Betsy and just counting the blessings for the things Betsy has been allowed to keep that make her unique.

      One of those things is her signature hair color. It's as iconic to Betsy as the butterfly (which for some reason she has to share with Kwannon).

      I'm also thrilled she's gotten to keep the purple hair.

      That doesn't automatically mean I love Betsy's situation. Far from it lol.

      I don't want to speak for @Fsaker, but it looks they have a similar position based on what I read above.

  3. Also why is this blog and that image in the right side trying to make like asian Betsy didn't happened?

    Seriously I was hoping for Betsy to recover her original body since forever, but I always thought she would keep the martial arts badassery but after what turned out to be a massive disappointment I wish she would had stayed asian and badass and as a prominent character.
    Im tired of the body swap crap and this pathetic British Betsy.
    Wish it would never happened.

  4. @Kuno Chillax hun before your tits droop. Betsy was born White not Asian. Knight, ninja or nah that's who's Betsy a purple haired White woman played by kooky writers to a coochie cutter shangri lala fetish for quite a loooong time.

    Shift your blame from the rehab of Betsy to White roots to the crappin of writers Tini Howard, Brian Edward Hill and Zeb Wells on Betsy trying to demonize Betsy change her to racist White rich girl of the bunch and praise Revanche like the racial sexist porn token she is.

  5. Happy anniversary Betsy! Hold up girl they don't love you like we luv you.

    Flutter like a butterfly and sting them haters like a bee.

  6. Happy Anniversary Betts! We love you!! #FreeBetsy!!

  7. We know Asrar and Marcus To are done with Excalibur hopefully Howard is too. Hoping for an amazing new creative team with a writer with real talent

    1. @Randybear I'm hoping Excalibur is done too. Or at least Brian gets CB back. Betsy said it best herself, she doesn't need the CB powerset to be lethal. I much rather see her using her psi abilities creatively and be "in service" to Krakoa. I need a very long break from Otherworld lol.

    2. I like Otherworld if done properly. 25 issues felt like they just ran around a generic forest as a backdrop

    3. I too have to to say that I am completely over Otherworld and feeling like the mutants in this book are very outside of the main themes of Krakoa. Even with SWORD being in space, it still feels connected to Krakoa in way that Excalibur does not. That may also be due to Ewing’s writing being more cohesive than Howard’s. The Otherworld arc in Uncanny X-Force was easily one of my least favorite arcs. However, I think that was in part due to it being right after OpeƱa stopped penciling the series and I did not enjoy the art afterward at all save for the arc in Age of Apocalypse.

    4. It would be cool if some of Betsys enemies were brought into the mix for some familiarity. I could see Spiral or Shadow King doing crazy stuff in Otherworld

    5. Agreed @Rahsaan about Otherworld in X-Force as well. I think I'm just not interested in it overall lol. A trip here and there is fine I guess, but not all the time.

      Another reason I want Betts out of the CB gig if it means being in service to that realm and thus her adventures tied to it.

  8. @X-Man, yes, you're right. I'm glad she kept her purple hair, but annoyed that she had to lose so many other traits like her codename (this is the one that hurts the most, in my opinion) and her status as a telepath (yes, she's still a telepath, but it became a secondary power in her characterization).

    But I understand Kuno's response; my stance on Betsy's current situation wasn't clear in the way I wrote the first comment. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  9. @FSaker, sorry if it felt like a personal attack, it wasn't personal.
    I'm just super burned out about Betsy's current situation, so for me even though I'm glad too that Betsy kept her hair color, what I mean is that Kwannon is asian Betsy, black or purple hair, sadly. And current British CB Betsy is unbereable.

    I really hope we are close to a relaunch or a completely new era for Betsy because I'm hating every moment of these last wasted 3 years.

    @Kiki I put my man tits to chill, you made me laugh.

  10. @Kuno, don't worry, I didn't think it was an attack. And you did raise good points in your comment.

    @X-Man, exactly! In fact, please correct me if I'm wrong, but the classic Excalibur team (Brian, Meggan, Kitty, Kurt, Rachel) wasn't in Otherworld all the time, were they? I think many of their stories took place on Earth...

  11. You lot act like Betsy has never had badly written eras before. She's celebrating 45 damn years with the last ten being some of the best she ever had. If you really think 2 years of Kwannon having some decent moments (when all she's doing is being Betsy circa UXF) is going to overtake that you'r being ridiculous. It's fine to not enjoy the run or some of the things done but calling Tini a bitch is also completely unnecessary.

    CB rumors and easter eggs all throughout the MCU and you think Betsy is going anywhere? Get a grip.

  12. Has anyone here seen the Destiny of X teaser?

    Good news: Betsy is in it.

    News that can be good or bad depending on each person's opinion: it seems she will continue to be Captain Britain (and will continue to wear the armor).

    But to be honest, as much as I love Betsy, my attention turned to Emma wearing her outfit from Morrison's New X-Men. I hope she'll actually wear it in this new era, rather than just appearing with it for the teaser. Also, I didn't like Ororo's outfit when I first looked it, but it grew on me in a matter of few MINUTES. She looks fantastic!

    1. I'm sad she's still CB and in that armor lol.

      A lot are upset she's in the back, but that didn't really bother me. Destiny is also in the back and we know she's a main character so lol.

  13. Happy anniversary to Betsy Braddock the Braddocks and her fans.
