Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Excalibur #22 Variant Cover by Phil Noto


  1. I want this crap to end so bad. Cmon Marvel!

  2. Please let this be the last number!

  3. Ric looks terrible on this cover 😆

  4. I reread the new Excalibur run up to this point to get the big picture and it was disjointed and heartbreaking.

    A torture to flip through the thickness of complexity and lackluster narration. You don't realize in monthly bites until you swallow the whole chunk. It's bitter.

    I have to apologize for sticking by Tini Howard turning a blind eye to the things that weigh this book down.

    The editors and editor in chief will never issue a sorry for ruining Betsy. Nor apologize for the atrocious Captain Britain costume. Phil Noto helped me understand why it doesn't work.

    Now I get your disappointment.

  5. I'm normally a fan of Noto's work. He's drawn a few of my favorite Betsy pieces over the years. This seems to be so lifeless & flat. Wonder was it a last minute variant?

  6. ...Rogue? What is she even doing in this cover?

    Run away, Rogue; grab the chance you got to move to another book and don't ever look back!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I will award 1M the one to answer why Betsy can't take a break.
