Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Excalibur #20 Art


  1. The new dynamic between Betsy and Kwannon is actually enjoyable? lol. Betsy has always been more of a guyfriends person that I find it cute when she's all friendly with Rogue and now Kawnnon.

    I guess that's because Tini is a woman. Fallen Angels which was written by a man resorted to generic female rivalry and bitchfighting.

  2. Yes, it's a pretty nice dynamic.

    The sad thing is, this may actually be the closest friendly dynamic this book ever had. Sure, I only read the first eight issues so far, but one thing that greatly annoys me in Excalibur is the way how the characters are always bickering with each other. I know, no one gets along with each other all the time, discussions are bound to happen on occasion, but not once did it look like these characters enjoy each other's company at all (at least to me) - which is quite shocking when we remember most of them have been close friends for decades...

    Both the X-Force (whose roster includes unpleasant personalities like Quentin and Beast) and the Marauders (a team with Pyro, who was an enemy of the X-Men for a long time, and Bishop, who did terrible things when he was hunting Hope) seem to get along much better than Excalibur. To me, that says a lot about this book. And not in a good way.

  3. I'm liking the Betsy/Kwannon dynamic. They don't need to be friends but they've both acknowledged even separated there still connected in some ways.

    Another thing I like is that they established there are physical differences in their bodies beyond looks. During the gala dress section. I know even after the swap became cannon, all the official X-material had both bodies at 5'11 & like 150 lbs. Always found that kinda odd, even in a franchise with aliens, magic, resurrections & just craziness that they had matching sizes.

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    2. Where did you get that? Aside from Leah’s run during AOXM where Nate gave them all fake memories. I took the part about dresses not fitting right being simply a difference in body shape and measurements. I’m a very fit and lean and muscular person and know many other fit, lean, muscular people whose clothes won’t fit me because of differences in proportions. It’s not a dumping on Betsy at all.

  4. lol nothing in this issue suggests they're retconning Kwannon as the one with super model looks. You're way overdramatic.

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    2. Unknown is correct about the story. Nothing in this book retconned Betsy’s looks. Also, Kwannon doesn’t have to be oppositional to Betsy in terms of looks. They are two distinct persons.

      Aside from Leah’s run during AOXM where Nate gave them all fake memories, such as Betsy’s dusmorphia, I have not seen it stated that Betsy was dumpy. Even in AOXM, Leah did not do that. She gave her self-image issues which many conventionally attractive people have. And again, that has not come up again since they got their real memories back and escaped Nate’s pocket universe.

      I took the part about dresses not fitting right being simply a difference in body shape and measurements. I’m a very fit and lean and muscular person and know many other fit, lean, muscular people whose clothes won’t fit me because of differences in proportions. It’s not a dumping on Betsy at all.

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    1. Caught that too lol either way all mutants can be reborn and their bodies are all essentially new even if they appear aged so they can all essentially from this "point" live an addition 70-90 yrs at the least considering the res protocols remain a thing lol

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    3. Finn yeah its a throwback to New XMen when Morrison wrote the line where she tells herself she's onl 27 after the Cuckoos call her old lol

  6. This is the writing I've waited more than a year plus for. Even though Tini, did get a couple of things wrong, unless I'm reading them in error. Betsy's statement about her original body, while talking to Alice. I don't know why they keep trying to make that some issue. Also, the time frame isn't decades, it's 4 years. Lol.

  7. I've always hated how comics, especially Marvel handeled ages. The New Mutants went from teens to all old enough to drink. Marvel aging Jubilee (finally) to be old enough to adopt. Then factor the Academy X kids who seemed to be subtly aged to late teens, then the 5 lights as new younger kids, then all the students brought in during Schism it makes the ages of the older X-Men seem confusing.

    The big issue is Marvel keeps introducing a new set of kids, calling them the next generation & they then get lost amongst everyone else, unless a writer loves you. All this sets of kids alone the OG's should be late 50's-60's.

    I had a head canon at one time that the original team, including Lorna & Alex, are in their mid to late 30's. The All-New team, late teens(Peter was said to be 19) to mid 20's. With Logan & Banshee being the outliers. Then the 80's to outback era members (Betsy, Alison, Rogue, etc) to be in their early 20's.


    Why has the narrative now become that Betsy stole the body and is a "problematic" character. I'm so tired of people who never even read Betsy's history shitting on her for something that was completely out of her control and has 0 facts to back it up.

    1. I replied to them lol. I wish I could get alerts. Non sensical arguments and victim blaming at its worst. Smh.

    2. Seriously. Its like blaming a character in a movie for a decision the director chose to make lol

    3. I also kinda like the meta message tini inserted when Betsy was fighting Malice and said something like "you flipped through my book and chose the bad parts" reminds me of the haters on twitter lol

    4. Randybear I hear you , the same can be said for people hating Kwannon for something out of her control too! Both women were victimized by men. Kwannon was even in a coma when the hand etc mind swaped them.

    5. Finn i agree and I've softened on Kwannon however its a bit different for Betsy as shes normally blamed for the swap and even being labeled as a problematical character.

  9. If you are polar bear i cant love your posts enough. Thank you.

  10. I'm all for discussing the mess that the body swap retcon being the canon but that one dude calling her problematic seems like a right tit.

    Was the swap done out of a misguided attempt to get Kwannon back? Yes. Betsy did what she thought was the best, sending them through the Siege. I seriously doubt getting dumped into someone else's body & spending years (due to writing) questioning her identity was on her mind at the time.

    They both got shit deals from the swap. Did Betsy make of a bit better? Yes. She got to grow as ninjalock, at least until editorial sent her to limbo.

    If anything I'd like to see Kwannon confront Spiral. At the same time that'd be a dead horse since Betsy's done it multiple times & seemingly made her peace with her.

    1. It would have been nice if the page where Kwannon told Betsy she wasn't at fault for what happened to them inwush they had show mojo/spiral and matsuo etc in the background to really emphasis the fact that they were changed by others most notably Kwannons lover at the time

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    1. I think you are using the definition of woke incorrectly. Woke is the exact opposite of ignorance to history and the Twitter people you regularly speak of seem to be incorrect in their knowledge of history.

    2. Same. Its not even worth engaging. Theyre straight up bullies if you try and counter their opinion they will quote retweet as a dog whistle for their followers to attack you.

    3. @Randybear that's fine. I have facts & screenshots to back me up lol.

      I think a lot of them don't even care about Kwannon, they just want an excuse to be an ass towards Betsy lol.

      If they loved Kwannon as much as they claim, then they should know her history lol.

      They clearly dont imo.

    4. Y’all are giving them a lot of energy by speaking on them on this blog where they don’t seem to be. Release them from your minds. Especially, because this is all over comic books which are half the time not that consequential to begin with. 💜

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    6. @XMan lol I dont doubt you can take care of yourself 🤗

    7. Lol thanks @Randybear. They never answer me back. Oh well lol.

  12. I hope we can make this space a peaceful space were women characters like Betsy and even Kwannon can be respected because lets be real none of then pulled the strings when the body swapping storyline happened 🙏😇

    1. @Finn I'm fine with that, I never blamed Kwannon for that (although I still maintain it was done for her benefit, not Betsy's). I blamed her for the unnecessary attitude she was giving a fellow victim in the swap lol.

  13. @Rahsaan,
    I agree with the body image issues, everyone has them, even commercially attractive people. I can't tell you how many models & entertainment people I know who are overly critical of their bodies. Or with total dismorphia that's worsened in the industry.

    Betsy's modeling days have never truly been fleshed out other than here she is in some photos & a runway shot. It would be cool is Excalibur touched on that & STRIKE. Especially since editorial seems hellbent on reconfiguring her character.

    I've said before that yes it's a comic, but I always found the idea that both bodies where the exact same height, weight & build odd. If you look at it back when Kwannon's body was just supposed to be Betsy;s but modded, I got the idea that the athletic build was Betsy's dream body. Especially since the Siege gives you a twisted version of your hearts desire.

    When it became a swap, I saw the asian body has more physically fit, since it belonged to a lifelong assassin.

    1. @Alex the only thing is Betsy inherited a body that had been in a coma for awhile.

      So it wasn't like Kwannon was training daily. It probably wasn't in tip top shape.

      How physically fit Betsy was in it, imo had to be mostly Betsy's doing.

      Similarly Kwannon as Revanche seemed to be equally fit in Betsy's body and may have even had slightly better martial arts skills based on their encounters lol. I recall her being extremely fit in Betsy's body and very skilled with ninja techniques.


  14. Hi, all. Spirited convo as always.

    I think basically that Tini (despite my issues with her writing of these characters) was actually not taking away either of these characters' level of fitness and athleticism. They just have different proportions with different curves and extremities lengths, etc.

    @Alex, as you said, them having them same exact height/weight stats in Marvel Handbooks was logical in the original Claremont story, but upon the retcon, that should have been changed, but again... Editorial not doing their jobs properly. Sigh. LOL. In fact, I would have imagined Kwannon being significantly shorter than 5'11" Elizabeth.

  15. Also, as @Randy pointed out, this Elizabeth body was clearly shown using the psychic knife and butterfly, so hopefully, that was not just a tease by Tini and we'll see more again.

    I’m glad that Malice has a backstory now, but after 20 issues, I can safely, I really don’t find Tini’s writing on Excalibur to be interesting or that it fits the main characters of this title. I always feel like I’m reading a children’s book. Even when it deals with adult topics. Something about her dialogue and pacing feels extremely wooden and stifled. Even Malice’s story which should have been endearing and sympathetic barely registers with me and this very hammy style of drama portrayed in this book.

    To's art is nice, but between her writing and his art (which does not differentiate between characters), the whole thing feels like an intermediate book for me, which I guess comic books are. I’ve read YA that feels more adult, such as the later Potter book and the entirety of the Hunger Games series. Granted, those were novels, but still.

    In general, I’m finding all the X-books to have this feel to a degree. I think I am finally outgrowing superhero comic books. I never thought I would, but I find I look forward to reading novels way more now. For years, I read both, but now I have to force myself to read superhero comics these days. I think I will probably fully stop soon as it is an expensive habit to not get much fun from. That being said, I do love non-superhero comics like Saga and Decorum (Hickman book). And will stick with those. I was super excited in HoX/PoX, but have such a difficult time finding DoX, XoS, and so far RoX that interesting. Though, RoX is miles better than DoX and XoS for me.

    1. Howard needs to go and writers who don't love writing comics and do it for survival. To be a comic writer is not as easy as it looks. That's the problem with the industry everyone can write something but it's not on the level of past writers.

  16. I believe the exact heights thing was always down to Spirals body swap meddling. She even says she purposely blended them to screw everyone over. Ie why Kwannon got purple hair, wolverine couldnt tell their scents apart and Charles could not read them.

    Tini just needs to go. Every episode another dump is taken on Betsy.

    1. @Tomu-Cat I think Kwannon was actually dying her hair like Betsy did until Betsy recreated her body with naturally purple hair.

  17. Did Kwannon even have an X-gene pre Body Shoppe?

    1. Kwannon didn't exist before Fabian Nicieza pulled her out of his ass to explain the Acts of Vengeance race change of Betsy Braddock. Kwannon can be anything from mutant to Inhuman as the writers please. She is sure a ninja macguffin.

  18. Trying to figure why Betsy has to confront Kwannon for a convoluted plot which spiralled into a paranoia. The only weakness of comics is too many cooks in the kitchen. The chance of having the recipe ruined and the main course burned is guaranteed. I'm glad they fix the chaos of body swaps nevertheless the question remains why does Betsy has to lose her identity and iconography in the process.
