Yeah, I don't get why she's apologizing. She said herself that she was FORCED to swap bodies, so she shouldn't need to apologize to Kwannon. And definitely not to an ALTERNATE Kwannon who never even went through the body swap in the first place.
That said, the art looks great, and Kwannon looks gorgeous with black hair. But did she really need to wear the Hand bathing suit in this reality as well?
My only gripe is this was a good opportunity for Betsy to wear her Asrar look (much like she could've worn it in #13 too) but its still nice to not see her in her armor for a bit.
Also booooo Kwannon manifesting the butterfly in Excalibur 😒
Looks great. My only question is how does Kwannon have those stronger psi powers in that reality if they never swapped and Spiral didnt split Betsy's telepathy in half between the two? Unless she was actually a stronger psychic in this reality than her counterpart?
Exactly!!! I keep trying to give Tini a chance, but she keeps cutting too many corners with things that insult readers’ intelligence. It’s bad writing.
@Rahsaan it probably is but I was just excited to see Betsy in her signature colors and out of that Captain Britain outfit, with martial arts skills, that I was willing to overlook a lot lol.
@X-Man, I guess they could say Kwannon always had telepathy but it was her "secondary mutation"; in the main reality, her secondary mutation would have been "awakened" by the body swap, while in this alternate reality it was awakened naturally...
In my mind, that's the explanation I always use to myself whenever I remember Jean and Betsy "trading their powers" in Claremont's Revolution Era (that is, that Jean only awakened Betsy's latent telekinesis and that Jean's telepathy was boosted from within, not by "absorbing" Betsy's TP).
(it's kinda sad when we have more plausible explanations than writers and editors do...)
a reductive storyline, again... since when was Betsy's fault the body change? why she should feel sorry? and why in the hell she would want to tell an alternate Kwannon, that clearly didnt want to connect in a friend way, that she used to be in an alternate Kwannon's body?!?!? this Tiny is so unidimensional... please, call Rick Remender back.
Betsy confessing her guilt to the alternative Kwannon somewhat reminded me of the time she used the danger cave to talk to a hologram of Brian regarding her killing during Remembers UXF
Also, while I'm super happy to see some signs of the real Elizabeth, why would the colorist make Kwannon who was never tampered with by Sprial to be like Besty have purple eyes? Where is editorial?
Even though the Mandarin was associated with the Hand, the Hand are Japanese based. The Hand is an order of mystical ninjas involved in organized crime and mercenary activities. They are primarily based in Japan, but operate internationally. They were founded in 1588 as a secret society of Japanese nationalist samurai but were soon co-opted by the Snakeroot, an ancient ninja clan which serves a primordial demon known only as "The Beast of the Hand".
Betsy is a wonderful being. Kwanon is a sexy costume Betsy has been wearing and after she left it it started walking and talking on its own. So simple.
#1 Betsy never had body issues,that was some contrived stuff they gave her in an alternate reality.
At the beginning Betsy thought she was already in her original body, but altered by science and magic. Betsy mentioned to Jean that nothing worked and I believe even mentioned enlisting Forge to help her (obviously it now seems it wouldn't work because that wasn't her body at all but it did have traces of her dna intermingled due to Spiral).
#2. When Kwannon did arrive, they could have possibly tried to swap back, but Kwannon was the one who delayed that, not Betsy, because Kwannon was claiming that she was the real Betsy and that Betsy was really Kwannon. Kwannon as Revanche literally wanted revenge for the crap that Betsy endured (even named herself that), but now currently seemingly brushes all that aside because she knows she's not really Betsy now (great lady there lol).
By the time they figured out who was who, Kwannon died in Betsy's body (just once I wish they'd mention Kwannon was also wearing Betsy's skin lol) and also seemingly already made peace by returning the half of Betsy's telepathy she possessed back to Betsy & also removed her essence from her.
So at that point as far as Betsy knew, Kwannon was completely dead in Betsy's original body, so how would Betsy be able to get her body back?
Betsy was offered her body back by strings at times, but the price wasnt to high for Betsy per sey, the price would have most likely been to high for people that surrounded her that would have suffered from such deals. (The other time she "regained" her body very temporarily was in the "Sisterhood" arc in which Dazzler blows half her face off and literally kills any chance of Betsy returning to that body)
Betts resisted being selfish and turned down those deals. While Betsy definitely appreciated gaining physical combat skills, she definitely has made it clear that she was stuck in that body and it was not her preferred body.
When Betsy fights Spiral in X-Force, she mentions that if it wasn't for Spiral she would have her own eyes, her own body, and her old life, even the dialogue she has with Jubilee at the end of Hunt for Wolverine where she says "at last I am myself" suggests she longed for her real appearance or the very fact she recreated her own original appearance vs simply recreating a body in Kwannon's likeness like Jamie did before when he ressurected her and re-knit her body (which means Betsy could technically argue both bodies are hers in a way, one just looks like Kwannon lol) suggest that imo.
#3. Betsy may have survivor's guilt, but she wouldnt think to find a solution for someone again she thought was dead lol.
Betsy was kidnapped and had her body violated by Kwannon's crew so that Kwannon would be revived from her brain dead status/coma.
All this was orchestrated for Kwannon and all this was done for Kwannon's benefit, not Betsy's, I'm just wondering why Betsy is the only one feeling guilt?
You'd think if Betsy feels guilt, the woman who's resurrection was the sole reason behind Betsy being violated (and the swap in whole), would feel a little guilt too. Or at least sympathy or empathy?
Not a constant attitude toward someone she knows was a victim, because again when she thought she was Betsy, she was so enraged at the atrocities that Betsy endured that she literally named herself "revenge".
Just because Kwannon knows she wasn't really Betsy now, doesn't take away the fact she knows the real Betsy endured them and thus should make her the most understanding of Betsy's situation more than anyone lol.
If anything, because of Betsy's suffering, Kwannon has regained her life not once, but twice now. Once during the swap from her brain dead status/coma and possibly from the soul power Betsy used when she recreated her original appearance, she also possibly revived Kwannon as well a second time.
Marcus To said he had trouble drawing this issue due to the alternate realities or something. What was difficult about that? I'm trying to understand what he was instructed to do this issue that he found challenging.
Anyway the scene where Betsy emerges from the water in that gown reminded me of the Little Mermaid 😁
I too am annoyed by the very basic pedestrian Betsy costume when she could’ve worn her official Disassembled costume by Asrar
Tini has her own spin & it seems Psylocke will never ever have a solid explanation of her body swap when marvel allows so much freedom in explanation of her existence.
@X-Man, excellent arguments! Indeed, there is no reason at all for Betsy to feel guilty for the whole body swap situation.
Since Kwannon (the real one, not a counterpart from another reality) is supposed to appear in the final issue of this current Excalibur arc (and also in the first issue of the Malice arc), I sincerely hope there will finally be a scene where both women are face to face and Kwannon makes it clear to Betsy that she had no guilt in this mess whatsoever and she shouldn't feel guilty. Kwannon doesn't even need to take the blame, just make it clear that she doesn't blame Betsy for anything.
(that said, the part where Betsy tells Spiral that if it wasn't for her she'd have her eyes, body and life... well, Betsy would surely have her own body and life, but not her eyes - those were removed by Slaymaster long before the body swap happened)
@FSaker that is true, I just interpreted that scene as her referring to the bionic eyes Spiral and Mojo gave her lol.
Neither Kwannon or Betsy need to take the blame, but if Kwannon insist on having an attitude problem, then Betsy imo needs to stand up for herself and tell Kwannon the whole swap happened because of Kwannon. Now she didnt have a say in it, but that still doesn't take away the fact that it all happened because of Kwannon and by people that Kwannon loved for the sole purpose of reviving Kwannon. Smh lol.
I'm really getting tired of Betsy having to apologize for something she had no control of. I wish they'd stop making her and Kwannon antagonistic with each other.
Great points @X-man, Seems like most people who claim to like Betsy just refuse to learn her real past. It's kinda like, they like the look, and skills, and then go from there, instead of easily looking up her past.
Also, Why the hell does Kwannon have the same outfit in every damn universe?
I dont really get it either. Its funny how for decades no one ever really explored Betsy feeling guilty/remorseful but now that we are in a woke era the writers have to blame the character instead of taking accountability and moving on.
About the Asrar uniform, I agree that it would have been amazing if she wore it in this issue. But, to be fair, wasn't it only Betsy's mind that went to that alternate reality and occupied Queen Elizabeth's body? In that case, it makes sense that she wouldn't have the uniform there.
But I do hope she'll wear it every now and then, once she's back in Krakoa.
The writer could make it happen. After all this version was also CB and with Warren why have similarties stop there? She could have appeared in the outfit from one scene to the next why question it?
Just read this week's Hellions and ofc Kwannon knew who Mastermind was and was all friendly towards Sage lol when are writers going to remember shes essentially a stranger to the xmen?
Also she literally wore Ronin's white robe with the red lining in this issue. Can this character get an original look and stop given hand me downs?? Lol
Speaking of books besides Excalibur, is anyone here following the current Avengers arc with the Phoenix Force? From what little information and spoilers I could find, it seems to be like the Contest of Champions miniseries, only with the Phoenix Force behind the battles this time, which could be a problem since neither the classic Contest of Champions nor the Claremont miniseries in the late 1990s were any good - then again, Jason Aaron is behind it, and he's usually a good writer.
Then again, the reveal involving Thor and the first host of the Phoenix Force is... cringy, to say the least.
To be fair, (with the retcon) Kwannon had awareness but no agency while Betsy used/controlled Kwannon's Asian body. So sometime after the "death" of Kwannon in Betsy's British body (which is when I presume Kwannon's consciousness returned to her Asian body) she would have experienced/been aware of all the interactions Betsy had with other characters.
To Kwannon, her familiarity with others who've interacted with Meta-Psylocke (Asian Psylocke controlled by Betsy with Kwannon consciousness present) wouldn't be starting from square one. However, other's relations toward Kwannon shouldn't appear as familiar. That is sloppy writing.
I hate the retcon that Kwannon was always there simmering under Betsy's psyche or whatever but how I read that in Hills script was she was experiencing purgatory i dont think it stated explicitly that she was aware of but not in control. Didnt kwannin say she was in hell only feeling fire and seeing flames or something trying to be retardily poetic.
Also the retcon makes zero sense the amount of times Betsy died in Kwannons body and Kwannons psyche never re-emerge its all so stupid
With this retcon, should we consider that the evil Psylocke that Betsy fought inside her mind in Fraction's Sisterhood arc was Kwannon all along?
Anyway, thanks for the information about Excalibur being out next week. It's only two more issues until the whole mess involving her possibly being without a body being fixed, right?
(speaking of that, so far three issues of each first-wave Dawn of X book were published here; having read them all, Excalibur is okay, but Marauders is being my biggest surprise... this is the first time I'm actually LIKING K.Pryde)
@unknown, @Fsaker, & @Randybear for what it's worth, I DM'd the writer of "Fallen Angels" when he was still authoring the title, asking if any history of Betsy and Kwannon had changed from their times meeting in each other's bodies (but with intermingled dna) as Revanche and Psylocke, and he told me he didn't change or alter any canon.
He also indicated that Kwannon may have irrational anger in this. I didnt love his writing, but he was awesome at personally answering my messages and was always very polite in our interactions.
The only way I can see Kwannon being hidden in Betsy's psyche was when Betsy was killed by Vargas, and Jamie remade a new body for Betsy and resurrected her, he somehow put Kwannon in there just to mess with Betsy and purposely made her come back looking like Kwannon (which I can see Jamie doing, especially since he tried to dangle Betsy's original body in her face during X-Force)
Otherwise it makes no sense, as Kwannon went out of her way to remove her imprint from Betsy to grant her peace (and also returned Betsy's full telepathy back to her).
Betsy's mentions missing the edge Kwannon's influences have her when Jean is training Betsy in the use of her increased telepathic power. Unless Kwannon misled Betsy and didnt actually remove herself, but used the situation to enter Betsy's mind and hide there.
Still it doesnt make sense they'd still be tethered when they both died, Jamie makes more sense if they go down that road.
However, he technically made a new body for Betsy (just in Kwannon's likeness) so one could argue that while neither body is technically Betsy or Kwannon's original bodies (despite possibly have the same DNA as the originals), that both bodies are technically Betsy's lol.
Your comment nailed the problem on the head. Best for the body swap to have been put to rest but negativity and bickering is the dung that gathers all the flies to the book. Kwannon should have started with a blank slate and a new persona but certain people who run Marvel won't let go of their fantasies regardless of how perverted they are on paper.
What made the issue special for me is Betsy connecting to her kind past self while retaining the viciousness of her battle skills when she is attacked and provoked. The personality was seasoned well amid her experiences.
Hand me bleach to wash my eyes. It'd be more bearable if Betsy minced her mug. Sorry oh no dear nothing to be sorry for.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't get why she's apologizing. She said herself that she was FORCED to swap bodies, so she shouldn't need to apologize to Kwannon. And definitely not to an ALTERNATE Kwannon who never even went through the body swap in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThat said, the art looks great, and Kwannon looks gorgeous with black hair. But did she really need to wear the Hand bathing suit in this reality as well?
My only gripe is this was a good opportunity for Betsy to wear her Asrar look (much like she could've worn it in #13 too) but its still nice to not see her in her armor for a bit.
ReplyDeleteAlso booooo Kwannon manifesting the butterfly in Excalibur 😒
I don't know what people are excited for. Howard's Psylocke still sounds nothing like herself at all.
ReplyDeleteLooks great. My only question is how does Kwannon have those stronger psi powers in that reality if they never swapped and Spiral didnt split Betsy's telepathy in half between the two? Unless she was actually a stronger psychic in this reality than her counterpart?
ReplyDeleteExactly!!! I keep trying to give Tini a chance, but she keeps cutting too many corners with things that insult readers’ intelligence. It’s bad writing.
Delete@Rahsaan it probably is but I was just excited to see Betsy in her signature colors and out of that Captain Britain outfit, with martial arts skills, that I was willing to overlook a lot lol.
DeleteI loved it. Character-driven stories are way better than plot-driven stories.
ReplyDelete@X-Man, I guess they could say Kwannon always had telepathy but it was her "secondary mutation"; in the main reality, her secondary mutation would have been "awakened" by the body swap, while in this alternate reality it was awakened naturally...
ReplyDeleteIn my mind, that's the explanation I always use to myself whenever I remember Jean and Betsy "trading their powers" in Claremont's Revolution Era (that is, that Jean only awakened Betsy's latent telekinesis and that Jean's telepathy was boosted from within, not by "absorbing" Betsy's TP).
(it's kinda sad when we have more plausible explanations than writers and editors do...)
Also noted that Kwannon was a low level empath before the whole body swapping experience.
ReplyDeletea reductive storyline, again... since when was Betsy's fault the body change? why she should feel sorry? and why in the hell she would want to tell an alternate Kwannon, that clearly didnt want to connect in a friend way, that she used to be in an alternate Kwannon's body?!?!? this Tiny is so unidimensional... please, call Rick Remender back.
ReplyDeleteBetsy confessing her guilt to the alternative Kwannon somewhat reminded me of the time she used the danger cave to talk to a hologram of Brian regarding her killing during Remembers UXF
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAlso, while I'm super happy to see some signs of the real Elizabeth, why would the colorist make Kwannon who was never tampered with by Sprial to be like Besty have purple eyes? Where is editorial?
ReplyDeleteKwannon uniform...that's the Hand. But she's supposed to be japanese... with no connection with then...
ReplyDeleteEven though the Mandarin was associated with the Hand, the Hand are Japanese based. The Hand is an order of mystical ninjas involved in organized crime and mercenary activities. They are primarily based in Japan, but operate internationally. They were founded in 1588 as a secret society of Japanese nationalist samurai but were soon co-opted by the Snakeroot, an ancient ninja clan which serves a primordial demon known only as "The Beast of the Hand".
DeleteBetsy is a wonderful being. Kwanon is a sexy costume Betsy has been wearing and after she left it it started walking and talking on its own. So simple.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing Betsy hasn't done or said or experienced as Psylocke in her body and in the Asian body that Kwanon can replicate and exceed.
ReplyDelete#1 Betsy never had body issues,that was some contrived stuff they gave her in an alternate reality.
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning Betsy thought she was already in her original body, but altered by science and magic.
Betsy mentioned to Jean that nothing worked and I believe even mentioned enlisting Forge to help her (obviously it now seems it wouldn't work because that wasn't her body at all but it did have traces of her dna intermingled due to Spiral).
#2. When Kwannon did arrive, they could have possibly tried to swap back, but Kwannon was the one who delayed that, not Betsy, because Kwannon was claiming that she was the real Betsy and that Betsy was really Kwannon.
Kwannon as Revanche literally wanted revenge for the crap that Betsy endured (even named herself that), but now currently seemingly brushes all that aside because she knows she's not really Betsy now (great lady there lol).
By the time they figured out who was who, Kwannon died in Betsy's body (just once I wish they'd mention Kwannon was also wearing Betsy's skin lol) and also seemingly already made peace by returning the half of Betsy's telepathy she possessed back to Betsy & also removed her essence from her.
So at that point as far as Betsy knew, Kwannon was completely dead in Betsy's
original body, so how would Betsy be able to get her body back?
Betsy was offered her body back by strings at times, but the price wasnt to high for Betsy per sey, the price would have most likely been to high for people that surrounded her that would have suffered from such deals. (The other time she "regained" her body very temporarily was in the "Sisterhood" arc in which Dazzler blows half her face off and literally kills any chance of Betsy returning to that body)
Betts resisted being selfish and turned down those deals. While Betsy definitely appreciated gaining physical combat skills, she definitely has made it clear that she was stuck in that body and it was not her preferred body.
When Betsy fights Spiral in X-Force, she mentions that if it wasn't for Spiral she would have her own eyes, her own body, and her old life, even the dialogue she has with Jubilee at the end of Hunt for Wolverine where she says "at last I am myself" suggests she longed for her real appearance or the very fact she recreated her own original appearance vs simply recreating a body in Kwannon's likeness like Jamie did before when he ressurected her and re-knit her body (which means Betsy could technically argue both bodies are hers in a way, one just looks like Kwannon lol) suggest that imo.
#3. Betsy may have survivor's guilt, but she wouldnt think to find a solution for someone again she thought was dead lol.
Betsy was kidnapped and had her body violated by Kwannon's crew so that Kwannon would be revived from her brain dead status/coma.
All this was orchestrated for Kwannon and all this was done for Kwannon's benefit, not Betsy's,
I'm just wondering why Betsy is the only one feeling guilt?
You'd think if Betsy feels guilt, the woman who's resurrection was the sole reason behind Betsy being violated (and the swap in whole), would feel a little guilt too. Or at least sympathy or empathy?
Not a constant attitude toward someone she knows was a victim, because again when she thought she was Betsy, she was so enraged at the atrocities that Betsy endured that she literally named herself "revenge".
Just because Kwannon knows she wasn't really Betsy now, doesn't take away the fact she knows the real Betsy endured them and thus should make her the most understanding of Betsy's situation more than anyone lol.
If anything, because of Betsy's suffering, Kwannon has regained her life not once, but twice now.
Once during the swap from her brain dead status/coma and possibly from the soul power Betsy used when she recreated her original appearance, she also possibly revived Kwannon as well a second time.
Jmo :)
Do you think the questions Elizabeth asked might open opportunities for her to return to this reality again in the future?
ReplyDeleteMarcus To said he had trouble drawing this issue due to the alternate realities or something. What was difficult about that? I'm trying to understand what he was instructed to do this issue that he found challenging.
ReplyDeleteAnyway the scene where Betsy emerges from the water in that gown reminded me of the Little Mermaid 😁
I too am annoyed by the very basic pedestrian Betsy costume when she could’ve worn her official Disassembled costume by Asrar
ReplyDeleteTini has her own spin & it seems Psylocke will never ever have a solid explanation of her body swap when marvel allows so much freedom in explanation of her existence.
@X-Man, excellent arguments! Indeed, there is no reason at all for Betsy to feel guilty for the whole body swap situation.
ReplyDeleteSince Kwannon (the real one, not a counterpart from another reality) is supposed to appear in the final issue of this current Excalibur arc (and also in the first issue of the Malice arc), I sincerely hope there will finally be a scene where both women are face to face and Kwannon makes it clear to Betsy that she had no guilt in this mess whatsoever and she shouldn't feel guilty. Kwannon doesn't even need to take the blame, just make it clear that she doesn't blame Betsy for anything.
(that said, the part where Betsy tells Spiral that if it wasn't for her she'd have her eyes, body and life... well, Betsy would surely have her own body and life, but not her eyes - those were removed by Slaymaster long before the body swap happened)
@FSaker that is true, I just interpreted that scene as her referring to the bionic eyes Spiral and Mojo gave her lol.
DeleteNeither Kwannon or Betsy need to take the blame, but if Kwannon insist on having an attitude problem, then Betsy imo needs to stand up for herself and tell Kwannon the whole swap happened because of Kwannon. Now she didnt have a say in it, but that still doesn't take away the fact that it all happened because of Kwannon and by people that Kwannon loved for the sole purpose of reviving Kwannon. Smh lol.
It's like they're ignoring the all revanche thing. And the fact that kwannon was using betsy's body as well
DeleteAll points of your comment are in the right place and with the support of those who know the story of Betsy! congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI'm really getting tired of Betsy having to apologize for something she had no control of. I wish they'd stop making her and Kwannon antagonistic with each other.
ReplyDeleteGreat points @X-man, Seems like most people who claim to like Betsy just refuse to learn her real past. It's kinda like, they like the look, and skills, and then go from there, instead of easily looking up her past.
Also, Why the hell does Kwannon have the same outfit in every damn universe?
Thank you. It's crazy lol. Smh. Lol on the outfit.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI don't get what the point of Betsy "unburdening" herself was... girl, leave this nice lady alone. She's tryna get you home.
ReplyDeleteI dont really get it either. Its funny how for decades no one ever really explored Betsy feeling guilty/remorseful but now that we are in a woke era the writers have to blame the character instead of taking accountability and moving on.
DeleteAbout the Asrar uniform, I agree that it would have been amazing if she wore it in this issue. But, to be fair, wasn't it only Betsy's mind that went to that alternate reality and occupied Queen Elizabeth's body? In that case, it makes sense that she wouldn't have the uniform there.
ReplyDeleteBut I do hope she'll wear it every now and then, once she's back in Krakoa.
The writer could make it happen. After all this version was also CB and with Warren why have similarties stop there? She could have appeared in the outfit from one scene to the next why question it?
DeleteJust read this week's Hellions and ofc Kwannon knew who Mastermind was and was all friendly towards Sage lol when are writers going to remember shes essentially a stranger to the xmen?
ReplyDeleteAlso she literally wore Ronin's white robe with the red lining in this issue. Can this character get an original look and stop given hand me downs?? Lol
Forgot to mention Excalibur is out next week!!! 😁😁😄
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSorry I meant to say Gorgon's robe**
DeleteSpeaking of books besides Excalibur, is anyone here following the current Avengers arc with the Phoenix Force? From what little information and spoilers I could find, it seems to be like the Contest of Champions miniseries, only with the Phoenix Force behind the battles this time, which could be a problem since neither the classic Contest of Champions nor the Claremont miniseries in the late 1990s were any good - then again, Jason Aaron is behind it, and he's usually a good writer.
ReplyDeleteThen again, the reveal involving Thor and the first host of the Phoenix Force is... cringy, to say the least.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, (with the retcon) Kwannon had awareness but no agency while Betsy used/controlled Kwannon's Asian body. So sometime after the "death" of Kwannon in Betsy's British body (which is when I presume Kwannon's consciousness returned to her Asian body) she would have experienced/been aware of all the interactions Betsy had with other characters.
ReplyDeleteTo Kwannon, her familiarity with others who've interacted with Meta-Psylocke (Asian Psylocke controlled by Betsy with Kwannon consciousness present) wouldn't be starting from square one. However, other's relations toward Kwannon shouldn't appear as familiar. That is sloppy writing.
I hate the retcon that Kwannon was always there simmering under Betsy's psyche or whatever but how I read that in Hills script was she was experiencing purgatory i dont think it stated explicitly that she was aware of but not in control. Didnt kwannin say she was in hell only feeling fire and seeing flames or something trying to be retardily poetic.
ReplyDeleteAlso the retcon makes zero sense the amount of times Betsy died in Kwannons body and Kwannons psyche never re-emerge its all so stupid
With this retcon, should we consider that the evil Psylocke that Betsy fought inside her mind in Fraction's Sisterhood arc was Kwannon all along?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for the information about Excalibur being out next week. It's only two more issues until the whole mess involving her possibly being without a body being fixed, right?
(speaking of that, so far three issues of each first-wave Dawn of X book were published here; having read them all, Excalibur is okay, but Marauders is being my biggest surprise... this is the first time I'm actually LIKING K.Pryde)
@unknown, @Fsaker, & @Randybear for what it's worth, I DM'd the writer of "Fallen Angels" when he was still authoring the title, asking if any history of Betsy and Kwannon had changed from their times meeting in each other's bodies (but with intermingled dna) as Revanche and Psylocke, and he told me he didn't change or alter any canon.
ReplyDeleteHe also indicated that Kwannon may have irrational anger in this. I didnt love his writing, but he was awesome at personally answering my messages and was always very polite in our interactions.
The only way I can see Kwannon being hidden in Betsy's psyche was when Betsy was killed by Vargas, and Jamie remade a new body for Betsy and resurrected her, he somehow put Kwannon in there just to mess with Betsy and purposely made her come back looking like Kwannon (which I can see Jamie doing, especially since he tried to dangle Betsy's original body in her face during X-Force)
Otherwise it makes no sense, as Kwannon went out of her way to remove her imprint from Betsy to grant her peace (and also returned Betsy's full telepathy back to her).
Betsy's mentions missing the edge Kwannon's influences have her when Jean is training Betsy in the use of her increased telepathic power. Unless Kwannon misled Betsy and didnt actually remove herself, but used the situation to enter Betsy's mind and hide there.
Still it doesnt make sense they'd still be tethered when they both died, Jamie makes more sense if they go down that road.
However, he technically made a new body for Betsy (just in Kwannon's likeness) so one could argue that while neither body is technically Betsy or Kwannon's original bodies (despite possibly have the same DNA as the originals), that both bodies are technically Betsy's lol.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYour comment nailed the problem on the head. Best for the body swap to have been put to rest but negativity and bickering is the dung that gathers all the flies to the book. Kwannon should have started with a blank slate and a new persona but certain people who run Marvel won't let go of their fantasies regardless of how perverted they are on paper.
DeleteWhat made the issue special for me is Betsy connecting to her kind past self while retaining the viciousness of her battle skills when she is attacked and provoked. The personality was seasoned well amid her experiences.