Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Final Chapters – X-Men #15, Excalibur #15 and X of Swords: Destruction #1 Spoilers

X-Men #15: Jean Grey lets Cyclops know that the Quiet Council is ready to receive them, even though Scott knows the Council will deny their request. Jean tells the Council that Cable reached out to her. She emphasizes that Cable is hurt and that Krakoa is at risk. Cyclops adds that Krakoa is losing badly. Scott proposes taking a team of X-Men to Otherworld, rescuing their mutants and destroying the External Gate with the technology of Hordeculture. Jean, Kurt and Kitty volunteer to join Cyclops; however, Shaw points out that If they die in Otherworld, the Council would not survive losing so many members at such a critical moment. Shaw proposes a vote: whoever leaves and joins Cyclops loses their seat at the Council. Albeit disappointed, Jean decides to leave, but she urges Nightcrawler to stay as he is the heart of the Council. Scott tells Kitty she cannot go through the gate, so she stays as well. Cyclops also asks Emma to stay, but she offers him the help of her Cuckoos. Lastly, the Council votes for closing the gates if they are to fail. Scott understands that they cannot put Krakoa at risk for a handful of mutants. A data page reveals that the Quiet Council has decided to extinguish the term “X-Men” and that the Council should be the only Krakoan authority. In Otherworld, Apocalypse and Genesis battle fiercely after she takes off her helm of Annihilation. Apocalypse doesn’t yield and stabs Genesis in the guts, but refuses to kill her. The God Annihilation influences Genesis to put on the helm. As Saturnyne prepares to declare Krakoa the winner, Annihilation summons the demon hordes of Amenth. 

Excalibur #15: As the demons of Amenth storm Otherworld, Ryl retrieves the shattered pieces of Betsy Braddock at Saturnyne’s behest. The Champions of Krakoa are kept busy fighting off the hordes of demons while Annihilations prepares to strike at Apocalypse. Storm stuns Genesis momentarily with lighting. Meanwhile, White Sword decides to leave the battle, for he was summoned for a fight and he won. In the Starlight Citadel, Saturnyne begins putting the pieces of Betsy together, one by one. On the battlefield, the remaining champions fight together, but Bei decides to kidnap Cypher and take him to safety. When all seems lost, Jubilee arrives with the Green Priestesses to help the Krakoans. Jubilee wants her son back; Shogo is still under Saturnyne’s spell in the Citadel, and the Priestesses hush to the Citadel’s defense. Elsewhere, Cypher talks Bei into changing sides and helping the Krakoans. Cypher rejoins the Krakoans while Isca accuses Bei of betraying the Arakkii. Annihilation says she will conquer Avalon and then Krakoa. As Saturnyne completes her ritual by putting the pieces of the Starlight Sword together, a call is sent to every reality. When the Citadel calls, Captain Britain answers. A new Captain Britain Corps is reborn; however, Saturnyne has come to a shocking revelation about them: the new Corps are mostly based on versions of Betsy Braddock. 

X of Swords: Destruction #1: Saturnyne draws the last card, the Wheel of Fortune, and sends her new Captain Britain Corps to fight off the demons and the Arakkii. Brian is pleased to see the army of Betsys. As the Corps gains the upper hand, Annihilation orders War to call their Summoners. The Summoners summon the beasts and monsters of Amenth to the battlefield. Meanwhile, Cyclops and Jean lead an army of X-Men to the Peak, S.W.O.R.D.’s headquarters. With the Cuckoos’ help, Jean reaches out to Magik telepathically, and Scott orders her to teleport the Peak to Otherworld. As the Peak floats above the Starlight Citadel, an army of X-Men head into battle. The X-Men slay a number of monsters and daemons alike, but Annihilation orders the Summoners to summon all of their creatures. Cable is still hurt and being tended to in the Starlight Citadel. Saturnyne reminds him he was dealt the Fool card, as only a fool would think the Light of Galador was a sword. Cable understands her message and asks Magik to teleport him to the Peak. Cable powers the Peak with his sword, and calls forth the Vescora, an alien race that acts like a virus given humanoid form. The Vescora manage to destroy a great number of Arakkii warriors and creatures. Apocalypse takes the opportunity to take the Helm of Annihilation off Genesis’ face. At that point, Isca stops fighting as she knows Arakko cannot win any longer. Apocalypse overcomes the influence of the Helm, kneels before Saturnyne and surrenders in the name of Arakko. It is decided. Saturnyne asks Shogo to breathe dragon fire on all monsters and aliens. Only the Champions of both sides remain. Saturnyne takes the helm off Apocalypse and turns it into a scepter. The scepter now won’t have direct dominion over the wielder. She hands the scepter to Genesis. Saturnyne declares Krakoa the winner and demands a show of good faith: one mutant from each side to leave their own land and live with the enemy. Genesis chooses Apocalypse to live in Amenth. Apocalypse, in turn, chooses the island nation of Arakko, with its millions of inhabitants, to live with Krakoa. As such, Apocalypse leaves with his family to Amenth and the mutants return to Krakoa. A data page reveals that the Captain Britain Corps was restored with the sacrifice of Captain Britain. The Captain Britain of Earth-616, Betsy Braddock, is deemed “missing” and “unaccounted for”. Later, Syl asks her master if she knew the outcome of the tournament; Saturnyne replies some signs were impossible not to see. As it stands, Avalon has now the only gateway to Earth. Summoners and the Vescora were sent to Blightspoke to tame things that refuse to die and mine the riches hidden in dead universes, which she plans to exchange with the Crooked Market to keep Mad Jim Jaspers under control. Meanwhile, the relentless appetite of the undead of Sevalith will be sated by the horseman Death. However, the return of a loyal Captain Britain Corps was the greater purpose of Saturnyne’s machinations. Saturnyne remains the rightful ruler of Otherworld; she won everything she had ever needed, but not the man the truly wanted. Long may she reign.


  1. Wow. Does Hickman jus really hate Jean or...?

  2. Literally WTF, but not in the bad way that the rest of the event made me go... This is... Interesting

  3. I know I’m in the minority but I didn’t hate this event

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  4. Replies
    1. Yes, but she will be back. No worries.

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "The Captain Britain of Earth-616, Betsy Braddock, is deemed “missing” and “unaccounted for”."

    Uh... if her pieces are with Saturnyne, she isn't missing, right? Unless Saturnyne is hiding her pieces from everyone else? Or unless those pieces are NOT really Betsy?

    Judging from these spoilers, it's nice that the aliens introduced in Cable's chapter actually had a purpose and that Apocalypse got to reunite with his family (even though War must be mad at him after her son died). And since Death was mentioned, I assume he survived his confrontation with Storm and the blood-sucking beings, right?

    Still, Betsy was once again thrown into the trash bin. Sure, this may be the starting point to a plot which will end with her glorious return (and now that Apocalypse left, Howard shouldn't be able to have him stealing all the attention in her stories), but it's nevertheless very frustrating.

    And all so that Saturnyne could recreate the Captain Britain Corps... I hope someone tells Meggan that she tried to have sex with her husband, so that Meggan goes to Avalon and kicks her ass. Do it for your sister-in-law, Meggan!

    1. Death is still serving as food for those vampire tings

  6. Actually was a greta ending for me. I love seeing the Corps again - nice to see the bearded Corp member back too with an awesome purple beard - I still hope Betts gets a better slimmer costume

    So Marvel has its "Green Lantern Corps" back :)

  7. Loved it. Got emotional seeing the Captain Betsy Corp, especially as drawn by Pepe Larraz. Excited for where things go from here - and the hunt for Betsy 616.

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  9. The ending was different, I was expecting there would be some payback to Saturnyne and Apocalypse after all. It might still happen in the future.
    Betsy is pretty closer to becoming Captain Britain more definitively. Howard has the cake and the knife in her hands to bring her back the way she wants now...
    I also liked the Captain Betsy's corps. Wish Elizabeth returns ready to take everything back on Saturnyne, who used Betsy for her own interests.
    The Arakki coming to Krakoa seems promising.

  10. i´m really pis* by the end. I addimt however that i´ll would enjoy much more withoud the joke´s on betsy

  11. I'm still pissed off with how Tini Howard handle the whole situation of this event book. You could clearly tell where Hickman has done certain edits within Howard's dialogue. It was her choices alone and she brought nothing but shame among her colleagues and female writers. She had the opportunity to present these issues by building them up in Excalibur. Instead, we are given poorly taste stories who clearly hasn't done her research about Besty and her compatriots. You drag other writer's career down the line because you had this fetish for dungeon and dragons. Cebuski should have made this into a 5 part event book. None of this makes sense because no one understands what otherworld is when being introduce about it. Tini Howard ruined these characters including Apocalypse. She should have tried to pushed him all the way if you were planning on writing off from the X-Men title. I am absolutely disappointed with Marvel, because no one has the audacity to mention anything about sword coming into play. I bought into this series for the epic storytelling and world building. Instead, we were given beer drinking, fashion show and riddle. This would go down the line as one of the worse marvel event book in history.

  12. @Wiccan

    Hickman's handling of Jean as been very similar to Tini's handling of Betsy. I actually think, despite some valid complaints, that Tini has done a bit more for Betsy, than Hickman has done for Jean. I know during this whole reboot he mentioned "his ideal Jean" is the 60's mini dress Jean. Basically not powerful or too useful.
    If you want good Jean writing under this era read X-Force.

    So Betsy's unintentional sacrifice has given us a whole squad of alternate Betsy's. While I didn't like most of this event, some parts were ok. In a way, based off her history, a squad of alternate Betsy's showing up kinda works. Beyond Havok, Jean & Storm, she's the only main X-Man I can think of that's jumped to other dimensions/realities & encountered alternate versions of herself. Both in her own body & Kwannon's.

    Maybe now with A gone, Tini can actually write the rest of the cast.

  13. @Alex a whole Captain Britain Corps of Betsies is funny or fascinating depending the way you look at it. Jamie is underutilized in my opinion and his meddling with reality by killing an alternate Betsy to create a rogue mutant Corps of four was pointless. Jamie's action gave the idea to Saturnyne do the same to 616 Betsy nevertheless as Majestrix she could find other better ways to achieve her goal. That is the weakness of XoS the question why Saturnyne set up a tournament when she could manage the Arakko and Amenth threat by herself. The schemes of the Braddock family against Saturnyne's don't make sense.

  14. @Jaime Braz,

    It's kinda funny cause at the end of this whole thing it feels like all Saturnyne was trying to do was get her own harem of Brians, beyond restoring the Cap Core. I don't get his appeal beyond being the stuffy fairytale hero looking type. As much as I don't care for adultery, I kinda agree with Logan in hindsight. Betsy's disappearance could've been avoided if Brian had claimed the sword & given Saturnyne a one off.

  15. @Alex This may have been a very interesting story to explore with Brian and Saturnyne. My issue with this was Tini could have made this clear from the very beginning of Excalibur. It wasn't built up the way I expected because there were about 22 issues of satire that drastically made the whole event less important. Had they shown the importance of wearing the title of Captain Britain as well as the sword she carries would have made the difference from hyping up the books. Instead, Betsy was simply handed the Starlight Sword without knowing what it does in the first place. Saturynyne could have also shown her true intentions of withholding the sword and manipulating the event toward her favor by disqualifying the X-men team.

  16. Somebody forgot all alt. realitie's Betsy's were killed by the Slay Master. The only version of Betsy that remained was our earth 616 's Betsy Braddock and now they bring all these alt.realities Betsy's ? Bad writting

    1. I dont think it was stated that every Betsy ever died was it? I thought he was just hunting Betsys until he found her again because he was obsessed she escaped him? I could be wrong i need to reread Sword of Braddock I know Betsy defeats him by all the souls of the Betsys he killed powered her up but didn't realize it was every single Betsy that ever existed (now dead) helping her
      Thats kinda dumb if he killed every single one considering how CC would go on and on, on panel, about the infinite realities out there. How does one kill something that continually exists out there?

  17. @Finn yes! The Exiles run. Like the hunt of Doctor Doom for the Molecule Men in Secret Wars. One cancelled the other? They have to explain.

  18. Is it possible a death of reality to erase the death of someone. The Fantastic family made a machine that resurrected the realities or no?
