Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Excalibur #14 Art


  1. This death was just as embarrassing as her duel with Vargas. Both ended within a couple pages and Betsy was taken out with one hit lol

    Captain Britain Betsy is still thriving i see! 🤣

    1. Vargas was better though, this was anticlimatic AF

  2. I'd say it was worse, actually. At least her death in the duel against Vargas felt tragic; her "death" here (as I don't think she really died, but just got magically transformed into confetti or something) feels more like a joke. A bad joke.

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  4. Her fight with Vargas wasn't even a "duel"; it was an act of sacrifice. However awful Vargas as a character may have been.

    Even the second half of X-Treme reads like Crime and Punishment compared to this trash, for that matter.

  5. A bit lame and underwhelming. Betsy has returned to the genteel British person that she was. No longer the tiger that she yearned to be.

    Kwannon would have smoked Isca's A.

  6. Not a big fan of Phil Noto's soft, and washed out art style. Yes, it can be pretty as still, static posed images (like an instruction manual or pamphlet), but his work lacks any kind of action or dyamism. Whoever the colorist is, they need to be fired after they fire Tini Howard...the Tetsuya Nomura of comic writers(gaming reference).

    1. I like Phil's faces though, he's good with expressions

  7. Saturyne mentioned "bits" in previous X of Swords issue so she knew that was going to happen to Betsy & that she would shatter - so I'm keeping hope she will come back better

  8. @Alexis, to be fair, Betsy did put up a fight against Isca, and Kwannon would likely get shattered the same way if she were wielding the Starlight Sword.

    Nevertheless, it was humiliating and disrespectful. I wouldn't be surprised if Betsy magically returns in the final issues and proceeds to beat down some of the Arakko Swordbearers (Isca included) and/or Saturnyne (who deserves a beating just as much as they do). But will that be enough to compensate for the way she was treated this week? I doubt it.

  9. I will sound like a defense attorney for Tini Howard so let's get to the heart of the matter. Saturnyne acts strangely. In iconic Excalibur she had shown compassion for Betsy who witnessed telepathically the death of her fiance Thomas Lennox. Opal Luna begged Linda McQuillan to help Betsy and Alison Double from getting caught by the Beetles. Saturnyne has changed since then, she is far more than the overseer for Merlyn and his daughter Roma Regina. Saturnyne has now powers that she hasn't shown before and treats Otherworld as her kingdom. And the hatred she harbors for mutants is very suspicious together with the fact she allows Mad Jim Jaspers an anti-mutant politician who is a mutant to rule one of her provinces.

    The writing is not of the best however it seems there is a scheme teased through the pompous talk of Saturnyne. The essence of Betsy's personality is absent and so are her combat skills there is no denying that. As if with her codename Psylocke all were drained out of Betsy. I'm not sure if the Amulet of Right or the Starlight Sword have put a spell on Betsy or if Betsy was harmed by shattering the Amulet of Right to exact revenge on Saturnyne but Betsy's act to break it was unexpected. Many weird things happen and I hope for a logical answer before I get disappointed.

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    1. Why do y’all go on Twitter. That place toxic af across
      all genre and topics. Also, low-key kinda want Isca to join Krakoa. Love her banter with everyone.

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  12. I think this will result in a new form for (but still OUR) Betsy...

    Remember the last time a Betsy was involved with a shattering? It was when she overwhelmed Sapphire Styx from within, shattered her form and emerged anew.

    If we've seen anything in this story is that Saturnyne is in complete control. I expect she planned for Betsy to have her hands on the Twilight Sword from the very beginning; perhaps, being in contact with it unlocked higher potential in Betsy?

    Then when she was ripe and ready for her evolution, Saturnyne announced her fight with Ischa. It seems like that strike shattered the sword and then Betsy with whom it was connected... Ischa might have won this fight, but not the war.

    Free of her previous form, maybe she'll be closer to her Earth-X form.

  13. How many times has Betsy died now? I can think of five off the top of my head. Jean Grey you’ve been usurped.

    1. Betsy has only had one death that "stuck" and that was with Vargas. Every other death was quickly remedied in the same issue or the same story arc. I dont count deaths unless it lasts for more than a few issues to a few years.

      Jean has had 2 deaths that both lasted years. So Jean is still more closely associated with death than Betsy.

    2. Psylocke has returned more times from death than the Phoenix.I'm done with writers not knowing how to write Betsy and killing her to recreate her only to be killed by another writer again.

    3. I agree. Characters like Storm are proof that you don't need to kill them to make interesting stories with them. Betsy has such a rich history and connections to other characters its sad none of the talent at Marvel knows what to do with her. If Betsy ever gets a solo CB series or Excalibur is ever rebooted that someone else writes her other than Howard. Shes had her shot its been a loooong year of CB Betsy with almost nothing to show for it.

  14. Uuuuuum... guys, I have an alternative theory now.

    LOL. Bare with me --

    After the shattering the Arraki are all gloating. Bei the Bloodmoon says is laughing (?), "Hnh...hnn...heh...", her eyes glowing green.

    At the wedding, when her her veil is removed her eyes are pur-pink... pink-urple... and she's wearing a single flower above her ear.

    BETSY -- izzat you in there gurl?!

    To be fair, Bei's green "eyes" could be a part of her head-dress/helm. So maybe I'm being kooky and hopeful.

    That said, Bei's powers yearn for her to be understood, establishing a near psychic connection with those around her. So, maybe that's something Betsy could've taken advantage of after being shattered. If Emma can body Jump, surely Betsy could.

  15. @SoulTapestry, your second theory makes sense (and it would make this week's issue have at least one relevant thing happening between the meaningless duels), but I hope it's not true. It's time for Marvel to stop having Betsy swap bodies all the time (she shouldn't have even swapped bodies the very first time it happened; that'd have spared us all of Kwannon's bitchy behavior towards Betsy).

    Your first theory has a better outcome, as Betsy was very cool in her Earth X (...actually, wasn't it Paradise X? But they're in the same continuity, anyway) version. Still, I'd prefer her to just return to normal and to be allowed to be herself for once.

    And to kick Saturnyne's behind as soon as she returns, too. Even if Saturnyne is secretly helping the X-Men and just pretending to be a bitch to them, she still deserves to take some punishment from Betsy.

  16. I’m convinced that Tini is not emotionally invested in the X-Men. Ororo and Brian’s minor outbursts were weak and wack. I’m not sure what this writer’s intentions are for
    these hollow versions she is portraying of everyone. The one decent thing was Betsy showing at least some hint of her actual personality during the fight when she was talking smack.

    I’m hoping that this is like Psi-War where Bets pulls a sweet, fast one after being seemingly destroyed by the Shadow King’s trickery.

  17. Welcome to the X-Men, Isca! We KNOW you will survive the experience!

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    1. I agree. I think Betsy will return during this event and possibly next week in Hellions tie in issue as it's solicited "a hero returns" , plus Betsy is on many covers (not variants) still to come on the remaining chapters.

      I think Howard will use this opportunity to explore Braddocks connections to Otherworld. That is part of their heritage they arent just mutants of Krakoa like lets say Rockslide was. Just my theory.

    2. Maybe, also she didn't really die, she shattered. It kinda reminds me of how Scarlet Witch's powers manifest sometimes, like she's manipulating the building blocks of reality, and the starlight sword is made out of the central point of all realities... It may have to do with that

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  19. I loved Fallen Angel's. And I love Tinis work

  20. Think a lot of people predicted she would lose but think we were all expecting something a bit more epic, Cypher took up most of the issue...

    I’m still sticking to my theory that Brian will also lose but due to his and Betsy’s Otherworld heritage, they can be resurrected, which is why Excalibur and Megan are searching in that next Excalibur cover. I feel Betsy may be MIA for the rest of this crossover...

  21. "Betsy has only had one death that "stuck" and that was with Vargas. Every other death was quickly remedied in the same issue or the same story arc. I dont count deaths unless it lasts for more than a few issues to a few years."

    I agree. Likewise, I also don't think this current "death" will count as a death for real.

    One thing that annoys me in it is that, thanks to this "death", she'll likely be absent until the final issue of XoS. For someone who was promoted by Marvel as a major player in this event, she barely did anything other than getting a sword and being shattered in a humiliating and disrespectful way. I really hope they'll give her something big to do by the end of the event (and that she'll get to punch Saturnyne's face).

  22. @Daly., I'm glad for you. Despite my complaints, I know people have different opinions on each matter, and while I'm still upset at this week's development for XoS, it's great that you're being able to enjoy these stories.

    I mean, I've also enjoyed plenty of stories that most people hated. Fraction's run, for instance, is one of my guilty pleasures, and I LOVE Spurrier's X-Force run, despite the way it was thrashed by the critics.

    1. fractions run is also one of my guilty pleasures lol people hate it so much but at least it wasn't as bad as Chuck Austen's run 😵 Austen's run is still one of the worst XMen runs ever IMO.

  23. The good out of the bad is that Betsy will dump the quantum sword mimic and trust her telekinesis weapons.

  24. Yawn. Does anybody actually take this seriously anymore? The unbeaten is just some nobody contrived to win so they can move the plot along. What's his power? No one knows. He carries a sword... I guess he's Vargas 2.0. Let's recycle a stupid idea and make it WORSE. Betsy has beaten powerhouses like Magneto and Shadow King. If the creative team knew what the hell they were doing, we all know how this "fight" would turn out. This dude would be a stain on the floor. Contrived, contrived, contrived.
