Sunday, November 29, 2020

Captain Britain & Lionheart by Alan Davis


  1. That's how I'd like to see Betsy. Like a warrior. Whether as Psylocke or Captain Britain. I like her lethal lol. This stance is much better than how she seems portrayed in Excalibur so far imo.

    1. It would be such a wasted opportunity if Davis didn't get to draw a Betsy CB Giant Size one-shot. He did after all draw the Nightcrawler Giant Size recently

  2. I know Betsy in the Captain Britain and the Fury head. Is the woman with the staff someone new?

  3. @Tobias Chatti, no, Lionheart has been around since the first half of the 2000s decade. She first became Captain Britain during a time when Brian had retired to rule Otherworld and Meggan (though she became Captain Britain by choosing the Sword of Might rather than the Amulet of Right).

    Afterwards, she joined the Avengers for a while (and even participated in the Disassembled arc), then went missing, then adopted the Lionheart name and became a villain in Claremont's New Excalibur series (though in the final issues she redeemed herself and helped New Excalibur against the other villains), then went to editorial limbo and has been there ever since.

    Despite her current name being Lionheart, I think she's still considered a Captain Britain. But now, with Betsy being Captain Britain and the entire Corps being remodeled after her, I wonder if this may have somehow affected Lionheart.
