Wednesday, August 19, 2020

X of Swords: Creation #1 Launch Variant Cover by Russell Dauterman


  1. Betsy is beautiful here. Her beauty depends on the artist I'm sure about it. She looks white too.

  2. Brian wears a cool armor. What is it called, it's new? Hope they announce a collection of their suits very soon. And Asrar Betsy.

  3. Dauterman has done better this is underwhelming for him IMO.

  4. Nice art! It's only missing Cypher, Magneto and Gorgon to have all the ten Swords on it.

  5. I like the idea the art is conveying but I'm not sold on the faces. Illyana is doing the hip out pose I & most other girls did for their senior pics.

  6. Compared to other variants with Betsy this is good. She has a warrior expression and her hair are colored the right purple. Her proportions are natural and she has a feminine disposition. The flowers are not taking over and she does not look like Brienne of Tarth. To me this is the best technique to draw Betsy's bulky armor.

    1. Agreed. Not saying its bad but Dauterman has definiyle done better especially on the Marauders covers but I expect most variants to be rushed if the artist already has monthly duties on other titles.

      But I agreed Betsy looks very feminine here but strong. I love how her sword isn't "clean" it resembles psychic energy here and not so much a light saber.

      And above all I'm grateful her hair is purple here lol

  7. @Alex we can blame Belasco for Illyana's dead face. While her six pack gets toned her soulsword gets scrawny. Anyone else sees it or is it only me.

  8. @randybear more important is Dauterman drew the respective cultures of the appearing heroes on their swords. Wolverine is Canadian but how lame would he look with a sabre. Still miss Magik's buster sword with horns.

  9. I prefer this uniform of Brian’s.

    @randy, I agree about Betsy’s sword. I prey we see her do some cool telepathic and telekinetic stuff in this storyline.

  10. Yearbook class photo and I'm not whining. Half the cover is posers. I'm glad Betsy isn't one with Storm and Apocalypse.

    Look at Cable, Wolverine and Magik. The smirk of Cable makes me wanna have the real Cable back so bad.

  11. Illyana the Instagram Model.

    Kiki, I like Kid Cable and him fitting in with parents and big sis Rachel. Looking forward to his meeting with Mommy Dearest Madelyn. Maybe his love will be what starts her redemption arc.

  12. Rahsaan Illyana has overdosed on lithium for that pose. She stares like Sofia Richie in her pics.

    Will Madelyn accept Jean though? And Cyclops ditch her and break their marriage? Claremont messed up her good so I feel her pain.

  13. @Kiki, maybe Madelyn and Jean can coexist like Elizabeth and Kwannon now do? Also, perhaps Alex will help Madelyn let go of any anger she has at Scott for being the worst back then?
