But I like Betsy as Captain Britain... Then again, yeah, she was awesome as Psylocke, in both bodies (such a shame her time as Psylocke after regaining her original body was so short). I don't mind Betsy changing her codename to Captain Britain, but it is a bit sad to see Kwannon soiling the Psylocke identity.
@FSaker I agree, I don’t mind Betsy as Captain Britain but I don’t think it should be a permanent identity for her. If we’re being honest Psylocke is way more popular than Captain Britain. So Betsy taking the role of Captain Britain in a way feels like a step back if that makes any sense. I think it’s interesting to see her in the role for maybe a couple years then switch back. I just don’t want Betsy to miss out on popularity with the MCU and other stuff because Kwannon is stealing the Psylocke name. I guess Betsy still being used as Psylocke in other media appearances is a good sign so fingers crossed🤞
A change-up can be fun from time to time, but characters always revert back to their classic identity eventually. How can Betsy do that when a retcon is using her look/codename/powers?
so love her Disassembled look - with Kwannon stealing Psylocke name, I feel Betsy got ripped off cause she can never go back to the name....Tini has not impressed me with her writing
People are delusional when they say Betsy will eventually go back to being Psylocke
1. No way in Hell Marvel is going to kill off or repurpose Kwannon into anything else. They want to maintain the Jim Lee Psylocke for marketing they arent going to ever put Betsy back as Psylocke, unfortunately.
2. Tobey Dumb Fuck aka Jordan White compared Betsy as CB to Carol to CapMarvel. If you think about it that means this is a permanent move and its cemented going forward. Carol will absolutely never revert to Ms Marvel and same applies to Betsy as Psylocke.
IMO I wish they left her in the Asrar outfit with the butterfly, and just gave her a new codename like Lady Braddock or something. I just dont like the CB powers on Betsy I've never been a fan of Betsy flying or having super strength it's just ugh and the big cape looks so bulky on her.
If she has to stay as CB then lose the cape and helmet, and give her the fucking butterfly back. You can't even tell anymore when shes using her telepathy anymore the artists rarely ever draw any sort of psychic signature when she uses her telepathy.
Also the writer has done zero creative things with Betsy. Remember when she emerged in her body and was using her telepathy in ways she used to like illusions etc Now she just swings her sword around and it's so boring. All you do is see her use her sword in Excalibur theres like no motivation to see her do anything interesting at all. Imagine a Captain Britain who had all the CB powers but was also a powerful, creative telepath? Yeah I'd like to see that too but shes relegated to flying and swinging her sword around.
Only Tini Howard has written Betsy since shes become CB and a lot of those that arent hardcore Betsy fans seem lukewarm towards Betsy as CB and can you blame them? Shes been a total bore!
Betsy’s future as CB depends on three things, fan reception, sales, and MCU synergy. I’m personally a fan of Betsy as Psylocke, I hate what they are doing with Kwannon using the identity. IDK I personally see a lot of negative reception on Kwannon as Psylocke and the fact that Fallen Angels sucked ass doesn’t help her case. Besty as Captain Britain seems to have a meh reaction, I think a lot of it is how boring Tini writes her. Betsy is winning in sales right now but for how long? A lot of the sales for Excalibur come from Rogue and Gambit fans. I’m hoping Psylocke gets introduced into the MCU asap so they use the Betsy version rather than waiting five or eight years and using Kwannon because the comics shoved her down people’s throats like they did with Carol as Captain Marvel. The MCU might not call Psylocke by any name aside from Psylocke to pander to Betsy fans while keeping Kwannon as Psylocke (similar to how Kwannon only wants to be called Psylocke in the comics to trick casual fans who don’t keep up with all the changes into thinking it’s the same Psylocke they’ve read in the past). Betsy has always been the selling point to Psylocke no matter what body. Yes the Ninja Psylocke design is cool but at the end of the day a cool design can only get you so far. Betsy’s personality and story is what carried Psylocke this far not Kwannon’s. Betsy forged her identity as Psylocke and should keep the name period.
I have similar feelings to Carol as Captain Marvel, I prefer her as Ms. Marvel because she forged that identity for herself. Carol as Cap is so disappointing they should’ve kept Monica in the role. No disrespect to Kamala because I actually like her and think she’s the only good thing to come out of Carol as Cap, but there could’ve been a way to have her and Carol still as Ms. Marvel.
Oh Betsy still has telepathy? Somebody better tell Tini Howard.
What an atrocious fuck-up of a book Excalibur is. None of the characters have done anything of interest. They just lurch from one boring, inscrutable, plot point to the next with no agency or personality.
For the love of everything, put Betsy back in her Disassembled costume, powers and attitude. Yes, that book/storyline was a mess, but damn if in retrospect it doesn’t seem like Shakespeare compared to what the X-books and Betsy have become.
Psylocke OWNED that whole storyline. She was shown as, AND treated by, Jean as an equal. She was smart, capable, and utilised all her powers to their fullest. It totally won me over on Psylocke as a psychic knight instead of a ninja, and made me love the sword and shield. She got some really great moments, and saved the day more than once.
It makes me really sad that I’ve had to give up on Betsy until she finds a better writer and identity.
And I don’t give a shit about the Psylocke name. Call her Captain Britain if you like. I happen to love Kwannon. I’m not advocating Betsy needs to go backwards as a character.
But she does need to be respected.
I don’t know who that atrociously costumed character in Excalibur is with the flowers in her hair... but it sure as hell isn't Betsy Braddock.
It seems like another characther has been writing. It misses everything about the same psylocke that i´ve been reading for more than 30years. It´s like there´s no Joie de vivre anymore. What they did with Kwannon is not only pathetic,but goes beyond every history about the two. The "original" plot was a mess, don´t saying other thing (thanks Nicieza). But they keep digging when it wasn´t need it. Give 5minutos to anyone and they can create a different and logic backgroud to kwannon withoud been a bad clone. About Captain ... It´s about what? 9 edicions and nothing happens. There´s no purpose.. The character stay running like a crazy cockroach. What about the powers? She seems that had a extreme downgrade considering her previous ones..
Are you guys seriously worried about the way she'll debut on the MCU? Remember, she won't be there for at least the next five years. The first X-Men film isn't even in production yet, and it will take even more time now with the pandemic going on - and when it does, the roster will likely be the O5 team, with MAYBE the inclusion of Wolverine and Storm. Then, the second film would have several characters in front of her to debut, such as Colossus, Nightcrawler, Kitty, Rogue and Havok. Betsy would rather appear only from the third X-film on, alongside people like Gambit and Bishop - assuming, of course, that the MCU doesn't dedicate some films exclusively to adapt big storylines like the Dark Phoenix Saga or the Days of Future Past one, where there would likely be no new X-Men debuting.
And it's not like the X-films should come quickly one after the other; there are plenty of other films the MCU will get in the meantime: the Fantastic Four film(s) which are as expected as the X-Men one, plus more films for the Avengers and Spider-Man (and maybe the Guardians of the Galaxy, Defenders and solo films for certain Avengers), at least one solo film for Wolverine and hopefully one for Storm as well (Ororo deserves it).
Curiously, I'd say Betsy being Captain Britain could actually make her debut earlier on the MCU, as she could make her first appearance as a sort of rival for Captain America in his solo film or in one of the Avengers' (Brian could also play this part, but let's be honest, almost no one cares about Brian). Then again, by the time Betsy is even considered to appear in the MCU, we have no idea if she'll still be Captain Britain, if she'll still be in her own body, or if she'll even still be alive. A lot can happen to her until that time comes.
That all said, one thing I think that could be interesting would be to have BOTH Betsy and Kwannon using the Psylocke identity and becoming some sort of duo (kinda like the Cuckoos but with more individuality and more action-based).
When I was first reading comics that's what I thought Psylocke and Revanche were. A reluctant duo, and I loved it. Especially the way their fighting styles mirrored/compliment each other.
But that idea fell pretty quickly by the wayside.
If they went back to that, with them both in their own bodies?! Amazing!
But Betsy HAS to go back to being in her Disassembled costume. She keeps the sword and shield, is the knight, and Kwannon shares the psychic knife and is the ninja.
@Benjamin I would be down for all that for real! I love Betsy's Disassembled even if she has the colors in the UK theme. I love Kwannon to have Uncanny X-Men look Betsy had being on Magento's theme they way they put it out of Fortnite but change the purple to another color and signature too would be a kiss ass dragon for her and let Betsy keep the butterfly.
But Betsy HAS to go back to being in her Disassembled costume. She keeps the sword and shield, is the knight, and Kwannon shares the psychic knife and is the ninja"
That would be ideal but sadly that isnt what Jordan White and Cebulski want.
Jordan even told Marcus To to add a cape to Betsy's design cause and I quote "she needed a cape so she looked cool while she flies around!"
Betsy wore a cape in the 80s too. i like the idea of a cape, but don't like the captain britian costume most of the time it is drawn. i've never liked red with betsy since it clashes with purple to me.
Returning to the pre-Mystery in Madripoor status quo is preferrable for me. If not, get rid of the Captain Britain look and all that Dungeons and Dragons baggage, and let her be the telepathic ninja in her original body. And seriously, kill Kwannon, no more mention of her, ever.
@FSaker well the MCU is gonna dictate how Betsy/Psylocke will be perceived by the general audience and will have a major effect on her going forward. So it kinda is a big concern, because I don't want a repeat of Carol Danvers where Betsy is turned into a bland/unlikable character due to having an identity pushed on her. Captain Britan isn't a popular character so it's highly unlikely we're gonna see him any time soon especially since we already have two caps in the MCU. Psylocke, on the other hand, is a more popular character and will probably get introduced first. If they use Kwannon Betsy is just going to be forgotten, which is unfair because she's what made Psylocke popular in the first place. Kwannon is going to be pushed hardcore the same way Carol was as Cap whether people like her or not, Marvel isn't going to care about reception as long as they synergize with the MCU because at the end of the day that is their main focus. Even if Betsy gets a movie as Captain Britain, her personality is going to be based solely on her time in the role which so far hasn't been great. We'll get a one-note Betsy without anything that made her special for the rest of her career just like Carol as Cap. Marvel won't care because as long as the MCU makes money they could give two shits. The MCU has implications that affect the comics so yeah I'm worried about what they do with Betsy.
@Ry, Yes, I'm aware of that. However, like I said, it may take a full decade or more before either Betsy or Kwannon get introduced on the MCU. And while I agree that "Ninjalocke" is Psylocke's most iconic version, I doubt the MCU heads would pick KWANNON for the part; if Psylocke gets introduced as an Asian ninja, they will most likely present her as Betsy and possibly change her origins to say she's a British woman with Japanese heritage (kinda like Rina Sawayama, although she was born in Japan but raised in England - by the way, you guys should definitely check Rina's album, it's fantastic!).
While "Ninjalocke" is popular, Kwannon's time as Psylocke hasn't been well received, neither by Psylocke fans, nor by the general X-fans or casual readers; she failed to leave an impression on Fallen Angels, and I suspect she won't leave any lasting impression on Hellions either. So, I understand your concerns, I just don't think Betsy is in any risk of being replaced by another character in the MCU. She may have her origins and ethnicity changed, though (which is also a problem, but a different kind of problem).
And this is coming from someone who used to fear every month that Betsy would be killed or sent to editorial limbo by the X-writers.
Oh, and as for Captain Britain, assuming that's the identity for the MCU Betsy, I'd say it's more likely that she would be introduced first as THE Captain Britain, and Brian and his time as a previous Captain Britain would only be brought into the films later, through flashbacks, like they did with Scott Lang and Hank Pym in the Ant-Man films.
Honestly, I'm fine with her being introduced either as Captain Britain or as Psylocke. From what I get from you guys' comments, the problem in the current comic book seems to be less that Betsy changed her codename and more that the writer isn't presenting her in a faithful way (a problem that apparently applies to Rogue and Gambit as well, despite them still using their iconic codenames). Maybe when Hickman gets to write the Excalibur characters in X of Swords, we'll get to see them properly represented.
Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on Vampirelord7878@gmail.com
Get a personal loan from $3,000 to $20,000,000 within 24 hours upon request. Other types of loans are also available in less than 48 hours. Contact me as needed. Contact Us At :abdullahibrahimlender@gmail.com whatspp Number +918929490461 Mr Abdullah Ibrahim
Two beautiful renditions of Psylocke, and then a horribly written character I don't recognise spoiling it in the middle.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Our girl has been robbed of her identity for marketing purposes.
ReplyDeleteBut I like Betsy as Captain Britain... Then again, yeah, she was awesome as Psylocke, in both bodies (such a shame her time as Psylocke after regaining her original body was so short). I don't mind Betsy changing her codename to Captain Britain, but it is a bit sad to see Kwannon soiling the Psylocke identity.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this art is fantastic!
@FSaker I agree, I don’t mind Betsy as Captain Britain but I don’t think it should be a permanent identity for her. If we’re being honest Psylocke is way more popular than Captain Britain. So Betsy taking the role of Captain Britain in a way feels like a step back if that makes any sense. I think it’s interesting to see her in the role for maybe a couple years then switch back. I just don’t want Betsy to miss out on popularity with the MCU and other stuff because Kwannon is stealing the Psylocke name. I guess Betsy still being used as Psylocke in other media appearances is a good sign so fingers crossed🤞
DeleteA change-up can be fun from time to time, but characters always revert back to their classic identity eventually. How can Betsy do that when a retcon is using her look/codename/powers?
ReplyDeleteWord, Chris. And worse, when a writer has Betsy claim that she was the one stealing the identity from said retcon. Talk about revisionism.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the original Captain Britain comic canon it's our girl's birthday today.
ReplyDeleteso love her Disassembled look - with Kwannon stealing Psylocke name, I feel Betsy got ripped off cause she can never go back to the name....Tini has not impressed me with her writing
ReplyDeletePeople are delusional when they say Betsy will eventually go back to being Psylocke
ReplyDelete1. No way in Hell Marvel is going to kill off or repurpose Kwannon into anything else. They want to maintain the Jim Lee Psylocke for marketing they arent going to ever put Betsy back as Psylocke, unfortunately.
2. Tobey Dumb Fuck aka Jordan White compared Betsy as CB to Carol to CapMarvel. If you think about it that means this is a permanent move and its cemented going forward. Carol will absolutely never revert to Ms Marvel and same applies to Betsy as Psylocke.
IMO I wish they left her in the Asrar outfit with the butterfly, and just gave her a new codename like Lady Braddock or something. I just dont like the CB powers on Betsy I've never been a fan of Betsy flying or having super strength it's just ugh and the big cape looks so bulky on her.
If she has to stay as CB then lose the cape and helmet, and give her the fucking butterfly back. You can't even tell anymore when shes using her telepathy anymore the artists rarely ever draw any sort of psychic signature when she uses her telepathy.
Also the writer has done zero creative things with Betsy. Remember when she emerged in her body and was using her telepathy in ways she used to like illusions etc Now she just swings her sword around and it's so boring. All you do is see her use her sword in Excalibur theres like no motivation to see her do anything interesting at all. Imagine a Captain Britain who had all the CB powers but was also a powerful, creative telepath? Yeah I'd like to see that too but shes relegated to flying and swinging her sword around.
Only Tini Howard has written Betsy since shes become CB and a lot of those that arent hardcore Betsy fans seem lukewarm towards Betsy as CB and can you blame them? Shes been a total bore!
Betsy’s future as CB depends on three things, fan reception, sales, and MCU synergy. I’m personally a fan of Betsy as Psylocke, I hate what they are doing with Kwannon using the identity. IDK I personally see a lot of negative reception on Kwannon as Psylocke and the fact that Fallen Angels sucked ass doesn’t help her case. Besty as Captain Britain seems to have a meh reaction, I think a lot of it is how boring Tini writes her. Betsy is winning in sales right now but for how long? A lot of the sales for Excalibur come from Rogue and Gambit fans. I’m hoping Psylocke gets introduced into the MCU asap so they use the Betsy version rather than waiting five or eight years and using Kwannon because the comics shoved her down people’s throats like they did with Carol as Captain Marvel. The MCU might not call Psylocke by any name aside from Psylocke to pander to Betsy fans while keeping Kwannon as Psylocke (similar to how Kwannon only wants to be called Psylocke in the comics to trick casual fans who don’t keep up with all the changes into thinking it’s the same Psylocke they’ve read in the past). Betsy has always been the selling point to Psylocke no matter what body. Yes the Ninja Psylocke design is cool but at the end of the day a cool design can only get you so far. Betsy’s personality and story is what carried Psylocke this far not Kwannon’s. Betsy forged her identity as Psylocke and should keep the name period.
ReplyDeleteI have similar feelings to Carol as Captain Marvel, I prefer her as Ms. Marvel because she forged that identity for herself. Carol as Cap is so disappointing they should’ve kept Monica in the role. No disrespect to Kamala because I actually like her and think she’s the only good thing to come out of Carol as Cap, but there could’ve been a way to have her and Carol still as Ms. Marvel.
ReplyDeleteOh Betsy still has telepathy? Somebody better tell Tini Howard.
ReplyDeleteWhat an atrocious fuck-up of a book Excalibur is. None of the characters have done anything of interest. They just lurch from one boring, inscrutable, plot point to the next with no agency or personality.
For the love of everything, put Betsy back in her Disassembled costume, powers and attitude. Yes, that book/storyline was a mess, but damn if in retrospect it doesn’t seem like Shakespeare compared to what the X-books and Betsy have become.
Psylocke OWNED that whole storyline. She was shown as, AND treated by, Jean as an equal. She was smart, capable, and utilised all her powers to their fullest. It totally won me over on Psylocke as a psychic knight instead of a ninja, and made me love the sword and shield. She got some really great moments, and saved the day more than once.
It makes me really sad that I’ve had to give up on Betsy until she finds a better writer and identity.
And I don’t give a shit about the Psylocke name. Call her Captain Britain if you like. I happen to love Kwannon. I’m not advocating Betsy needs to go backwards as a character.
But she does need to be respected.
I don’t know who that atrociously costumed character in Excalibur is with the flowers in her hair... but it sure as hell isn't Betsy Braddock.
It seems like another characther has been writing. It misses everything about the same psylocke that i´ve been reading for more than 30years. It´s like there´s no Joie de vivre anymore. What they did with Kwannon is not only pathetic,but goes beyond every history about the two. The "original" plot was a mess, don´t saying other thing (thanks Nicieza). But they keep digging when it wasn´t need it. Give 5minutos to anyone and they can create a different and logic backgroud to kwannon withoud been a bad clone. About Captain ... It´s about what? 9 edicions and nothing happens. There´s no purpose.. The character stay running like a crazy cockroach. What about the powers? She seems that had a extreme downgrade considering her previous ones..
ReplyDeleteAre you guys seriously worried about the way she'll debut on the MCU? Remember, she won't be there for at least the next five years. The first X-Men film isn't even in production yet, and it will take even more time now with the pandemic going on - and when it does, the roster will likely be the O5 team, with MAYBE the inclusion of Wolverine and Storm. Then, the second film would have several characters in front of her to debut, such as Colossus, Nightcrawler, Kitty, Rogue and Havok. Betsy would rather appear only from the third X-film on, alongside people like Gambit and Bishop - assuming, of course, that the MCU doesn't dedicate some films exclusively to adapt big storylines like the Dark Phoenix Saga or the Days of Future Past one, where there would likely be no new X-Men debuting.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's not like the X-films should come quickly one after the other; there are plenty of other films the MCU will get in the meantime: the Fantastic Four film(s) which are as expected as the X-Men one, plus more films for the Avengers and Spider-Man (and maybe the Guardians of the Galaxy, Defenders and solo films for certain Avengers), at least one solo film for Wolverine and hopefully one for Storm as well (Ororo deserves it).
Curiously, I'd say Betsy being Captain Britain could actually make her debut earlier on the MCU, as she could make her first appearance as a sort of rival for Captain America in his solo film or in one of the Avengers' (Brian could also play this part, but let's be honest, almost no one cares about Brian). Then again, by the time Betsy is even considered to appear in the MCU, we have no idea if she'll still be Captain Britain, if she'll still be in her own body, or if she'll even still be alive. A lot can happen to her until that time comes.
That all said, one thing I think that could be interesting would be to have BOTH Betsy and Kwannon using the Psylocke identity and becoming some sort of duo (kinda like the Cuckoos but with more individuality and more action-based).
ReplyDeleteBut I doubt this will ever happen. Oh well.
OMG. I would explode if that happened.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was first reading comics that's what I thought Psylocke and Revanche were. A reluctant duo, and I loved it. Especially the way their fighting styles mirrored/compliment each other.
But that idea fell pretty quickly by the wayside.
If they went back to that, with them both in their own bodies?! Amazing!
But Betsy HAS to go back to being in her Disassembled costume. She keeps the sword and shield, is the knight, and Kwannon shares the psychic knife and is the ninja.
@Benjamin I would be down for all that for real! I love Betsy's Disassembled even if she has the colors in the UK theme. I love Kwannon to have Uncanny X-Men look Betsy had being on Magento's theme they way they put it out of Fortnite but change the purple to another color and signature too would be a kiss ass dragon for her and let Betsy keep the butterfly.
ReplyDeleteBut Betsy HAS to go back to being in her Disassembled costume. She keeps the sword and shield, is the knight, and Kwannon shares the psychic knife and is the ninja"
That would be ideal but sadly that isnt what Jordan White and Cebulski want.
Jordan even told Marcus To to add a cape to Betsy's design cause and I quote "she needed a cape so she looked cool while she flies around!"
Betsy wore a cape in the 80s too. i like the idea of a cape, but don't like the captain britian costume most of the time it is drawn. i've never liked red with betsy since it clashes with purple to me.
ReplyDeleteUm yeah I'm aware her outback armor had a cape but it was more of a cloak then a super bright red heroic cape like Supermans is my POINT
DeleteReturning to the pre-Mystery in Madripoor status quo is preferrable for me. If not, get rid of the Captain Britain look and all that Dungeons and Dragons baggage, and let her be the telepathic ninja in her original body. And seriously, kill Kwannon, no more mention of her, ever.
ReplyDelete@FSaker well the MCU is gonna dictate how Betsy/Psylocke will be perceived by the general audience and will have a major effect on her going forward. So it kinda is a big concern, because I don't want a repeat of Carol Danvers where Betsy is turned into a bland/unlikable character due to having an identity pushed on her. Captain Britan isn't a popular character so it's highly unlikely we're gonna see him any time soon especially since we already have two caps in the MCU. Psylocke, on the other hand, is a more popular character and will probably get introduced first. If they use Kwannon Betsy is just going to be forgotten, which is unfair because she's what made Psylocke popular in the first place. Kwannon is going to be pushed hardcore the same way Carol was as Cap whether people like her or not, Marvel isn't going to care about reception as long as they synergize with the MCU because at the end of the day that is their main focus. Even if Betsy gets a movie as Captain Britain, her personality is going to be based solely on her time in the role which so far hasn't been great. We'll get a one-note Betsy without anything that made her special for the rest of her career just like Carol as Cap. Marvel won't care because as long as the MCU makes money they could give two shits. The MCU has implications that affect the comics so yeah I'm worried about what they do with Betsy.
ReplyDelete@Ry thank you for using logic and understanding how this all works. I agree 100%
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Ry, Yes, I'm aware of that. However, like I said, it may take a full decade or more before either Betsy or Kwannon get introduced on the MCU. And while I agree that "Ninjalocke" is Psylocke's most iconic version, I doubt the MCU heads would pick KWANNON for the part; if Psylocke gets introduced as an Asian ninja, they will most likely present her as Betsy and possibly change her origins to say she's a British woman with Japanese heritage (kinda like Rina Sawayama, although she was born in Japan but raised in England - by the way, you guys should definitely check Rina's album, it's fantastic!).
ReplyDeleteWhile "Ninjalocke" is popular, Kwannon's time as Psylocke hasn't been well received, neither by Psylocke fans, nor by the general X-fans or casual readers; she failed to leave an impression on Fallen Angels, and I suspect she won't leave any lasting impression on Hellions either. So, I understand your concerns, I just don't think Betsy is in any risk of being replaced by another character in the MCU. She may have her origins and ethnicity changed, though (which is also a problem, but a different kind of problem).
And this is coming from someone who used to fear every month that Betsy would be killed or sent to editorial limbo by the X-writers.
Oh, and as for Captain Britain, assuming that's the identity for the MCU Betsy, I'd say it's more likely that she would be introduced first as THE Captain Britain, and Brian and his time as a previous Captain Britain would only be brought into the films later, through flashbacks, like they did with Scott Lang and Hank Pym in the Ant-Man films.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I'm fine with her being introduced either as Captain Britain or as Psylocke. From what I get from you guys' comments, the problem in the current comic book seems to be less that Betsy changed her codename and more that the writer isn't presenting her in a faithful way (a problem that apparently applies to Rogue and Gambit as well, despite them still using their iconic codenames). Maybe when Hickman gets to write the Excalibur characters in X of Swords, we'll get to see them properly represented.
Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on Vampirelord7878@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteGet a personal loan from $3,000 to $20,000,000 within 24 hours upon request. Other types of loans are also available in less than 48 hours. Contact me as needed. Contact Us At :abdullahibrahimlender@gmail.com
ReplyDeletewhatspp Number +918929490461
Mr Abdullah Ibrahim