Wednesday, March 18, 2020

X-Force #9 Art


  1. Why are Betsy and Dani holding their boots? lol

    Awesome pic lots of interesting things:

    Selene and Guido hooking up? 😁
    Warpath feeling up on Kwannon
    Shadow King's hat sitting on mantel behind the bar
    M and Maggot also hooking up lol

    1. The porcupine body is called Penance. Emplate made it to capture Monet. They are separate characters. Or are they?

    2. Christian Frost holds hands with Rictor? Caught cheating Iceman?

    3. It's ok if Shatterstar is out. He is a bad meme of everything Liefeld. We have the original idea in Longshot.

  2. @randybear

    I didn't even notice Farouk's hat! Makes me wonder if he's on the island or was it just an Easter egg?

  3. Seeing Betsy back in a X-Force book made me happy even if it was for a brief second. I’m loving the new series and the lineup but I always keep wondering what the team would’ve been like with Betsy

  4. @Tobias,

    That's the currently confusing thing with Penance/Monet. In Hickman's run that led to this new status there's an X-Men issue that depicts Monet transforming into Penance to attack soldiers on the space station mission that kills her Scott, Jean & the others on the team.

    They of course get cloned & copied back on Krakoa but it's either a mistake on Hickmans part or it's supposed to be a nod to his future chimera's.

    I'm thinking it's more of a mistake because he's done a few before & has stated he's only passionate about certain characters. Plus M has a bit of a confusing history so maybe he made a mistake & thinks that's her ability cause in the issue she really doesn't display her known abilities.

    1. Hickman stans Monet. He almost got a tattoo with her. Or so he says on Twitter. To not know her story and what Emplate did to his sister is sus. I'm certain he doesn't know the power of Morgan. He wouldn't let Howard nerf her.

  5. @Tobias

    I think he was just saying he stans her cause some M fans where angry about how he's handled her in her few appearances in this reboot. I know for sure he loves Emma & Scott. When I saw M turn into Penance I almost wanted to drop his book, especially since that's all she's done under his writing.

    1. I said what I said about M and Penance to warn writers who forget that Betsy and the Japanese Psylocke are not the same person. Penance was a body prison for M and the Japanese killer was a body prison for Betsy. That started my fire because writers don't care enough.
