Monday, March 9, 2020

Giant-Size X-Men Monday #50 – Anniversary Interview With Jordan D. White

AIPT: OK, let’s talk about swords. They’ve been everywhere since the Hickman era began. Was “X of Swords” part of Jonathan’s original pitch? How far back does the planning for this go?

Jordan D. White: No. No, absolutely not. Part of the way that that is proven out to be true is that the story you’re going to see in “X of Swords” grows out of two places most of all. One is some of the stuff Hickman has been seeding since House of X, but the other part of it is stuff Tini’s doing in Excalibur. In a big way, both of those are a big part of it. So it does connect all the way back to things Jonathan was pitching from the beginning, but this specific thing wasn’t “And then we’ll do the ‘X of Swords’ things”–that definitely wouldn’t have existed if all the other books hadn’t come into play the way they are. I mean, again, Jonathan is a big planner, but he really is a good collaborator. He has not dictated to everybody what they are going to do. There have been places where he has had a strong opinion about what they’re going to do or has given suggestions about how to make what they want to do a million times better, but he didn’t go “You do a book about this and you do a book about this.” They all really brought their own ideas to it and once they did, he incorporates those ideas into the larger design. So yeah, the book that is “X of Swords” would not have come to pass if most of all Tini, but really the whole group hadn’t come together and done the books they’re doing.

AIPT: So if X-Fans haven’t been keeping up, should they definitely go back and read Excalibur and X-Men?

Jordan D. White: Well, if they haven’t been keeping up with all the titles, they should really check out the Dawn of X trades that collect all the titles together in one awesome line, so you can have the entire Dawn of X line on your shelf as one thing that’s super awesome. But if you haven’t been reading Excalibur, definitely check it out. It’s going to be important for “X of Swords” for sure.


  1. Interesting. I always thought Hickman was that kind of writer that planned things years in advance, considering how intricate his runs with the Fantastic Four and the Avengers were (especially the FF one). I remember even thinking of him as a modern-day Claremont, as some plot points from one issue would only blossom one year or more later, and yet it always felt very organic (unlike, say, Bendis).

    I'm curious to see how this event will work. Associating mutantkind with swords seems quite a random idea, but hopefully it will make more sense once it starts. And hopefully this time Betsy will have a role in the story, as she was sadly ignored in House of X and Powers of X.

  2. Normally he is the type to plan ahead. I get the feeling this Swords event was more of an editorial "We need a big X event!" While it's Johnathan's story sometimes editorial will come up with ideas & give it to a writer to make a story out of it.

  3. Yeah I get the vibe they needed an event and Tini had an idea and Hickman is just keeping an eye on it lol Glad to hear Pepe Larraz will be drawing Betsy though

  4. Also I will always miss the Asrar design but when I see images like the one above I also really love her CB look. So conflicted! I just wish she wore the Asrar look when she wasnt suited up as CB.

  5. @randybear

    Same. I was really hoping they'd let her keep that uniform has like her Krakoa/X-Men look then when she's doing official Excalibur stuff she manifest the Captain Britain uniform.

  6. I just wish she would drop the helmet

  7. The swords event might bring more focus on Betsy which is good.

    I love to see her fly and interact with close friends like Rachel.

    It's understandable the CB helmet takes away from Betsy's charm and I agree is better to switch between costumes and when she doesn't use the Amulet of Right to be in the Asrar costume.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I’m a little concerned for this just with the shaky quality of Excalibur (it’s nowhere near a bad book, it just has issues) I’m not sure it’s the best idea to build the foundations for a crossover with a book that kinda does it’s own thing. I’m personally hoping it focuses on Betsy a lot since she is the X-man who has wielded a sword for most of career, but it seems Tini is more interested in Apocalypse and Hickman has been focusing on him a lot too.

  10. Psi-Girl knows best. Ninjalocke is a slutty derivative of Psylocke. Long live the real Queen Betsy Braddock Psylocke!

  11. Can Rogue wear the warwolf as a permanent suit? Pretty please??
