Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Excalibur #9 Spoilers

Spoilers: Using the warwolf skulls, Apocalypse performs a ritual to light a beacon and guide Excalibur to Starlight Citadel. The Starlight Citadel, which serves as the fortress of Omniversal Majestrix Opal Luna Saturnyne has remained cloaked from view since the fall of Captain Britain Corps and Morgan Le Fay’s first attack. Later that night, Excalibur regroups at the Lighthouse. Betsy sees Brian sneaking around the Lighthouse and calls out to him, but Brian flees without answering her. Back at Otherworld, Apocalypse manages to glimpse the Citadel despite Saturnyne’s cloaking spell. Meanwhile in London, Coven Akkaba sacrifices one of their own for failing Morgan Le Fay. Meggan spies on the Coven on Pete Wisdom’s behalf and relays all information she could gather. Excalibur travels to Otherworld and head to Starlight Citadel. Betsy explains to Rogue that the Captain Britain Corps was destroyed and wonders why Saturnyne would hide from her as she’s also a Captain Britain. Saturnyne orders her priestesses to hunt down Excalibur in order to prevent Apocalypse’s corruption from expanding any further. Saturnyne’s priestesses shoot arrows at Excalibur, which end up hurting Shogo in his dragon form. An enraged Jubilee unleashes her fireworks defeating all of them. Saturnyne assures she needs to maintain the balance of the Omniverse by all means necessary and calls out Captain Britain versions of Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee and Rictor.


  1. Am I alone in wanting to see Morgan le Fay get revenge on Apocalypse? She is a monster I know but still I feel awful for her.

  2. You're not. No one deserves to suffer what Morgan is suffering in his hands now.

    I hope Excalibur eventually finds out what Apocalypse is doing to Morgan and rescues her.

  3. Hickman makes powerful beings in to pawns for a story. Morgan is invincible how did she lose to Apocalypse?

    1. Tini Howard is writing this not Hickman

  4. Morgan is more powerful than Roma. For Saturnyne can't say.

  5. I liked this issue. That's all :)
