Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Excalibur #8 Art


  1. Felt both like a filler issue but also at least wrapped up the Warwolves stuff. For now at least. It was nice to see Rachel & see her happy. She's never been a favorite character of mine but it seems like writers only know how to use her when they need a red headed psychic to suffer when Jeans not around.

    Santos art definitely reads more like his own this issue compared to the To hybrid it was a couple of issues ago. Betsy looked gorgeous & strong in most of the action scenes.

  2. I laughed when Ric was like "betsy why are you wearing that?" 🤣 I enjoyed these 2 issues tbh and pleasantly surprised to see Marcus To finish this issue! Betsy looked gorgeous and her moment with Rachel was cute. I always wished they continued their friendship beyond Reload they play off each other so well IMO.

  3. As much as it pains me to say it, Excalibur has proved to be the worst Dawn of X title to date. I dislike the lack of characterization, the pace, and pretty much everything about it. {a} is the only slightly interesting thing. I'm over Otherworld and this book. I will eat crow and admit that I am ready for Elizabeth to reclaim her code name and her Disassembled uniform as Psylocke. As well as her power signature and martial arts which she used up through Age of X-Man. I would like her to be written by a writer who cares about her. Same for the rest of the cast.

    1. I would also love for her to get her codename back and disassembled attire back (Kwannon can take back Revanche). Although I dont think Excalibur is the worst title (for me that was Fallen Angel's and sometimes even the X-Men book itself ironically)it definitely needs to write Betsy as her usual self. This isnt a dnd game as much as the current writer likes them, it's an X-Men book first and foremost. Kwannon either has retained a small fraction of Betsy's powers or has a small fraction of her own (depending on how you take her statement of Betsy took a measure of her power when she left that body), but in any case Kwannon recently stated that she can not do the psychic feats of either Xavier or Betsy at her power level, yet Kwannon has done more psychically with basically nothing than Betsy (who "A" has described as a powerful psychic being) has been allowed to do in Excalibur. I hope that changes soon.

  4. I like this team, but would prefer them in a new direction. Betsy can still lead in her Disassembled iteration. I really hate how Gambit is written in this book most of all.

  5. Weren't you wearing capes in public a few months back because you were so enamored with her CB design? 🤣

  6. "Excalibur has proved to be the worst Dawn of X title to date"

    Really? That's sad.

    Are you following the other Dawn of X titles? If so, what are your opinions on them (are they good, bad, just okay...)?

    As for the characters, I think I'm okay with Betsy either staying as Captain Britain or becoming Disassembled!Psylocke again (while I wasn't fond of the Disassembled uniform at first, it grew on me; I like how it brings elements from Psylocke both pre- and post-body swap).

    And I've read many other people also complaining about the way Gambit has been depicted in this book (they say he's whiny, moody and considerably incompetent, which is quite a change from the Remy with a pleasant personality and great fighting and tracking skills), and that's a real shame - I don't know if Howard intended to have a male X-Man to represent sexism issues, but if that was the case, Gambit was a terrible choice; he's always been very supportive of Rogue and the other X-Women, never had a problem with their leaderships (he constantly defended Storm, if I remember correctly) and, despite his flirtatious nature, he always respected Rogue and was faithful to her. If she wanted an X-Man to use as an unsympathetic male character, there are many better choices living in Krakoa - even among the X-Men.

  7. @randy, do not get slapped out here. LOL.

  8. I had high hopes for this book and I still like her CB uniform, but I'm bored of all of this. I will admit I was wrong. This might be better if a new writer who actually cares about her writes her. Right now, it seems like the only character Tini likes is Apocalypse.

  9. It was a filler issue for sure. great art, and not much really happens.
    I love a good dialogue-heavy book. But only when the dialogue is good, and the personalities are in line. But this is meh.

  10. I think the disconnect for some with this book is that it exits kinda outside the happenings of Krakoa in a way. Even New Mutants secondary plot deals more with Krakoan Yes, one of the plot lines is about Apocalypse trying to push their territory into Otherworld, but other than it feels pretty standalone. Especially in comparison to what's happening in the other X-Books. Even Fallen Angels seemed to have more ties in to Krakoa (not feeling comfortable or welcome in a supposed Jim Jones paradise).

    I know a lot of fans wanted more of Betsy Otherworld heritage explored but I feel that unless we get to the point with Apocalypse machinations already some might loose interest.

    Kwannon's only displayed one big power feat in FA so I'd still say she is rather low tier psychic wise compared to Betsy. I think we're just still in uncharted territory with her has Captain Britain, back in her body & without the ninja tropes. It's going to take a while to get used to it.

    I wish we could've gotten some more development before Marvel threw us into the Age of X-Man event. I think that was a jarring editorial decision. Not just for Betsy but for a few other characters also.

    It definitely reads like a slow burning D&D campaign with the Otherworld antics being the RP with the London/Kroakoa bits feeling like real world work issues you deal with before a once a week campaign meet.

  11. Yeah IMO the worst if the Dawn of X has hands down been Fallen Angels (regardless of how I feel towards Kwannon the writing in FA was awful and the art got progressively worse) and New Mutants whenever written by Brisson have been god awful. It's such a shame they kept him around he's just not a good writer IMO at least when he writes the XMen.

    1. Oh yeah @Randybear.. I forgot about New Mutants. I couldn't get into that one at all. I finally asked the comic book store that I go to, to stop holding it for me lol.

  12. Betsy in the sleep dress brings fond memories back.Thank the universe hearing our prayers so that Betsy hasn't lost her taste.
