Friday, January 24, 2020

Excalibur #9 Cover


  1. Yes from the haircut it has to be Opal Luna Saturnyne.

  2. @Kiki M. Ishola when did that happen? Saturnyne has never outed anybody.

  3. I'm curious to see what will happen with Opal here. Shes a more convoluted character but I enjoy her when she pops up. I wonder if her character will be a bit more streamlined here and I guessing shes the white witch not Roma

  4. You want evidence Jaime sweetie?

    Was the fingerlicking enough? Kitty is the scissor sister on the low. Illyana, Karma, Courtney.

  5. I always wished Kitty would come out as a lesbian. I can see her rocking basketball shorts and a backwards Cap lmao also anyone else find her relationship with Colossus incredibly boring and cringey?

    People rag on Betsy/Warren but god damn Kitty/Colossus is probably IMO the most boring x-couple.

  6. @Randybear,

    I think it's cause Warrens' always been depicted as a stick in the mud, Scott at least had the team leader chip on his shoulder. It took Remender's run for me to care about Warren.

    I wasn't really aware of Pete & Kate's relationship until Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. My whole thing with Kate & Pete was the age issues. I used to read my dad's old Uncanny trades & I always thought the 13 year old pursuing a 19 year old was way too big an age difference. Since then looking at their relationship was always creepy to me. It's funny cause Whedon admitted in interviews that he based the Buffy/Angel relationship on Pete & Kate, which was another hugely gross difference, fantasy or not.

    I've been a fan of the Buffy reboot comic cause the new writer admitted they found the age difference a problem & should Buffy & Angel become an item it would be years later if the character was adult age.

    1. Alex yeah I get why people dont like Warren but I thought the two not only looked great together but I like the idea of Betsy being the one that would wear the pants in a relationship. He literally carried her but she ran the show lol

  7. @Kiki M. Ishola don't get riled up at my question. I can't remember all of Kitty's queer moments they are too many.

    I might not be the number one Kitty fan, however it was made loud and clear she is a lesbian with her strong affection for Illyana and her tender moments with Karma.

    And since you like proof I return the favor.





    The butch pirate queen role suits her in the Marauders by the way.

  8. @Alex the age gap between Colossus and Kitty was Deathstroke and Terra awful. Seems like the age difference was popular with comics back then.

    Colossus and Kitty couldn't work not only based on age and personality differences but religious views as well. Kitty is an Orthodox Jew and Colossus comes from Russia a Christian country that has slain millions of Jews. The pair was doomed from the start.

    Warren Worthington isn't fogey. He is more liberal and crazy than he lets on. It is a trait all billionaire playboys share. If I could draw a parallel Warren is much like Shinobi Shaw minus his evil and power hungry tendencies. And yes Remender breathed life to Warren. Until then Warren was an introvert casanova without brain and emotions.

  9. @randybear I absolutely agree on Betsy and Warren. Personally I never met a fan who hated Betsy and Warren as a couple for they belong to the minority but overall Betsy was the guardian of Warren and the one who was at the driver's seat of their relationship. To be honest in all of Betsy's relationships she is the one who brings the fire and the kindling (Tom, Gabriel, Alex, Warren, Neal, Victor, Robert, Nathan, Charlie-Cluster).

  10. I didn't hate Warren, I just found him the most boring out of the original X-Men. Then again the first full storyline I read with him was under Chuck Austen's horrible run & another questionable age difference (Warren & Paige).

    I know I've mentioned in the past that I'd like Betsy single for a bit but I do like the idea of having something casual with Pete Wisdom. Or maybe just some witty banter & barbs.

  11. "I didn't hate Warren, I just found him the most boring out of the original X-Men"

    Agreed (and it's quite a feat to be more boring than Iceman).

    Then again, he and Betsy do work as a couple. I mean, I LOVED her time with Fantomex in Remender's UXF, but time has passed and later stories showed their love for each other went sour, so it's no use expecting a writer puts them back together. I love seeing her with Nightcrawler, but it's pretty clear they're just good friends and action junkie kindred souls. When Betsy ever gets in a romance again, Warren would be the best choice.

    Although I wouldn't mind her staying single for a little longer.

  12. By the way, fallen angels was even more crap then what i could imagine... now kwannon nas butterfly wings... e what a fantastic ending

  13. For real? Wow... Kwannon has zero personality, it seems. She's really Psylocke 2.0 - rather than having Kwannon back, Marvel could just say that part of Betsy's mind stuck on the Asian body, or that this is a Psylocke from an alternate dimension, and it wouldn't make any difference. That's sad.

    Speaking of book reviews, I finally got the chance to read the Disassembled arc, and... I haven't finished it yet (I'm currently on issue #8), but so far it's nice. Not great or memorable, but not bad either. Issues #2-#4 could have been condensed into a single one, and Legion is acting quite out of character (which makes it hard to believe Hisako would trust him - then again, I guess she was just pissed off at the adult X-Men and I don't blame her for that), but other than that, I'm enjoying it.

    1. Fsaker, yeah it's not bad it really was just mostly mindless filler until Hickman took over.

  14. Saw it and oh dear! Marvel made its own yellowface Barbie Mariposa. The butterfly wings come out of Kwoonon's butt crack. My oh my!

    1. Lol
      Kwannon's like.. "Betsy used a butterfly merely for beauty"

      Also Kwannon *shits out butterfly wings*

  15. randybear, yes, it's filler, but at least it's good filler. It's interesting how I can sorta empathize with different characters in this arc, even when I disagree with their actions (like the X-teens freeing Legion, Jean not treating the X-teens like proper X-Men, Warren being mad at Betsy for breaking him free from Nate's control, and so on). The only character whose actions really feel stupid is Legion.

    That said, I know I won't follow the next arc. Which is a shame, as I like several characters in it like Cyclops, Emma and the New Mutants, but all the cheap deaths in it don't make me feel like reading it. Maybe I'll read Age of X-Man when it gets published here, though (but the perspective of following over THIRTY issues of an alternate reality is scary).

    1. FSaker yeah I never cared for Armor either way but for some reason her mini arc during Dissassembled really made the character grow on me lol

      And yeah the stuff after Disassembled (with Cylops and Havok etc) is awful. No where near as a decent read as Disassembled

  16. By now it should be clear that Kwannon's sole purpose is to provide fanservice (in more than one way). If anyone was expecting her to become the face for Asian superheroes at Marvel, you'd better focus on Armor, Surge et al instead.

    Meanwhile, Betsy becoming Captain Britain makes her officially Marvel's #1 British superhero (which she already was, to be honest).

  17. What's bottering me is i didn't see Betsy in the book. She appeared to be a supporting character sometimes. Her confiance is gone and she seems like a girl not a woman. Her powers where never shown as a telepath or as captain...
