Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marcus To Previews 'Excalibur'

Marcus To explains that Betsy is supposed to have Krakoan flowers only on one side, whereas the other side is a braid.


  1. I guess Asrar and Anka didn't get the memo. Seriously though with designs like this one where the details are all over the place the following artists parents going to give a shit to get them all. It's a shame!

    I mean Betsy has had much simplier designs that even those lost a lot of their details did to artists not really paying attention or caring.

    I noticed so far only To has drawn the CB design to look somewhat trim every other artist so far has made her design look incredibly bulky.

    We'll see

  2. It looks much better this way.

    @Randy: True. I remember Anka's UXF costume. Only Anka, Coipel and Clay Mann bothered with the minor details. After a few months, everyone else just draw it as an all-black suit with a gray X on the chest. Not to mention the Disassembled costume, when Dodson drew it wrong in the Mystery in Madripoor cover and everyone else followed his version instead of Asrar's character design.

    Anyways, I love the braid.

  3. Under Betsy's Krakoan flowers there are side braids. So that the flowers can be pinned. Her hair pushed back in waterfall braids is beautiful. Betsy and Storm needed to have their long hair pulled back with the amount of action they involve themselves.

    It's good that Betsy's armor was toned down from Iron Man proportions to human armor plate level not to forget she is a curvy woman.

    I still want the Psylocke Asrar costume to be used interchangeably with the new Captain Britain armor.

  4. I like this way better than the flowers on both sides.

  5. Marcus To chose floral minimalism. He has taste after all. We don't want Betsy have a Midsommar wreath on her head. The helmet should also be optional we like to see her pretty face.

  6. I'm happy Betsy sends off warrior vibes. It means she is more focused and determined than her first time as Captain Britain.

  7. she looks amazing

  8. BEAUTIFUL! The art is super cool. I don't want rotating artists ruin the aesthetic of the book. To must keep drawing Excalibur as long as he can. Please!

  9. randybear sure To knows the way Betsy's armor should be. I don't see the bulky armor as a compliment to Betsy. But To made it work and good looking.
