Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Uncanny X-Men #22 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: Emma Frost fine tunes the mental block, while eavesdropping on Cyclops. Dr. Nemesis informs he managed to develop a vaccine for Dark Beast's anti-vaccine. The children in a coma should be fine. Meanwhile, Wolverine attacks Mr. Sinister who turns out to be a clone. The X-Men are attacked by Sentinels at the behest of General Callahan, who used a blocker to prevent Emma Frost from making him forget about mutants. Havok sacrifices himself to save Cyclops. Madrox creates multiple dupes to slow the assault of the Sentinels. Madrox dies in the process, but holds the Sentinels off long enough for the X-Men to reappear from the Age of X-Man and help Cyclops, Wolverine, and the others. Jean Grey and Scott reunite. Wolverine puts Callahan down. The X-Men, other than Emma, collectively make the decision to destroy the device keeping people from remembering mutants in the middle of the battlefield despite what it may mean for them: namely, that humankind is going to declare war. Cyclops destroys it himself and says that they've always been at war.


  1. Larroca drew almost all if the main Dissembled XMen except Psylocke! I was so disappointed I was hoping to see his take on her design.

    She was in one panel and drawn by another artist who helped with a few pages UGH fuck this run

  2. what a crap. It was hard to define wich one of the editions (age of omega)was worst

  3. This is shit, my idea of two alternate timelines being created when Legion and Xman merged was better and everyone being effected by all this like Rahne would get restored once it all concluded.

  4. While all the Rosenberg issues were an abomination, and displayed a fundamental mis-understanding of the X-Men, or even basic narrative structure...

    I actually loved Psylocke in the first run of issues. I didn't really appreciate it until I went back an re-read it.

    I have fully come around to her as a 'psychic knight', and am loving the new sword and shield schtick. Plus, she was depicted as a fully equal, senior member, of the X-Men. Arguably one of their most important, powerful, intelligent and strategic members.

    Jean consults with her, and the two are presented as equals in telepathic power and ability! They combine powers several times, and Betsy gets some great action/big moments to shine (which almost no other characters get).

    And I love her back in her Caucasian body, and I love her costume!

    Compare that to the character assassination pretty much everyone else in this book has suffered, and it actually makes me nervous for what will happen with Psylocke going forward...

    I hope Hickman leaves her alone. She is in a great place, and unlike everyone else, doesn't need any rehabilitation.

  5. @Unknown, definitely this one. Age of X-Man was irregular, had some lows, but also had some highs and the Omega issue was okay (not great but not awful either). UXM #22 was a complete mess, with more deaths just for cheap shock value, the status quo being completely regressed (humans hating mutants... very original) with a bad justification, points left with no explanation (like Kwannon disappearing)... it was just bad, terribly bad.

    I also agree with Benjamin Hutton, the first half of issues (the Disassembled arc) was actually nice, and Betsy was cool in it (and yeah, I also loved her combining powers with Jean just like they did back in Inferno). Somehow it feels like the three writers behind it spent all their planning there and, once Rosenberg was left alone to keep the book going, he had no more ideas and went for the cheapest excuses he could use.

    Seeing Banshee in the preview for HoX actually makes me hopeful that Hickman will either ignore everything that happened in this run or will find a way to fix it and bring everyone (Blindfold, Loa, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane, Havok, Multiple Man) back. I'm not against characters dying, but they should have a proper, dignified death.

    1. I feel like too many beloved characters have been killed off. Mutants haven't had the best of luck since stupid Wanda said No More Mutants, why not just put them through the ringer without killing them. They've done so much for a lot of people throughout the years. Guido made ppl laugh, Rahne has a big fan base, and those who dont like Scott always liked Havok. They deserve better.

  6. Wanted to see how Larroca draws Psylocke's new costume. He drew Jean and Storm super so I imagine his Psylocke would have been equally good.

    I was thinking the same about Psylocke in Disassembled. It was the moment everybody waited for ever since Jean returned to see Betsy interact with Jean and join forces. It was a thing of beauty seeing Betsy keep her warrior self and powers.

    All the characters that were killed by O.N.E. will be revealed to have survived with the help of the techno organic virus or something along these lines. Maybe Magik will travel to recent past and extract the dead back to the present.
