Thursday, July 25, 2019

Captain Britain by Marcus To


  1. The flowers look better here than they do in the Anka cover.

  2. Without colors this could be anyone lol Bye Betsy RIP

  3. @randy... LMAO, true..., but I'd say that for 90 percent of Marvel characters. Specifically, since 90 percent of comic book artists suck at drawing distinctive features across characters, including artists who I adore, like Marc Silvestri.

    1. Yeah I wish there were style guides still or at least a mandate to draw the original design per the sketch etc but editors let artists free Reign and change what they like.

      I wish the characters stayed a little more consistent if not they start to blend.

      Like Emma Frost and Dazzler. Both drawn as generic blondes but I loved when emma had pin straight platinum blonde from GenX and New XMen she really stood out.

      Dazzler used to be a strawberry blonde now shes just another generic blonde etc

  4. Holy shit, she looks great. Marcus To is amazing. I love the braided hair.

  5. Add pixie wings its Pixie, put Lockheed on her shoulder its Kitty, give her cat eyes its Storm lol

    Yay! Love this run of the mill look for Betsy

  6. I wanna see the artists for House of X and Powers of 10 draw her. Their art so far beats all the art we have seen in any mutant titles over the last 20 years with probably less than a handful of rare exceptions. I wish they were staying on post HoX/PoX. I know a lot of people revere Leinel, but I dislike his art and am irked that he will be drawing the flagship title. His cover to it is basically the exact same for his Disassembled cover!! LOL! I have heard he is very lovely to fans in-person, so that is something I guess.

    1. I agree I've never cared for Yu's style ever. I cant believe they keep putting him back on the XMen IMO his style better suits stuff like Daredevil or the Eternals not the fucking XMen ughh Jesus can we please get Jordan White (Aka human swamp ass) to resign

  7. @randy... Yeah. Everyone resembles a corpse to me in his art. I mislike very much.

  8. Looks like Adora from the new She-Ra Cartoon.

    1. You're right Soap I got the exact same vibe lol I'm telling you Marvel is trying to give Betsy the Netflix SheRa look. The hardly feminine (but flowers to remind shes female) lack of any sexuality in her appearance. I get she was sexualized for decades but a factor about the character that's appealing is shes supposed to be this striking model not a plain jane.

  9. @randybear Yes, if they make Rogue thicc with biker shorts, then I know they are definitely copying Netflix She-Ra designs.

    I don't think they are trying to make her less sexy, I think they wanted to make her look like a knight, which would be a call back to King Arthur times. I just think it's not practical for battle, mostly the cape. They should only ditch the cape.

    The flowers, I don't mind, but it would have been better as a visor or something closer to the original Captain Britain's helmet. Look up an old Thundercats character named Mandora Evil Chaser...this is what I would have wanted for Betts.

  10. ⚰️ at y’all calling this drawing of our girl “Becky.”

  11. so betsy is now a teenager, just like in the x-tremists... and being compared to the new she-ra is far away to be a positive thing

    1. I dont think anyone here so far thinks her resembling the new SheRa is good. Which issue do we learn Betsy grows out her armpit hair? And will it be lavender??

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Bachalo would be great! Plus he loves Rogue so he would deliver some good pencils. I do love Marcus To so I'm not completely disappointed

    2. @Psi Girl, I’m actually about to bump Marc down for Pepe. This HoX is 🔥.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. So we need to @Marcus To and ask if Masters of The Universe is to him what Brazzers is to Greg Land. That should clear up this entire brouhaha.

  15. Also, LOL at Shipp equating her acting role to police shooting unarmed people. She messy.

  16. Oh Betsy fans, always whining and being overdramatic about the dumbest things. Never change.

  17. The Asrar Psylocke costume for Betsy is an absolute gem and I wouldn't wave it goodbye. It was created to stay. Marvel gave it game time in Future Fight and the popularity of Psylocke skyrocketed among players. This alone is a good indicator for its future. The new creative team has confirmed that Betsy is going to have multiple costumes for each occasion. Hopefully one of them is the Disassembled uniform. The flowers on the hair is insta-weird but connects to the Otherworld which is a magic realm. Personally I prefer the pump hairstyle supported by side braids without the flower crown for Captain Britain mode. It's a practical hairstyle so that Betsy won't eat her hair in action.

  18. Whenever I see this sketch I just think how it's not a character I recognize at all :(
