ComicBook.com: One of Nintendo’s biggest upcoming exclusives made an appearance during its Nintendo Direct at E3 when a new trailer for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order was released. It revealed a ton of new characters in the game as well as how they’ll play as part of the teams players will form. Magneto, various members from the X-Men, and other characters were shown off in the trailer.
The trailer features a slew of whose who in the Marvel Universe including Thanos and his Black Order. Also featured prominently are Magneto, Ghost Rider, Elektra, Hela, Mysterio, M.O.D.O.K., Miles Morales, Elsa Bloodstone, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Gwen, Scarlet Witch, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and more.
While the trailer highlights Magneto and features a number of the X-Men, as the trailer ends it hints that they might only be available in DLC beginning in the Fall of 2019. Along with the X-Men, they promise Marvel Knights characters as well as the Fantastic Four. Given they are prompting gamers to purchase an expansion pass, one can only assume the DLC will not be free, but will require a purchase.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order will release exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on July 19th. Pre-orders are live now.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order | E3 2019 Trailer
The Xavier Institute Gameplay
Psylocke's render looks so good. I love the art style of this game.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I don't like her real sword being charged with energy, that's never been part of any of her powersets, but it's just a game so whatever.
ReplyDeleteShe certainly looks better than the Strike Force version.
I will say, it's a good time to be a Psylocke fan. She seems more popular than ever, and is popping up in a lot of games.
Psylocke looks amazing here ! Not gonna comment in which body cuz this is what I like tbh. I wonder what else she'll do in the game but here she looks better than Strike Force and Future fight thabks to using purple suit correctly.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds amazing, Change of hair style is cool. She kinda did a change once when she was lazy in one issue if Uncanny X-Men I think when she was listening to Charles to help him with something regarding Scott.
Overall I am glad Psylocke and X-MEN are back in a Marvel game like this.
She often charged her sword with energy in Spurrier's X-Force. It's dumb but it happened before.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about her design. It feels kinda off? Maybe it's the weird anime hair. It's not doing it for me. I hope she gets alternate skins down the line.
This ugly ponytail is such a turn-off. She looks like a magical girl.
ReplyDeleteI love her hairstyle, she looks good!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's the hairstyle and face that are off to me. I don't think it's her regular British or Asian face, so can't really tell which body it is. I will say she looks very Caucasian to me in the hand outfit so maybe she's supposed to be a mixture of both. Guess we'll see.
ReplyDeleteI thought that was just bad art in Spurrier's X-Force... If she was charging her katana with psychic energy there was no indication of it in the writing or action.
ReplyDeleteAlso it would make absolutely no sense.
This model is based on the British Betsy with the wrong hair color.
ReplyDeleteI'll attach a link with a picture of her Alan Moore and Alan Davis face which is the original Caucasian and long in shape to prove the resemblance.
Her eyes are big and not slanted and she is thicc versus Kwannon who is slim with less curves. If someone has another opinion must check the curves in Psylocke's pink Alan Davis costume with a booty twice the size of the globe.
While you guys are discussing her looks (I think she looks great, BTW), I'm more annoyed by the fact that the X-Men may be limited to DLC content (even though they're included in the official trailer)... and that the Fantastic Four not only will be limited to DLC content as well, but they aren't even featured in the trailer, despite being Marvel's first big group of superheroes.
ReplyDeleteAlso, why are the X-Men shown in the trailer with the Scarlet Witch? That jerk not only nearly extinguished mutantkind but never took responsibility for her actions and even opposed them more than once ever since AvX. As unlikely as it is, I'd love if the X-Men gave her a proper beatdown before joining forces (and if Magneto and/or the Avengers tried to defend her, that the X-Men also gave them a beatdown)...
Minor complaints aside, this game looks great! Much more interesting than the previous MUA games - and they were quite good themselves.
Lol i agree with this majorly. Socially Wanda (who's not a mutant related to Magneto anymore).
DeleteIronically when X-Men cause damage Avengers are more suspicious than they are usually and acting like the greater good.
Wanda when X-Men screw up: There must be consequences to what they do !
Wanda when she screws up: let's not dwell on the past 😂
"Her eyes are big and not slanted and she is thicc versus Kwannon who is slim with less curves."
ReplyDeleteSince when? Have you seen Jim Lee or Adam Kubert's Psylocke?
Girls thighs were thiiiiiiiiccccccccc.
I don't see how this could be intended to be anything other than Asian ninja Psylocke.
@FSaker Wolverine, Psylocke, Storm, Nightcrawler and Magneto are playable characters right from the start. They mean that other X-men will come as DLC (probably Cyke, Colossus and Beast)
ReplyDeleteOops, I only saw now that the X-Men DLC is to add possibly MORE X-Men, not the ones already announced, so Psylocke should be safe... phew.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I guess they'll eventually re-release the game with all DLC packs already included, anyway. But it's still disrespectful that the Fantastic Four weren't added to the game story (plus, wasn't Reed a major character in the Black Order story?).
@Julian - Yeah, I only realized that now... Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt's weird that Cyclops isn't part of the default roster, but it's nice that he may eventually become playable (and he seems to be a NPC with some participation in the game story anyway).
The funniest (or saddest) thing about Wanda and the X-Men in this game is that the official MUA3 website lists each hero's affiliation... and Wanda is listed as affiliated TO THE X-MEN!!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, so are Magneto (despite him being shown with the Brotherhood of Mutants in the trailer) and DEADPOOL, by the way.
Then again, Elsa Bloodstone is listed as a member of the Avengers, and I don't recall her ever being on the team (although the Avengers have recruited pretty much every superbeing at this point, so it's not impossible that she was part of them at a certain time), so I guess the developers are taking some creative liberties (such as British Betsy dressed as Asian Betsy).
This is supposed to be Kwannonfied Betsy, everyone. No debate. And true to form they drew the Kwannon body to appear as a Northern European woman with East Asian hair texture. What else is new? That’s why Psylocke is better off just being back in a white body. 😂😂😂 I wonder if they’ll distinctly draw Kwannon to
ReplyDeletelook East Asian now that she is back
in the body. Psylocke is the only East Asian phenotype character they have ever had this problem with to my knowledge. All the rest are consistently drawn correct. Even Opal. Hell, even when some inkers get stupid and give Jubes blue eyes, they still draw her to look Chinese save for that error.
On to the glutes and hips, Benjamin is right, Psylocke was often drawn to be a brick house in both bodies. She was also drawn to be skinny in both. All depends on the artist.
I figured mostly it was "asian" Betts, but I think that may be the whitest she's ever looked lol. So I wasn't 100 percent sure.
DeleteI still think this is supposed to be caucasian Betsy. It's worth noting that the company developing MUA3 is Team Ninja, the same one behind the Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive series. Since DOA5, they have been focusing on giving characters (especially the women) distinctive facial features, and the women who are Japanese (Kasumi, Ayane, Momiji, Kokoro) or Chinese (Lei-Fang) look clearly Asian.
ReplyDeleteEven though the graphical style in MUA3 is a little different, there should still be some similarities in the character designs, yet MUA3's Psylocke looks nothing like the aforementioned women. If anything, her face looks closer to Christie's (who's British) or Rachel's (who comes from a fictional European country).
Thanks FSaker! My points to a tee! Common sense. This is a whitewashed Kwannon body to put it best wearing her hair in a ponytail in the ninja bathing suit.
ReplyDeleteThe fat distribution on her body is Caucasian and Japanese women are known for being thin and small sized. The bathing suit that body-switched Betsy wore so high created the illusion of thiccness on skinny Kwannon. Take it from a fashionista.
Scarlet Witch doesn't belong after she decimated mutantkind. Is Marvel paying attention to their continuity? Who greenlit this?
@Kiki, it was me who said this was Kwannon's body whitewashed. Not FSaker. He thinks it is Elizabeth's body.
ReplyDelete@Rahsaan early in the morning eyes see stars. Looking at the thumbnail you see a whitewashed Kwannon and with a closeup it looks Betsy's face was stretched horizontally with photoshop. This is the face Betsy was drawn with by Steve Dillon in Captain Britain. I posted a link of a picture to show similarities of the horseface MUA3 Betsy and Steve Dillon Betsy.
ReplyDeleteIf Nintendo was updated they would use the resurrected Betsy in her original body with Mahmud Asrar's uniform. Netmarble was the only one to do it so far and the positive reaction helped to clear the race confusion.
@Kiki, LOL. The artist draw that body as if they are sticking to Claremont's story... a 5'11", Northern European woman made to look slightly East Asian, but recognizable herself. They're like "F that Nicieza mess." LOL. That's why undoing it all via was the best route. Jim Zub's story was messy as fuck but ultimately did the right thing in resetting the character since most artists refused to draw her as an East Asian person. I do have the sneaking suspicion that they won't have any problems rendering Kwannon as East Asian though.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I love Psylocke. I want to play Supergiant. She's kinda squishy, but in some alternate universe she's Psylocke, and I want that ranged combat psychic.
ReplyDeleteMy MFF team is Psylocke, Super Giant, and Emma.
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Marvel ultimate alliance 3
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