Friday, May 31, 2019

Uncanny X-Men #19 Exclusive Covers by Tyler Kirkham

Uncanny X-Men #19 Exclusive Covers by Tyler Kirkham - 4ColorBeast
Cover A: Dark Phoenix and Wolverine, limited to 3,000 copies
Cover B: Emma Frost and Psylocke, limited to 1,000 copies
Cover C: Rogue and Mystique, limited to 1,000 copies


  1. I love the 90s XMen but can we move on and maybe celebrate the current iterations while they have their moment? These are boring covers.

  2. I don't like them all these women have the same face.

  3. For a moment I was gonna yell in joy thinking Asian Betsy is back XD. Then I realized it's all classic looks for them all. But gotta admit one thing. Rogue's classic was the coolest look and still is for me.

    1. Asian Betsy is back! Kwannon is alive and well. Shes sexy stoic and jumps and fights and kills shes everything you loved about shallow Psylocke so you win too!

    2. XD. Still you gotta admit Betsy being in Kwannon's body added more struggle and story for her, right ? Through she can still observe the struggle she has with her original body perhaps but I'll wait and see how they'll progress her.

  4. Meh, 90's are overrated. The 90's writers were edgelords who didn't excel at creating real worlds of gravitas and logic therefore time travel, fractured time-lines, body swaps, cloning, impostors, popular character ripoffs, civil wars, heroes to villains and CW soapy drama. X-Men Blue and Gold teams aren't that iconic. Claremont's departure in the early 90's marked the X-Men era of stale repetition on the above tropes; Age of Apocalypse and its wannabes with temporal and mystical shenanigans.

    I wouldn't mind Marvel paying homage to the revealing swimsuit of ''ninja'' Psylocke on variants, on condition Elizabeth in her Caucasian body wears it so the controversial Yellowface is forgotten and put to sleep.

    Also why did they pair Psylocke with Emma Frost is there a reference I'm missing? Is it because Emma Frost swapped bodies twice? First with Storm in the 80's and then with Jean Grey in the 90's?

  5. Should have had the Shadow King instead of Emma in the background.

  6. Love them ! Except Emma's I think It should be Shadow King.

  7. I'd say the logical pairing for Betsy would be Mojo and Spiral. No other X-Men villains have hunted Psylocke down, destroyed her psyche and hate her more than those two. Mojo and Spiral have messed with her brain innumerous times and Psylocke has thwarted their schemes innumerous more.

    The Shadow King is a Charles Xavier archenemy and the two of them go way back before Charles had founded the X-Men.

  8. @Deemo Dude the race change of Psylocke wasn't something new from a story-telling perspective. Chris Claremont has done it with the Emma Frost and Storm body swap, Tom Corsi and Sharon Friedlander transformation to Native Americans by Demon Bear and the Fantastic Four body swaps with Jomo Kimame, Farisa Mansour and Harry Soong in FF vol 3.

    The first year after the body swap the mystery behind it was intense but as it progressed it lost steam and became an unbearable weight and nightmare for Betsy to stay trapped inside another human after the legacy virus took away her real body.

    Psylocke was left feeling like a ghost and life became her virtual reality. Thus she became more reckless and anti-social. In some instances she appeared suicidal and crazy like jumping from Warren's skyscraper in front of his eyes. As a result of developing dissociative disorder she couldn't cope to function in that state.

    If writers had a semblance of humanity they wouldn't fetishize a woman in psychological anguish. After some months someone should have restored Betsy into her rightful body to close the body swap chapter the way Claremont intended to do from the start, before he left Marvel due to creative differences. Instead, Psylocke was sentenced for 28 years in a prison made of strange flesh to carry her own heavy cross and the one of dead Kwannon.

    Were someone else in her shoes, this race change would have been the nail on the coffin. However it shows how mentally strong Psylocke is and how fiercely she fights to survive. The struggle of her body swap has been regurgitated for 28 years. Psylocke's return to her British body is an opportunity to show that she is much more than a race change experiment in order to evolve as a character to a new direction.

    1. I understand all this tbh. I guess I got used to her which was the problem this long delayed return to original body caused. Should have been done ages ago. But until today I can't get used to her original body thabks to all they did for all those years. I wonder what they have next though. Is she gonna be with Kwannon or something ? new beginning or what ? I have no idea. From my perspective she needs some progress in her body now since all this comic work for Asian Betsy is now over... Question is to me what will they do cuz I swear if it's another body swap then this move was useless

  9. @Deemo Dude I don't blame fans for liking Yellowface Psylocke. Past writers and artists went out their way to sexualize Elizabeth in Kwannon's body. From thongs to stockings, naughty behavior and an unquenchable bloodthirst. Literally Marvel tied every known Oriental stereotype to Elizabeth from Asian mysticism (Crimson Dawn) to cultural traditions (seppuku and kimonos). Marvel only forgot to draw her as an exotic belly dancer.

    Reflect on why Betsy is paired with Emma and the answer is simple; They both were turned into brooding bombshells and that trait completely took over their personalities. Emma was already a femme fatale which is understandable for she was conceptualized from the dominatrix archetype. But Betsy wasn't overtly sexual and cruel in her first appearances. The Psylocke sexiness was developed in the 90's muting her previous characterization as an aristocratic warrior with compassion and elegance.

    The best route for Psylocke is to be separated as an entity from Kwannon and reclaim her personality and heritage. So that fans learn to distinguish the two women in their minds.
    Psylocke realized her heart's desire and now she has become a full knight warrior. She can from time to time aid her twin brother Captain Britain in Excalibur and his corps, the MI-13 agency, the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.T.R.I.K.E. to reconnect with her past life.

  10. Not to forget that Psylocke is a professional pilot yet we rarely see her fly the X-Men blackbird or any other aircraft which should be her responsibility in the team.

  11. Marvel is stuck in the 90's the decade they went bankrupt and sold the rights to many film studios ruining a united future MCU. The Yellowface as mentioned is the worst cliche and we saw the way it bombed in the X-Men Apocalypse movie. Betsy is more than a sexy ninja doll cutting her way through rubble and purring like a pussy cat with her butt cheeks exposed like a chimp. It's ok though in that movie she was Apocalypse's horseman a villain so there's plenty room for amends.
