Friday, May 24, 2019

The X-Men Rise in Marvel Strike Force, Psylocke is Available

BleedingCool: FoxNext Games announced today that Marvel Strike Force will be getting a new X-Men patch that will bring in Colossus, Psylocke, and Dark Phoenix. The patch won’t be making any major changes to gameplay beyond maybe some bug fixes or anything happening in the Alliance War, the main focus will be adding in these three new characters for you to work with in order to win matches and score prizes in the game. You’ll be getting Psylocke first whenever the patch goes into effect, as they have yet to announce a date it will be added to Marvel Strike Force, with the remaining two X-Men to come at a later date.

First up is Psylocke, the psionic ninja whose mind is her ultimate weapon. Players that add Psylocke to their squads will be able to bring enemies to their knees with her arsenal of psychic powers including telekinetic blasts and illusions, foresight and her deadly psionic blade. Additionally, players can turn negative effects against their enemies and pierce enemy armor with Psylocke.




  1. Is that a psychic whip? Does that mean the developers used the X-Men:Apocalypse film as inspiration for Psylocke in this game?

    That's... interesting.

    (also, it's curious that Psylocke and Colossus were added before Cyclops, who's one of the Big 3 X-Men alongside Wolverine and Storm)

  2. Yeah, I have her in the game and it seems heavily inspired by the movie, but then also really random points of Psylocke's history.

    Her second attack uses a psi-blade, katana, and sometimes a whip and psychic bow and arrow as a finisher. So it's a bit of a mish-mash.

    It's a shame I really don't like the look/aesthetic they have gone for here, because the effects of her attacks and psychic butterfly look pretty cool.

    If they really wanted to do a version of Psylocke that was the 'ninja' they should have at least gone for the X-Force/X-Men black and white costume. It would have transferred pretty seamlessly to this games look.

    Other characters they have gotten basically perfect. Even really convoluted ones like Cable.

    How they have gotten Psylocke so wrong is such a disappointment, especially because this is actually a really enjoyable game.

    Sigh-locke. :(

  3. Honestly I love how they redesign her costume in this even thought the British look I always wanted to see display more. A change of color to X-Force would be a nice tough to it.

    I just got her yesterday on MSF, she's pretty coool. Can't wait for the others like Cyc...but wonder what she look like currently knowing she's using an Excalibur Sword now.

  4. Ashley Tisdale cosplays Yellowface Psylocke?! A once in a lifetime experience and a wasted chance for Mahmud Asrar's design to debut in games.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My only hope is that they have said they will eventually do other costumes.

    Anything would be preferable to this.

  7. Well, if they based her moveset on Olivia Munn's portrayal in the film, it makes sense that her uniform would look similar to the one she had in the film as well, I guess. I mean, Storm also looks similar to how she looked in X-Men:Apocalypse.

    If that's the case, then it's just a pity that her face wasn't modeled after Olivia's as well; Olivia is gorgeous.

  8. Oh, and since I mentioned other X-Men in my previous comment, one thing that did annoy me in this X-Men pack is the possibility to play as DARK Phoenix. I mean, I know it's just a videogame and it isn't meant to accurately portray every character, but Dark Phoenix would hardly work with teammates (she'd rather decimate them all), and she's supposed to be much more powerful than guys like Loki or Ultron and on the same level as Thanos and GALACTUS... in other words, the opponent team should have no chance against her.

    Then again, I don't know if Thanos is also playable in this game (I'm certain Galactus isn't, due to his size). If he is, then it's okay, I guess.

  9. @FSaker yeah Thanos can be playable on this. And I do agree, Olivia Munn is a gorgeous women but why they mess up her face on this.

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