Monday, May 6, 2019

Psylocke & Kwannon by Luis Laczky

Psylocke & Kwannon Commission by Luis Laczky from Average X-Men Drawings


  1. Looks good. Is it necessary to ship them together like Beavis and Butthead? Pink and purples are Psylockes colors so why Kwannon steals?

  2. @Kiwi, you are totally correct. The X Office is being lazy as fuck. Their work is often uninspired these days and it shows.

    I love this drawing by Luis Laczky, but at same time it drives home the point that the X Office is doinv Kwannon a huge disservice as a character by tethering her identity to Elizabeth. Her entire image (and powers) make her “the Asian Psylocke.” When Bets returns from Age of X-Man, this needs to be hashed out, sorted, and done for good and then Kwannon needs her own colors (hair included) and her own powers and her own storyline away from Elizabeth’s. Especially, now that Elizabeth is self-actualizing on her own.

    Recall the Hand suit actually was blue when Psylocke wore it before Kwannon was ever conceived and after. So that even further proves my point that Marvel has gone even more in the direction of turning Kwannon into “Nothing,” as her Hand outfit is now purple, Psylocke’s color scheme.

    I think Kwannon should ditch purple and ditch the Hand uniform since she is no longer a Hand operative. I love the hood though.

  3. @Rahsaan "I think Kwannon should ditch purple and ditch the Hand uniform since she is no longer a Hand operative. I love the hood though." COMPLETELY AGREE with it!. Maybe wear black or like Betsy's Uncanny X-Force look close to here "Dark Angel Saga"... change Kwannon's color sig maybe like a green or a lime green ust my weird thinking.

    1. Lmao yes give Kwannon puke green as her signature color

  4. I forgot about Betsy's Hose of M look might look even better on Kwannon.

  5. Holy shit. This looks so good. Betsy's costume is really great when drawn and colored correctly. I wouldn't mind a teamup between the ladies.

    @Rahsaan just a minor correction. Kwannon was never a Hand operative. She actually worked for the rival of the Hand.

    1. That's what I've been saying! When the Asrar design is colored right it all pops and looks so good! But its rarely colored correct on panel it's so annoying!

  6. It's a great picture. I guess I should be happy that Betsy is the only one with the butterfly effect here. Kwannon def needs a new outfit though. It's like a series of Betsy's hand me downs pre and post body swap. The hood, ninja outfit, and coloring all remind me of Betsy at different times in her life. I agree with everyone who said Kwannon needs her own identity and powers. Her having what seems to be telepathy, nullifies the touching gesture of her restoring Betsy's full telepathy by returning it when she died (along with removing her personality traits from Betsy).

  7. Lovely image and I agree with the comments above regarding Kwannons identity and appearance so far (especially with Kwannon now also sharing Psylockes butterfly signature when using TP no one else is mad about this??)

    Please contact the editors on Twitter and let them know. Or if you like submitting questions for articles please tell them you're not happy with Kwannon being a Psylocke twin.

    We cant bitch here but it wont make any difference. We gotta let them know asap before shes fully cemented as Psylocke clone

  8. I love this! 😍

    I actually much prefer them as a pair. The knight and the ninja.

    Some of how we got here was idiotic. But if we throw everything out that is partially idiotic with the X-Men these days, we'd literally have nothing.

    (And that's not a pun on Kwannon's new maybe codename!)

  9. @Kevin, thank you! My bad. You're right. Matsu'o was the Hand and Kwannon was their enemy. Hence, their Romeo and Juliet affair. And you're right about Betsy's uniform. When drawn correctly, it looks absolutely fantastic!

  10. I still dislike Kwannon, but I must admit, this art is pretty good. Betsy looks amazing, and the artist even managed to make Kwannon's uninspired outfit (which is as uninspired as Kwannon's very existence) look good.

  11. You guys still don't get it?They're giving Kwannon the "classic Psylocke" magenta(and now,it appears,her power-set,too),only because they think that in this way the folks who loathe the ending of Mystery in Madripoor still get to keep the Asian telepathic Psylocke;all the while the real deal is getting stripped away of all development since the 90's.

    And truthfully,those of you,who were hoping Marvel would give her her own unique look and character,were expecting any less?

  12. @Poetry, I think we had faith in Marvel. You are probably right though. Also, Psylocke had no development pretty much between Adjectiveless #32 and Remender's X-Force, a solid 20 years. Leah Williams is doing some great things with her currently, and as of right now Kwannon/Nothing is unfortunately a blank slate who seems hollow like action figure Psylocke from those 20 years I mentioned, which is a disservice to Kwannon. Personally speaking, I am not a Kwannon fan, so I'm actually not upset if she is a carbon copy of 90s/00s Psylocke who I found cardboard and worthless, but I was hoping that Marvel would develop Kwannon and make me a fan. And I love what the writers are currently doing with Betsy, so that is a win for me.

  13. @randybear how do we contact the editors on twitter? I would love to do that thanks.

    1. Hey XMan normally you can find them by searching their full name but particularly contact @cracksh0t (Jordan d white) he is currently in charge of the xoffice.

  14. When I first saw the split I hated it cuz I am used to Asian Psylocke. She had it all tbh. then when it happened I was still rooting for her to be back as Asian again, so far the character development has been terrible. The shield and sword she forms are cool. But no action have we seen and tbh there wasn't that much action for any. But I feel like Psylocke lost her edge in battles and instead of being a fighter she's just used for telepathic attacks only.

    When Kwanon showed up I see her used as some kind of copy. Like I think she needs a new style since this is not Psylocke anymore. I like the hood and cover on the mouth but outfit needs a lot of change imo. What I fear the most is Psylocke not included in the new comic arcs but maybe she is but they didn't show. But if they are not gonna go into developing much about them two then this body split to originals has been a complete fail. and so far to me I am still favor the old Psylocke in Asian body who at least had some more stuff happening.

    1. @Deemo, to be fair, I think that none of the X-Men have seen a lot of development since Uncanny launched. Not just Psylocke. The action you mentioned with her weapons was all we saw from any of the team during Disassembled. No one, in that story got any real writing as the writers were solely writing action scenes and no actual character story. Truth be told, Psylocke, Jean, Storm, and Bishop were probably the lucky ones of all the people in that story as they all did get key moments. And Psylocke actually got a lot of physical action along with telepathic action, including that great scene where she takes down Horseman Storm. The lack of character development you mention is not specific to her and Kwannon “splitting.” It has more to do with the recent writers just being terrible and not focusing on anyone. All save for Leah Williams, who actually is doing some interesting things at the moment. As for Rosenberg... His depiction of Kwannon as Nothing is still a husk unfortunately. But again, he’s writing everyone terribly save Scott and Logan. He’s currently treating Dani, Rahne, Xian, Illyana, Alex, Jamie, etc. all like crap at the moment. I hope that both Elizabeth and Kwannon and all the mutants get some better writers soon. However, I think what you see as shallow writing is something that is not specific to these two, but the current entire X-Men lineup across the board due to unimaginative hack scripting from most of the current writers.

    2. You are right about that. I hope the next arc is better written than this

  15. I detest Kwannon. She debuted a vegetable and so she should be. From the time Claremont offered the Hand a story with the atrocious body swap, Betsy wasn't the same and Kwannon infected her with kill lust and whoryness she had inside her dumpster mind. While I'm happy for Betsy being happy back in her body damn sure Kwannon will keep coming back like a pesky high school student who is obsessed with you and keeps following you first to become friends and then tear you down. I won't let Betsy suffer through the same ish again.

  16. @Kiki M. Ishola, the body swap is Nicieza's fault, not Claremont's. While Claremont made Betsy look Asian, the explanation back then was that she suffered some sort of plastic surgery - that's why, even though she looked Asian, Wolverine recognized her by her FACE (he explicitly mentions her face in that scene) when they met in Madripoor.

    But Nicieza didn't pay attention to that line, and that's why he later came with Revanche to give his explanation to something that was already explained...

  17. What I'm also wondering is how much of Psylocke does Nothing recall? Does she recall what happened to them and how her life ended? She told the X-Men that she is trying to remember them. Did she just show up out of mutant solidarity knowing she was mutant from her time as an empath before Spiral got ahold of her? Or does she have faint memories of her time with them and felt some sense of loyalty?

    Also, I wonder why she is wearing the Hand suit since as it was pointed out, she was never a Hand operative. In fact, in her scenes pre-Psylocke, wasn't she shown wearing a full ninja suit sans the hood? Her body didn't start wearing the Hand uniform until Psylocke was placed in it and brainwashed, no? Would she if she remembers her old life want to wear anything resembling a Hand outfit?

  18. I feel so intrigued to see where the storyline with Kwannon will go ! I hope they make it good!

  19. It's funny to see people miss the point that Kwannon will be another costume that Elizabeth wore by force without her consent. The Madripoor Hand story was poorly executed screaming body and identity violation for both sides and is creepy and forbidden to be revisited on TV or the movies. Marvel has a better idea how to built as characters Karma, Jubilee, Surge, Armor and Nature Girl for the reason they were never plot dummies like Kwannon for more Asian representation. Kwannon is a literal Nothing or a ninja parody of the edgy '90s.

    1. @Jaime Braz I agree a lot with that. Kwannon needs her own identity (and powers) and while I was introduced to Betts in Kwannon's body, once I learned of the backstory and saw this was forced on her and not her choice, I quickly wanted her restored.

  20. @X-Man regardless of when someone was introduced to Psylocke the fact is that she is a British woman of Caucasian descent. Your reaction to her ordeal was of a logic and healthy person.

    To add to the creepy factor of the body swap, Elizabeth was mindraped by Matsu'o, Nyoirin and Spiral and had her body torn inside out while she was most vulnerable from amnesia. I'm sure Matsu'o had taken advantage of the brainwashing and had sex with Betsy in Kwannon's body after a long time in coma. Then Betsy's body with Kwannon in it was held hostage by Nyoirin and I can safely assume it was abused sexually by him too. Nicieza added more insult to injury by infecting Betsy's body with the Legacy Virus and sentenced Betsy in a Japanese prison.

    From her father's lineage Betsy hails from the Otherworld. James Braddock Sr. was member of the Captain Britain Corps serving Merlin. When All New Marvel tried to put diverse new heroes into the costumes of established fan favorites sales fell into the toilet. Betsy trapped into Kwannon's body was a ninja fever balloon that was popped when the 90's were over. Same fad different times. The bodyswapped Psylocke success came from her naked torso and thighs and secondly from the edgy ninja makeover.

    It will be an impossible task to give life to a human costume like Kwannon whose story has been told and there is nothing left to be explored.

    1. @Jaime, in Claremont’s defense, this had nothing to
      do with his inspiration as the Operation Zero Tolerance era was not his writing. If memory serves, he was not at Marvel during the time during to the falling out he had with the Editor in Chief several years before.

  21. @Jamie

    Bar the fact that you're ignoring that Betsy had already been almost raped,physically and mentally distorted,and even killed and resurrected long before the body swap deal,you like the current crop of writers keep trying to sell the story of Betsy's getting "Asianised" and "ninjafied" just for fan-service,when the very writer who created her and wrote the relevant story couldn't have made it more clear that it was purely for character development.Psylocke isn't even the primary example of a character,let alone an X-Man,portrayed with skimpy outfits over the years,I'd say it's simply a matter of the fans recognising her jumping from a full body armour to a more revealing costume over a relatively brief course of time.

    You of course are free to dislike what happened to Psylocke in the late eighties,but please accept my astonishment at your saying that the whole story stank of "creepiness",all the while what the Phoenix Force did to Jean and what Apocalypse did to Angel was just as creepy,if not more, but very few people refuse to recognise the impact of those stories on each of the respective characters.The bodyswapped Psylocke success brought in a number of good X-Men stories,from her relationship to Archangel to her rivalry with the Shadow King,not to mention its role in keeping Psylocke a consistent X-Men member.

  22. Psylocke's resurrection by Roma after the X-Men used their spirits to beat the Adversary isn't a resurrection per se. Having her eyes gouged by Slaymaster and be toyed by Mojo are cruel deeds, however not hair-raising as the body swap. Losing your identity forever and your physical form is the worst by far. Character development can happen without compromising one's true identity and deconstruct him/her in the most sadistic way to build him/her up with a warped perspective. Betsy couldn't tell up from down and right from wrong for some time. The Kwannon thongkini can't make up for any of the sorrow and pain Betsy went through. If she hadn't found solace in Warren who suffered bodily harm too she would have committed suicide from body dysphoria which is a monster that claims the lives of many people around the world. The 90's weren't sensitive about such issues and instead glorified the Yellowface Psylocke in video games and promo art like something groundbreaking and natural. She went from sipping tea and eating scones to katanas, kimonos and sushi with a snap of a finger.

    Jean and Phoenix are entirely different. Jean was about to sacrifice herself out of love for her friends when the phoenix force wanted to feel the power of her emotions. It took her place and went out of control because being a human can be unbearable even for powerful entities. In hindsight, before we found out real Jean was enclosed in a cocoon under the sea. Psylocke wished to become a warrior and the Siege Perilous granted her wish teleporting her to Madripoor. I wish Claremont realized Psylocke's wish in a more humane way.

  23. @Rahsaan true although the fallout is the reason he never fixed the body swap and it went on and on. He could have left a memo for the next writer or Marvel could intervene via editors to end the miscommunication. When Claremont came back for Revolution he didn't try to put Psylocke back in her original body therefore I think of him responsible for perpetuating the injustice done to Betsy. When he killed her in X-Treme X-men he had a third chance to restore her. I'm thankful that Marvel saw their error and fixed it later than never with Jim Zub.

  24. "Jean and Phoenix are entirely different. Jean was about to sacrifice herself out of love for her friends when the phoenix force wanted to feel the power of her emotions. It took her place and went out of control because being a human can be unbearable even for powerful entities. In hindsight, before we found out real Jean was enclosed in a cocoon under the sea."

    Well, thanks to AvX (and everything that came afterwards), Marvel's official stance now is that the Phoenix WAS the real Jean... then again, they didn't even bother to explain how this stance works with Jean later being found inside a cocoon.

  25. The identity crisis was an ongoing story between the first appearance and the death of Kwannon in the 90's; it was explicitly stated afterwards that Psylocke was herself again. And sorry, but all of the aforementioned incidents, emphasis on the encounter with the Slaymaster, have caused Betsy psychological trauma just as much as the body switch. Jean's ordeal with the Phoenix has literally haunted her until the 21st century and led to her becoming replaced by a clone and to ruining her wedding, so again differentiating the psychological turmoil she had to suffer from Psylocke's is wrong. Both of them are X-Men and fully aware that they will never enjoy normal lives, so Psylocke's being on the verge of suicide because of a body swap would make no sense. Lastly, if Nicieza and the 90's (I'm ***NOT*** ignoring that both had their problems) weren't serious about this stuff, why pair her with Warren?

    Again, there is nothing wrong with your disliking the ninjafication, but the change, the physical change I mean, was supposed to be only aesthetic. No writer pitched the idea of keeping Psylocke in her tampered Japanese body as a means of promoting racial diversity. Her being occasionally surrounded by cultural objects originating from Asia never diluted in the least her "Britishness", which has been very much emphasised over the years. And truthfully, I too might have eventually embraced Betsy's becoming a ninja in her own body, but not when fools like Jim Zub undo 30 years of character development through introduction of psychic longswords and shields. Having Psylocke as the pre-Siege Perilous Betsy Braddock and Kwannon as the post-Siege Perilous Betsy Braddock feels like a complete betrayal to me.

  26. Ah, man, that's a lot of comments to read.

    I just want to say that I like that the swords are different.

    That's it for now. Maybe something more to add after I read the comments.

  27. What bull is that? PoetryInMotion the Phoenix is alien creature who messed Jean's head and Mastermind tricked her to go to the dark side. The Phoenix mimicked Jean and was a noob human not older than a baby in expressing human emotions.

    Betsy wasn't taking baby steps she was already a warrior healing yet had her body in place. The asianification story erased Betsy's progress with the X-Men in the 80's to start from zero as not herself in the 90's. Stories that rip ethnicities out and stitch them on others are called shitty writing. Kwannon is a MacGuffin for Psylocke to become a slutty ninja like Renegade X, randybear, FSaker and Jaime Braz said. Remember if you like it you are complicit to a woman with amnesia being harassed and abused in a mental and physical level by criminal overlords.

    It wasn't Nicieza who paired Warren with Betsy it was Scott Lobdell. Nicieza was a fool who didn't give a damn about continuity. Fabian Nicieza is pretty much the bad writer Rob Liefeld is and that's why they were the dynamicker duo of poop. Nicieza made Betsy nearly kill Jean and screw Scott a thing real Betsy would never do. If betrayal feels like bringing Psylocke back to her British roots then it tastes extra sweet and you are bitter salty. Kudos to Jim Zub for what Claremont, Nicieza and Remender hadn't the balls to do; piss off the Kwannon fans who beat their meat off to her.

  28. Hi, guys. Some corrections on assertions above.

    @Jaime; when Claremont returned to Marvel, it is my understanding that he pitched restoring Psylocke. Specifically, when bringing her back to life. Specifically, it was supposed to be her at the end of X-Treme run being held prisoner by a guy enslaving a telepath (I forgot that villain’s name) and in her own body (there are even Salvador Larocca sketches of Psylocke in her own body for this tale), but editorial wouldn’t approve. And since Claremont couldn’t restore Betsy, he substituted Rachel instead:

    @Poetry, actually at least one writer has expressly said he kept Betsy in Kwannon’s body for diversity. That was Matt Fraction. Specifically, after putting Betsy in her own body and then putting her back in Kwannon’s during his abysmal Sisterhood story, which completely ignored Kwannon as a character:

    “Writer Matt Fraction joins CBR's X-Position today to answer questions about “Uncanny X-Men” and “Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia.”

    What was your thinking behind bringing back Psylocke's original body, only to fry it and put her back in her second one? Nothing against “Asian Psylocke,” I'm just curious…

    To be brutally honest? I saw more value in bringing a character of color into the book than yet another white face. When I came in there were a whole lot of dudes and a whole lot of white folk around; I wanted very much to diversify the genders and the colors of the team somewhat without turning the thing into a Benetton ad or the cast of “Voyager” or whatever. I figured, since we were already asking people to buy a story in which a magic, bodiless psychic spirit performed a grand act of transdimensional psychic necromancy, that your suspension of disbelief had either long ago shattered or was impervious to anything I could throw at why not? Besides, going forward with Psylocke, we'll see that while she might look the same on the outside, inside is a different matter...”

  29. @Kiki
    Funny that you treat my post as "bull" when your arguments are completely disconnected from reality!

    Whether we accept the version according to which the Phoenix replaced Jean and wrecked havoc across the galaxy as valid or not, the point remains the same; the death of billions of lives were on Jean's head if we keep track how many times the Shi'ar tried to wipe her and her family from existence. Jean was also physically and mentally molested by Mastermind, but the point I'm trying to make is that it is irrational to discredit a good story that puts characters in harm's way so long as the characters rise to the occasion.

    Psylocke was a great character before the ninjafication, but she was no warrior before stepping into the Siege Perilous, not in the sense she defined a warrior to be like. Whether you agree with the above or not is your right, but the evidence is in the comics and in the creators' interviews.

    Last but not least, it was indeed Nicieza that first brought Betsy and Warren closer, it was Lobdell who made their relationship official during that annual issue, but it's painfully obvious you don't know what you're talking about when you say that Nicieza had Psylocke intentionally come between Scott and Jean. If you think broadswords and shields will help Psylocke turn into a better character, you're in for a disappointment.

    I remember the quote from the interview you posted, but honestly we're talking about a writer who had no clue about his characters' backstories, let alone interest in them considering that his cast was scarcely more showcased than actors beyond Jackman, Lawrence and Fassbender in the Days of Future Past movie. Again, nowhere in his books do I remember Psylocke being paraded as one of the exotic members in the X-Men and frankly the short-lived body swap in Sisterhood was nothing more than shock value.

  30. Poetry I choose real Betsy over the Kwannon whore 1000%. Betsy would never open her legs to every man (Matsu, engaged Cyclops, Neal, Fantomex and Sabretooth her archnemesis) and wouldn't develop killing obsession for anything that walked, swam, flew and crawled. Betsy was a gentle and strong soul and they ruined her with the body swap to make her powerful and soulless. I don't care if she is drawn knight of the Round Table with armor riding a steed or Queen Titania as long as she is herself in her birth body. All I want is Psylocke from issue Uncanny X-Men 213 Volume 1. You remember the spy lady who had passion and guts to face Sabretooth to save the injured in the Institute basement? I'm talking about her. The rest is fluff to confuse and digress from the yellowfacing of Psylocke. Keep the ninja pics of the past cause Betsy ain't gonna turn Asian again.

  31. @Poetryinmotion Way to go for standing your ground and speaking favourably about Asian Psylocke on a forum that is clearly dominated by old-school Betsy fans who really just want to show off that they read the old-school comics and can remember what happend. (or maybe they just read this stuff on Wikipedia).

    The language on this forum is derogatory and disrespectful.
    @rahsaan and @Kiki look at the language you used to describe a fictional woman like Kwannon, would you ever speak to a woman like that in real life?

    Most X-Men fans only know Psylocke as the ninja, her prior self doesn't even fit well with the name Psylocke. The only reason why Besty's current appearance looks good is because it is basically ninja Psylocke with a different face.

  32. @Unknown, what derogatory and disrespectful language did I use? I'm genuinely asking as I don't know what I said that could be classified as either.

  33. @Unknown, as for Poetry standing their ground, it's not that serious. I personally was having a civil conversation with them. We were engaging one another like mature adults who are both fans with differing opinions. Your attempt to instigate or hype drama is sophomoric. People can have spirited debates about comic books without it being a heavy falling out. Chill out.

  34. Would love to see Kwannon where this...

    Or the one from the New Age of Apocalypse.

  35. @Renegade, yup! That would be dope for her! Complete with black hair!

  36. @rahsaan: "Personally speaking, I am not a Kwannon fan, so I'm actually not upset if she is a carbon copy of 90s/00s Psylocke who I found cardboard and worthless,"

  37. @Unknown I'm renowned to hold no punches when I say things how they are and look. Kwannon is a yariman compared to the classy British Psylocke. And FYI the suffix -cke in Psylocke comes from Nordic languages and English dialects so no Japanese fanfiction fits into the name. Sad. Another myth debunked. Current Betsy is an English knight not a ninja get your facts checked.

    Another memo this is a blog called Psylocke dedicated to Elizabeth Braddock if you are salty and against her White Britishness you are free to make your own about Kwannon and see how it flies. Shaming her loyal fans by taking jabs at us with your ----''Way to go for standing your ground and speaking favourably about Asian Psylocke on a forum that is clearly dominated by old-school Betsy fans who really just want to show off that they read the old-school comics and can remember what happend. (or maybe they just read this stuff on Wikipedia) ----- is the lowest of lows. Nice try.

  38. @Unknown, are you insane? You're comparing me saying that a fictional character is cardboard and worthless to me saying that about a real-life woman. You have a lot of time on your hands. Seek help and a hobby versus anonymous Net trolling and trying to instigate controversy and conflict in a completely civilized conversation between mature adults. Deuces.

  39. @Kiki, at this point, we both should ignore. Feeding anonymous trolls is a worthless pursuit. This person clearly has a lot of time and is bored.

  40. @Rahsaan beats me if the anonymous is a troll. The takeaway this anon pointing and giving the finger to everyone in here. Doesn't think about the body swap-plastic change using logic and the blow it deals to social and psychological standpoints. In 2019 racial discrimination and inequality keep on raging out there and Asian fans can't relate with a hero presented Asian while born with British DNA. I hear race is a social construct and my reality as a woman of color is miles off. It's a shadow that follows me and defines my being. I can't cut free from my racial identity nor should I bleaching myself like Lil Kim who became a real life Kwannon for her own reasons. The anonymous can't sort out in his head the terms identity struggle, racial wholeness and bad fiction that ruins it. I'm proud for being Black, Psylocke should be proud for being White and Kwannon Japanese. I wish anon no harm and send butterfly kisses to heal.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Wow, you people are reaching.
    @Rahsaan and @kiki you both post more often than I and others on this site, so who is the troll who is bored with all of the time in the world.
    What you say on here does relate to how people view women in real life, that was the point.
    Her names were Betsy and Psylocke when she was in the Asian body, and she was British regardless of her body. British is not a race, it's a culture.

    Speaking of this site, it has more pictures of ninja Psylocke because that is who she spent more time as.
    Just because you type more, doesn't mean you're right.
    Best of luck to you.

  43. @Unknown only you would say that British, Congolese, Indian, Japanese and Russian are cultures. Take a Biological Anthropology 101 to see the racial differences in DNA and phenotypes that build diverse civilizations, develop different languages and different traditions and philosophies on life, religion and status. Instead of cultures try the use of ETHNICITIES or ETHNIC GROUPS. Good luck on your entry exams.

    This site has many pictures of Elizabeth Braddock (a typical Japanese name) in ninja mode because she was stuck inside Kwannon like an ancient turd in constipated bowels for twenty seven or so years. Marvel chose maldiversity not healthy representation. Marvel eventually listened to fans who couldn't take it no more and gave up on racewashing. Keep the Yellowface Psylocke in your masturbation shrine for dry spells. You're welcome.

  44. @Unknown, if you reread my first comment above, you will see that I made a point that Kwannon should be a fleshed out character not a copy of Psylocke. There was no diss to Kwannon. What the writers are currently doing is not differentiating her based on her entire presentation. I won't reply anymore to you as you are trying to create drama where there is none which I have no interest in as an adult talking to a complete online stranger about fictional characters. Poetry and I were discussing this just fine and having differing views before you felt the need to try to rope me into giving you attention. Peace.

  45. @kiki I will stick with my sociology course thanks. Ethnicity is based around culture. Race is based around skin colour and the social meanings we attach to it.

    @rahsaan and @kiki you both are making up drama when someone was trying to bring attention to your problematic language.

  46. Back to our discussion...

    I think I will write Hickman directly to ask if he can reveal what if any plans he has to make Kwannon into developed character? And how he feels about her ties to Betsy and if they need to be tethered always.

  47. In case an employer at Marvel discovers this comment section I'd like to congratulate the company for the monstrosity its past workers created post Siege Perilous. You had a well-rounded character. Decided to make the character unrecognizable. Went out your ways to fool young readers fall in love with a racist lie full of Asian stereotypes and skimmed their wallets with lust and schizoid plot threads. Grooming of conscience and the big division. Marvel at your masterpiece!

  48. @Rahsaan you can ask Hickman, however I don't think he has a say in her development. Kwannon is not an X-Man and is affiliated with the Yakuza. A better plan is to use her in a Shang-Chi title or the Agents of Atlas with the new Oriental team. The best plan at the moment is to keep Kwannon away from Psylocke to prevent Betsy from having recurring nightmares of her torments in Madripoor.

    Psylocke and Kwannon need to be separated in the minds of X-Men fans who think there are two racial versions of Psylocke. The editors don't do a good job helping the writers and the artists not mix their powers and looks. UXM #17 has shown Nobody Kwannon use Psylocke's butterfly effect and psychic knife and that is wrong given that Kwannon is a low level empath and not a telekinetic psychic. Which means Kwannon's powers have to turn in the other direction away from Psylocke's for Kwannon to be made an interesting character.
