Friday, May 17, 2019

Marvel Strike Force Introduces X-Men Phoenix, Colossus, and Psylocke Arriving in Marvel Strike Force in waves, starting on May 23, the X-Men are the most powerful team the game has ever seen. Phoenix, Colossus and Psylocke will be joining already available characters Wolverine and Storm on the fight against Magneto and the Mutant Brotherhood in the Arena game mode.

Colossus and Psylocke will roll out in the upcoming in-game update with a Psylocke Event Campaign and Colossus Blitz. Phoenix will be available through a Legendary Event. Players should jump in now so you can earn Psylocke and Colossus character shards before their events end.

Colossus, an unkillable tank, is a powerful Protector that can absorb heavy damage by stacking Positive Effects and mitigate incoming damage with Deflect. His abilities make him difficult to get through, and one of the reasons the X-Men will be the new apex Arena team. Reign down cosmic fire and rise from the ashes with Phoenix, and turn Negative Effects against your enemies with Psylocke.

As for the Psylocke Event Campaign, after the X-Men are captured by Ultimus, Psylocke must lead a stealth team of S.T.R.I.K.E. martial artists on a rescue mission to Limbo.

Build a team of your favorite X-Men and unleash the power of the Phoenix force! Pairing these new characters with Wolverine and Storm allows for new team synergies making your collections that much more powerful. Your X-Men team will be no match as more mutants are added to the game.


  1. Of course, they wanna go for the Asian Betsy...

  2. So glad they didn't consider the new Betsy. Even though I don't like this game but this is still interesting.

  3. This is about right for that era's Psylocke. When she was Crimson Dawn Tatted she was almost ways was drawn to look like Betsy than Kwannon as Kwannon's body is usually drawn to look white when Betsy has inhabited it. She looks like a white woman here in the main image, but Asian in the background grayscale image.

  4. The Asian-looking grayscale background with whitewashed fake asian version upfront in color is probably subconscious depiction of the creepy fetish of wanting a fake asian character who is passable as white but then has all the mystical asian stereotypes attached for masturbatory purposes.

  5. Are you guys sure this is Asian Betsy? Her face in this render looks quite caucasian to me.

    Anyway, am I the only person who had never heard about this game until now? Is it another MMORPG?

  6. @FSaker. It came out 2 months ago.

  7. @Fsaker, it is the Kwannon body drawn to look Caucasian as it almost always was when Psylocke lived there. Psylocke never had Crimson tattoo on her face. The crimson stuff was used to make her seem more part of some mystical eastern stereotype with affected clothes and markings.

  8. Correction, it came out March 28, 2018.

  9. This is Elizabeth Braddock in her Caucasian body but using the crimson dawn and Uncanny X-force motifs. It's as Marvel bidding adieu to the Yellowface era of Psylocke and sending the message in a game. Those eyes are Betsy's natural blue. This can be a what if version of Psylocke that was brainwashed by the Hand into Lady Mandarin but didn't switch bodies or had plastic done to her face to look Asian.

  10. ^Hardly any message sent,unless they intend to bring these aesthetic elements into the comic version of Psylocke too,this is clearly meant to be Psylocke with all the changes brought by the Siege Perilous.

  11. To consider this Psylocke as Asian is a suggestion... What's Asian about this one just might be that fighting stance and the Crimson Dawn tattoo that looks like a Kanji character... 😁

  12. Clearly the hand outfit (and any variant of it such as this one) is now solely associated with Psylocke's time in Kwannons body or Kwannon herself. While she doesn't look Asian (she rarely was drawn to have Asian features) here its obvious it's supposed to be ninja Asian Psylocke
    Video games take a lot of time to plan and develop I'm sure this design and models were planned before the body swap. Plus marketing communicates with companies who license their characters not the editors who deal directly with the comics.

  13. I think you're letting them off the hook without merit.

    This absolutely would have been planned and executed after Psylocke was placed back in her original body, which has been almost a year now?

    A character in this game would not have more than 6 months of lead time, at a long stretch.

    And it's not even just that they have gone for an Asian ninja Psylocke... It's a weirdly reductive, 90's throwback version of the character from 30 years ago.

    A version of the character that barely appeared, and has never been popular.

    I love this game, but I was massively disappointed by this choice.

    They had a chance to be first to market on putting the NEW Psylocke in a video game for the first time, complete with visually interesting sword, shield and psychic knife.

    I have been trying to will myself to like this, but I just hate every choice they've made here.

    Aesthetically I think it looks horrible, and character wise what they are selling are not traits I have ever associated with Psylocke... And if anyone ever did it was 30 years ago.

    I just don't get it.

  14. @Benjamin Hutton this smells fishy and of neglect for Psylocke's PR video game image. Marvel and Disney are responsible for sticking to the crimson ninja fetish of the smash and crash Psylocke. The 90's cheesy feet smell is hard to wash off of Psylocke and Marvel with game developers think that in her Yellowface form Betsy is a cash cow but really she is a caricature.

    Marvel can sex up Psylocke's new strapless costume in her real body with engorged boobs. Video games depend on ''sex sells'' and horny teen nerds. As a woman I'm aware of that and I don't mind at all but Yellowface or Blackface I can't stand one second.

    Now is the right time to transfer the reborn Psylocke from pages to pixels. The crimson dawn version is stinkshit.

    The Asian heroes Aero, White Fox, Crescent and Io and Luna Snow look amazing in Marvel Future Fight.
