Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Age of X-Man: NextGen #4 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: After Pixie reports Armor's strange behavior to Professor Sunfire, Dean Angel at the Summers Institute calls Department X to investigate. Psylocke and Blob believe the students have become addicted to the drug Unveil. Betsy asks Pixie to show her Armor's room, but no one's inside. Shark Girl comes across them and tells Psylocke she saw Armor, Glob and Rockslide leaving the campus in a hurry. Betsy and Blob take Department X's van, and Fred shows her Glob's diary, which he intends to give to the X-Men.


  1. Marcus To kept his word and fixed Psylocke going forward lol I really like how she's drawn here.

  2. @randy, agreed! I like when we get editorial consistency.

  3. So she was in two AoXM issues that aren't even from her own tie-in? Wow, Psylocke is basically AoXM's Wolverine.

    Works for me.

  4. @randybear yes I'm so grateful for Marcus To and his professionalism. He did an amazing job fixing Psylocke's looks and most importantly her hairstyle and hair color. His art is great and I wish Marvel will assign him new events to draw.

  5. @FSaker Betsy is very important member of the X-Tremists she holds a key position giving intel and advice to warden Forge. It's good to see her back in the agent and clandestine game. If she ends up being a mutant female James Bond the better.
