Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Uncanny X-Men #16 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: Joseph - Magneto's clone - decided to assume the mantle of the master of magnetism and lead a new Brotherhood, consisted of Juggernaut, Toad, Avalanche and Pyro. His goals was to make mankind fear mutants again. When Cyclops' X-Men defeat the Brotherhood, Revanche appears out of the blue and beheads Joseph with her katana. The X-Men mistaken her for Psylocke, but Wolverine confirms the woman is indeed Kwannon. She stills seems confused and babbles about Joseph being a weapon who would have been used to erase mutants.


  1. Now people can fuck off with the idea that Psylocke isnt really in the original body or that they're sharing minds (I'm sure Jean would've noticed considering how they psy linked a fuckton during Dissembled)

  2. To be fair, Wolverine isn't a telepath, so he can't be sure it's Kwannon's mind (he can only tell it's her body). But eh, thanks for killing Joseph, Kwannon (he used to be nice when he was first introduced, but should be gone long ago). Now you can swallow your sword and die as well.

    Oh, and Rahne being killed off-panel? Very disrespectful. It would be better if it were Moonstar who died (since her presence in AoXM would make it easy to say the Moonstar from Scott's team wasn't the real one).

    I guess we can't wait much longer for Hickman's run. I wish him luck to fix all of this mess. He'll need it.

    1. Why would Wolverine assume it was Kwannon? He wasn't around when Psylocke returned to her original body. Wolverine should assume its Betsy like everyone else did.

  3. Kwannon’s mysterious reintro was one of the better parts of the issue. I look forward to how they’ll explain her returning from the void of death to her body.

    Also, I wonder if Wolvie can now smell the difference between Kwannon and Elizabeth, because they now both don’t think they are Elizabeth. As you’ll recall, when Kwannon last was on the scene, Wolvie couldn’t distinguish their scents. Perhaps, their scents differ now that they both don’t think they are Betsy? Like a psychosomatic thing. That’s if Rosenberg even recalls that Logan previously could smell no difference between them due to the gene splicing by that miserable with, Spiral.

    1. I was confused about Wolverine's explanation back then. I seem to recall him saying their scents were the same but different. I didn't get it lol. It guess it could also have had something to do with Kwannon subconsciously telepathically manipulating everyone including Charles, Jean and even Betsy. That's how I knew Betsy had strong psychic potential if someone could achieve that level of manipulation with just possessing only half her telepathy.

  4. @FSaker it's because of the Joseph nostalgia and his romance with Rogue that I disapprove of Kwannon beheading him. To me she isn't a real X-Man but a Yakuza murderer. I don't know if it has to do with her bad nature or Nyoirin's nurturing, nevertheless Joseph didn't deserve another death in his resume. I hate the killing spree Rosenberg is on. And for crying out loud the X-Men's reaction to Joseph's assassination was nonexistent. Somehow Bendis' run is less bloody and edgy than this.

  5. It really is a shame that Joseph had to
    lose his head. I actually liked his new, stylish, shorter hair. Much more becoming than the long hair.


  6. I like Kwannon being reintroduced to the Marvel Universe . Interesting. This gets my attention .

  7. @Jaime Braz, I also liked Joseph for a while, and I think his first death (spending all his life energy to save the world when Magneto tried to disrupt the magnetic poles) was a great way to go. Sadly, though, ever since he returned, he has been a complete mess and has only been around to be a generic evil Magneto whenever the real one was missing or was aligned with the X-Men. That's why I think it was time he was killed again (if only Kwannon could do the same to Astra... and to herself, of course).

    That said, I agree that ever since Rosenberg became the sole writer in UXM, he has been killing characters left and right. Rahne, Strong Guy, Loa, Blindfold... someone needs to stop him.

    (I do approve his decision to give Hope a Cable scar on her eye, though. And to make Scott repeatedly tell Captain America how much Steve sucks - now Cyclops needs to knock him out with an optic blast to the face...)

  8. @FSaker,
    I actually forgot about Astra. She is one of the most contrived, worst X-characters. She should go. I'm here for Nothing beheading gutting and then beheading her.

  9. Well she is speaking maybe Wolverine deduced that it's not the Englishwoman Elizabeth Braddock 🤷🏾‍♂️. Also wtf they killed Rahne? Maybe the real one is in the XMAN universe and when it all gets set back they will bring back all these characters using Legions powers.

    1. @Unknown, he stated that she wasn’t Betsy before she spoke. Specifically, in reply to someone exclaiming, “Betsy, WTF!??!”

    2. Oh then maybe the way she conducts herself is not very Betsyesque?

  10. I remember that Wolverine could smell the difference when he fought Betsy's original body restored by Madelyne Pryor.

  11. @Mixia, I don't recall that. Also, Kwannon never appeared in that storyline. Betsy and some demon were both inhabiting her original body and being controlled by the Red Queen. It never made sense why there was a demon as the issue should Red Queen telepathically taking control of Betsy after Besty questioned where she was and how she got there. Kwannon's soul was nowhere to be found. Also, here are some scans. Wolvie never mentioned her scent to my recollection.

  12. Wolverine only said it wasn't Betsy after Kwannon spoke Japanese. It's also possible that Betsy's regeneration was one of the things he learnt about during his convalescence, and hearing Kwannon speak Japanese he put two and two together.

    It's been specifically stated behind the scenes that this is Kwannon. And now on panel. I don't understand all this added conjecture and malice.

    I'm super excited, and I love the design. 😁

    The writing in Uncanny X-Men is stupidly abhorrent, but that's a separate issue.

    1. Yea it started off ok then too many deaths and mutilation for shock value. Like I dont care about Joseph or Hope Summers but when you start messing with cyclops, rahne and strong guy it's starting to piss me off. Hope when Legion comes back from Age of Xman it's all set right as a parting gift. Just saying.

  13. @Benjamin, are you sure? It looks like she appeared and immediately beheaded Joseph and someone was like, “Betsy, WTF?” And then Wolvie’s is the top voice bubble in the next panel asserting that she’s not Bets. And then under his voice bubble is Kwannon’s explaining that she is trying to recall them and is now Nothing. I could just be assuming that the voice bubble position from top to bottom implies order of reply.

    As for the malice, I’m fine with Kwannon as long as she and Betsy are not co-dependent. I do agree with FSaker that it would be awesome if she kills Astra.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @Unknown, considering the end of both the present Uncanny run and the Age of X-Men crossover coincide with the beginning of Hickman's two mini-series, I guess things will be even more messed up by then. After all, House of X and Powers of X seem to take place on a heavily altered reality (even more than the reality created by Nate and Legion).

    (by the way, since you mentioned Hope, while I do like her, I must admit it felt kinda like poetic justice when Scott put her ass behind bars for a moment)

  16. Comic panels are read left to right, regardless of the height of the speech bubble. Wolverine speaks after Kwannon.

  17. Regarding Hope, she only shoots Cyclops accidentally after Wolverine massively overreacts and attempts to murder her. Which he would have accomplished had she not copied his healing factor.

    Terrible, terrible writing. Everyone is so out of character. And this version of the Marvel Universe is some sort of pro Nazi hellhole. I'm astonished this is the real Marvel universe, and that Marvel would allow these Avengers characters to be portrayed the way they are.

  18. Personally, I wanted this to also be Betsy. This page has her sounding confused, so it could have been an effect from being momentarily dead.

    It shouldn't be Kwannon. She died. Soul gone and moved on. It'd make more sense to me for this to be Betsy with her mind fragmented from being dead. Maybe deciding to start a new life since she recognizes how her other self is finally complete, having reconstructed her own original body. Kwannon, I would think, wouldn't care too much about mutant problems at large.

    But, nah. This will probably be Kwannon. 100%. Back from the dead. Her soul just waiting two decades for this exact moment to re-inhabit her body. She attempted to take it back when Vargas killed Psylocke but hesitated too long and missed the opportunity. "Next time I'll be ready." It's comics.

    Revanche 2.0? It could be that too. I hope not.

    They should have left her dead though. I think Marvel did this for the "newer" fans that have only known her to be in this body, with no given knowledge that she was even British originally. And honestly, I think those of us that do remember are in the minority.

    Marvel is a huge mess with the X-Men right now and they gotta know that. I'm hoping they are putting all their pieces on the table in a big pile to see what they can play with moving forward. Then, when the big event(s) is over everything will start to seem... better. Better than it has been the past couple years, what with the movie rights shenanigans and writing off characters.

    Speaking of, hard pass on the Dark Phoenix movie coming out. I am looking forward to the mutants joining the MCU. Though we gotta wait some years.

  19. @Vigmed, I see your point, but I think when characters are split into more than one version of their consciousness, it can be hella confusing for some. Like the way that some people didn't understand how both Carol and Mystique could exist in Rogue's mind and ever take control of her body, but also have separate consciousnesses that exist on their own in their own bodies. You, I, and most here get it, but many comic book readers don't grasp concepts like that, so I'm happy they didn't go the two Betsy route.

    As for Kwannon, waiting 20 or 30 years, recall that it's probably only been 5 t0 10 years at the very very most in comic book time since Kwannon died in Betsy's body. I do hope like you thought that the writers actually give an interesting, logical (at least within the bounds of fantasy) of how she got summoned back into her body and if she had any choice in returning to life. Even if Besty somehow subconscious pulled her from the void of death when she was wielding all those psychic energies pent up in that awful Styx character... to give Kwannon a fair shot since she got such a raw deal... I'll take that and feel good about it.

    What I do hope is that Kwannon will at some point drop the purple/pink color scheme (hair included) and diferentitate herself more from Elizabeth.As of right now, I'm intrigued and want to see a whole, separate character. I do look forward to her reuniting with Betsy and them reconciling all that they went through and then being independent entities. Perhaps, for them to do that, Betsy can help her recall using telepathy. I do most certainly hope that Kwannon is not telepathic. I hope that p
    sychic knife is maybe more of telekinetic projection. I'd like her to be empathic/telekinetic. Betsy can have the telepathy/telekinesis combo. Though, I think Nothing probably is telepathic and that's how she knew Joseph's plan.

  20. Kwannon and Betsy have only been in each others body for about 4 years or so in comics time.
