Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Uncanny X-Men #9 Art


  1. I'm so sick of Psylockes costume being colored wrong! Why in the world would a colorist be allowed to change a frickin design she didnt even create?

  2. Another terrible, pointless issue.

    The worst thing that ever happened to comics was extreme decompression. And the non-event 'event'.

    Agreed about the colouration, but it's just as bad with her hair. It seems to get darker and darker every issue.

    What a shame. What could have been a great new start for Psylocke (and the X-Men) is a false start instead.

    1. I agree! They really hyped up this Dissembled arc but I guess shipping weekly the signs of filler were there but regardless it wasnt even entertaining filler just bad characterization and lack of any urgency to wanna follow this through.

      Zub wrote Psylocke so much more competant in the final Madripoor issue than in the near 10 issues in Uncanny so far.

  3. Marvel is super greedy and ought to be ashamed of themselves for giving us quantity over quality.

  4. We could have collectively written a better arc lol
