Friday, January 11, 2019

Uncanny X-Men #11 Skrulls Variant by Inhyuk Lee


  1. Nice art but I'll pass since Psylockes costume is blalantly colored wrong still. WTF???

    1. I’m starting to think that this is maybe a change of color?

      Nah. These editors just ΓΌber lazy and like “Fuck readers.” πŸ˜‚

    2. It looks just like how its colored on Uncanny #1 cover. I'm guessing the colorist used that cover as a reference as opposed to Asrar's sketch.

  2. Other than the strip of pink missing from the neckline, what do you think is wrong with the coloring? I’m seeing this complaint all the time on the comments of this site, but I just don’t seem to see it myself?

    1. Jason the white sections should be purple and the magenta is a hot pink. The costume looks great when colored correctly. Take a look at it on the blog it's at the top by Dodson.

    2. @CmX, the section that you see as white above looks like a very pale lavender here to me. aither arrists have drawn it as white/silver though, so I get your complaint. The hot pink is missing is though.

      @Jason, here is the design CmX is referring to. The correct one:

  3. High amount of inconsistency
    What kind of editors are these?
    It’s almost as if maybe someone lost the official costume memo


  4. And the hair gets darker and darker...

  5. I think she looks stunning regardless. I dont mind the hair being this color. It's kinda between the lighter and darker purple. I mean before when she was in either body she dyed it both the darker and lighter colors (unless Kwannon naturally had purple hair?),so she must like both shades lol. Now the lighter purple is permanent, but she could technically still dye it darker if she wanted some minor adjusting lol.

  6. I feel like they “lightened” het hair when they introduced Revanche in her body to differentiate them. Her hair was always a dark lavender, so the hair above looks more like how her hair was drawn pre-Revanche saga:

    1. Good catch Rahsaan most fans dont realize that fact about the hair color due to Kwannons introduction.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Jordan D. White's #XMenMonday Post and what appears to be "Kwannon's Psychic Knife".

    1. yeah I see a katana so probably Kwannon....would be nice if it is a new Sisterhood team led by Maddie

    2. So annoying. She shouldn't have Betsy's powers. I'll wait to read before I pass 100 percent judgement lol though lol.

  9. she looks so gorgeous πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  10. Her previous hair colour is irrelevant, given that she created a new body for herself that has naturally lavender hair.

    But they couldn't even stick with that for more than three issues.

    1. Or maybe the colorist in the Madripoor series got it wrong? One can never tell with Marvel.

  11. Also, LMFAO if that is Revanche with the same exact powers as Psylocke. So much for reinventing the token chick. SMDH.

  12. Why did someone on the Facebook page say, “Rahsaan Chisolm Maybe it's the focused totality of her empathetic powers and she's giving Logan an orgasm.” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  13. The costume looks promising at least ... Giving both characters the same power set is a very bad choice. There is no need for digging up dead clone characters, if there is no plan to develop them beyond their clone role.

  14. I hope she gets a different skill set, that would be stupid of the writers considering she returned Betsy's powers to her. Develop the power they mentioned that she actually had....Empathy.

  15. "yeah I see a katana so probably Kwannon....would be nice if it is a new Sisterhood team led by Maddie"

    As long as this one gets a better development than the two previous Sisterhoods... It's really sad how both Fraction and Wood managed to create interesting Sisterhoods, only to have them fall flat on their faces.

    Fingers crossed for Kwannon to die for good this time.

  16. I'm hoping that possible Kwannon image is just a flashback to Betsy in the body. I'd rather see Kwannon used elsewhere.

    1. Probably not given the outfit Wolvie is wearing the tan and brown and Kwannon seems to be wearing a new design that doesnt look like anything Psylocke has worn.

  17. Kwannon’s resolution is to be at peace in the next life with Matsu’o; not with the X-Men.

    1. I agree. I am not feeling it at all and the fact that shes taken Psylockes visuals the knife and the pink color in her costume. She will obviously join Cykes rag tag team that we see in the solicits. What do you think?

    2. CmX, she is redundant if they are going this route.

      I emailed the X editorial office with my concerns about how bad Uncanny currently is. I also asked the following among my listed issues with other characters featured currently in the book as well the Psylocke dependent character (Revanche):

      How is it that we have a fully-actualized Psylocke who has regained her face, is at full telepathic power (I also would love to see her random precognition flashes again which were the start of her psychic powers and her using he telekinesis to augment her martial arts versus making weapons which seems very Green Lantern-like) and is still a physical warrior relying on gimmicky, weaponry versus creatively using her telepathy and her actual martial arts skills and harkening back to her training as a STRIKE agent?

      Why on Earth would you guys bring Kwannon back to still tether her to Elizabeth? She is still displaying psychic knives and still using Elizabeth's color motif?? Really, if the point was to actually develop this character now in her own body to more than just a retcon plot device (since Fabian didn't do his research to realize that Chris had explained Psylocke's transformation perfectly fine during Acts of Vengeance), why not actually differentiate the character with her own empathic powers and her own look?

  18. I don't understand the complaints about Revanche's possible powerset.

    Given she awoke in her original body, which had been Psylocke's for so long, she would have to have the powers that that body held... Which are exactly the powers Psylocke had before her death.

    Also we know she has a psychic blade, because we saw her manifest it at the end of Mystery in Madripoor. So this is nothing new.

    I do agree that I'd like to see her in a brand new costume that has nothing to do with Psylocke though.

    1. Benjamin,

      True. However she retuned her telepathy to the Psylocke consciousness, so empirically that consciousness is the owner of both bodies’ telepathies as it was split between both bodies until Revanche committed suicide. That should mean that the telepathy resides with the Psylocke consciousness (its true owner) no matter what body that persona is housed in.

      Thus, does this now mean, we are back to Psylocke only having half of her power again? If so, is half way more than it used to be now that she is “omega level?”

  19. That was like four bodies ago, and never made any sense.

    But again, the body Psylocke is in now is entirely new, and in no way connected to Kwannon or her previous body.

    So logically, Psylocke has whatever her new (nonsensical) powerset is, and Kwannon should have whatever powerset resided in her body when Psylocke died/vacated it.

    My preference is that neither of them have telekinesis, but I daresay I'm out of luck... Psylocke is creating 'telekinetic weapons', whatever that means, without demonstrating any actual telekinesis.



  20. Are Betsy's telepathy and telekinesis still adversely affected by each other? It would still make sense since telekinesis was never really a natural power of hers, unlike Jean , Rachel and exodus.
