Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Age of X-Man: Alpha #1 Art


  1. Nice!!! I like this tension, and the psychic knife reminds me of that from Pixie. Very cool teaser!

  2. The art this issue was so nice and clean and worked perfectly with the creepy vibe of the script. I really liked the issue overall

  3. CmX, precisely. I dig how realistic the art is. It's like something we'd see in an Image book and that is fantastic.

  4. So... why did we need Brain Noodles if Psylocke was only gonna confirm anyway. LOL

    1. I’m still wondering why we couldn’t just have Monet. Based on what we see so far in issue one, I’m think Leah has more in store to woo us on Moneta.

  5. That art and issue went better than I hoped.

  6. Bishop has been known to be psychically resistant/have some shielding... maybe that’s why they needed Moneta?

  7. Is it just me, or does Betsy seem to be floating/flying in the first page?
    I don't have any issues with her being able to fly, I just wish they would define her power-set and be more consistent with it, because for the last decade it seems each writer has their own say on what she can and can't do.

    1. Zahra, I can see why you say that. I don’t think she’s levitating though. I think she jupmed kicked the door in is jumping through to attack Lucas. Notice the lock is flying off the frame. In the past when she has levitated, they’ve always envloped her in pink psychic energy.
