Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Uncanny X-Men #4 Art


  1. Betsy being written as weak again? Wow what a surprise.. Seems has the only badass thing she has done recently is create her new body, and that's it. Not digging this writters take on revamped Betsy.

  2. I wonder if she uses her powers to maintain this artificially created new body of hers ? Maybe thats why she seems weak or frail most of the time ? I mean even the way shes draw falling compared to all her female teammates seems frail heck even Jubilee falls cooler than her!! Lol

    1. Oh, please Finn... Do not give them ideas... It could get her storyline worst... The real thing is: they never know what to do with her, since she is a caucasian psychic, exactly as Jean. It would need a very creative mind to write Betsy in a singular way. Maybe she could be more underground, like Exodus. Her solo was amazing, I would love to see her acting alone (or in duo with Kurt)... There is many telepaths fighting for the spotlight.

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  4. I think artists arent doing her justice, they are portraying her as a ladylike princess and not the badass hero she is.

  5. Pathetic... Emma would have put them all to sleep in 3 seconds... Or, better, would give them her famous "erotika overload".
    Hate this writters.

  6. Everyone is written as weak in crossovers. Polaris and Storm as well. That’s the nature of comic books. Heroes suffer before they win. Need I remind you both that our girl was humiliated by Medusa’s hair in IvX and some ugly dopplengangers in Battle of the Atom?

    1. Yes, I remember. Right after kill Magneto in all her glory... (but at the same moment, Emma was ruling the fight, hurting the great Blackbolt and controling telepathically the inhuman royaltie).
      Betsy always was rejected by the writters, lets get this very clear.

  7. @Unknown

    I agree, no one has been written as being totally powerful in this so far. At least not the heroes, if Jean or Betsy could've individually shut down the Madri and/or located Kitty then this event would be a lot shorter. Storms display in this so far has been the only display of an individual cool scene. Even if it's just her creating a storm. The villains are usually overpowered and a few steps ahead in events/crossovers for the sake of continuing the narrative.

    If this was a self contained story in any one of the X-books with a smaller team, we'd probably be seeing any of them having a big moment here or there. Narratively you can move that way when it's not an event.

    My guess is none of them really have a moment to shine, get swatted, which somehow allows Legion to "fix" everything. That will lead into the counterculture X-Universe. It's like Marvel is revisiting the incidents that lead to AoA, except Charles isn't around to die. Hopefully.

  8. Yeah. I’m still wondering which characters have been displayed as all-powerful save for Nate. 😂

    He has Mags as a puppet and we are fretting about Psylocke not contortimg with a thong between her ass cheeks while swinging a psychic S&M whip. 😂😂😂

    1. Granted, the cheesecake factor in that scenario would guarantee her the spotlight. 👀

  9. @Rahsaan I had to LOL at that comment. I agree, this is more a teamwork type of setting and I actually kinda enjoy it at the moment. At least that particular aspect of this comic.

  10. @X-Man
    Same here, it's nice seeing them be a team again instead of years of infighting. Granted, I hate that this mini event seems to be less about restarting Uncanny & more about setting up the Age of X-Man main event. I kinda want the team to be a team for a while. There shouldn't have been any major main universe becomes an alt one for at least a year.

    To be quite honest though, it seems that a lot of reviews are more complaining about the overall pace. Makes me wonder how sales are going and what big shake up Marvel will promise when the main Universe is back?

  11. Finally her costume colored a little better here. Instead of the very subtle lavender and white discoloring of her costume the last two issues

  12. I understand that she could force everyone to sleep. However, the reason they´re fighting woul still "alive" when they wake up. And control of large crownds was never her style

  13. So when Psylocke is written in a TEAM setting she's weak? Come on Finn. She is a freakin Butterfly not a brute. What EXACTLY do you want? Her ot be some mindless stupid OMEGAH Action Junkie Psychic Ninja Girl trope?

    Psylocke before the swap was ALWAYS portrayed as a thinker, and Tactician, you want her jumping into fights vagina first? Solving every problem with a Psychic head stab?

    Do you guys actually LIKE Psylocke, or just the image of her jumping around Vagina or butt first into combat spouting about Omega and focused totality crap?

    I really don't get you "fans".

    1. Yeah I definitely don't see Betts as "weak" during this storyline - her telepathy has been shown numerous times to be a huge asset.

  14. Besides no one this arc has had any major feats. Storm couldn't freaking control the weather in Africa but no one is bitching that shes weakened. Jean has needed Psylockes help more than one occasion now in 4 issues and she was able to fend off a hoard of super powered Maddox Dupes after Wareen ditched her.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I can tell a lot of you aren't actual writers. Not saying the pacing and some of the dialogue is stilted, but man. I'd love to see some of your writing.

    Yes, I'm a writer.
    Yes, I publish a monthly comic.
    Yes, I have a sub-Reddit for my Horror Stories.
    Yes, my stories are read by Horror Narrators.
    Yes, I have a grasp of writing Psylocke as a hero and competent Psychic.
    Yes, I write stories about her online.

    So yes, I can tell many of you are not able to write if you think she's personally being written worse than other people because white?

    I'm "C'mon Son"ning you.

  17. @Tazirai and @CmX, do not underestimate the focused totality of Hand Psylocke’s camel toe.

  18. I'd even say her and the other X-Men being written with less than stellar power displays is completely intentional. I mean, remember the name of this arc? "Disassembled".

    It's very likely that the X-Men will fall apart in this first arc, and then Cyclops and Wolverine return and the team rebuilds itself into a more efficient unit (less because of Scott and Logan properly, and more because the family will finally be complete again).

    I just hope Betsy will still be part of the team when it regroups itself after the Disassembled arc.

  19. That said, I must admit it seems there were some idiotic behaviors in this issue. Shouldn't Legion look for the X-Men BEFORE using the Madrox dupes to stop Nate (which ended up making things worse)? Shouldn't the X-Men listen to everything he had to say before putting him to sleep, so they could be more prepared to deal with Nate?

    Then again, I didn't read this issue, only the spoilers from this blog. Maybe the story did explain why they did what they did. And even if it didn't, let's face it, it's not like every superhero didn't act like complete idiots from time to time (as we can see every time superheroes fight each other rather than stopping supervillains or saving people).

  20. and why did Legion via Jamie only want to talk to Kitty about Xman? Kitty seems like one of the last X-Men Legion would try to contact

  21. @Stephen, it's, because Kitty is the new "it woman" for the X-Men, like Emma was for the last 15 or so years. Marvel is formulaic.

    1. used to like Kitty whenwshe was hte smart techie with hearth - now she is a total bitch to everyone.....can't stand her

  22. @Stephen, like when she recently put an emotionally unstable Betsy in display for the Avengers? LOL.

  23. @rahsaan As much as I draw cameltoes lol. I hear ya.

  24. Tazirai is a contradiction... rejects asian betsy based on its implied sexism, but draws camel toes on her british lady renditions of psylocke

  25. @Tazirai & @Rahsaan I still preffer asian body Psylocke over this new version of Betsy.You need to learn to respect everyone's opinions and prefferences. It would be so boring if everyone agreed with you both on everything.

    1. @Finn, I was nevef disrespectful. If disagreeing with you is “disrespectful,” then you do not know the definition of that word. I am always respectful here even when I make facetious comments about the fictional characters.

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    3. I was never disrespectful to you. All I stated was that the character displayed a cameltoe in the version you like and psychic weapons and constantly had her naked butt cheeks in readers’ faces during impossibly posed fight sequences. Is any of that hyperbole or a lie?
