Thursday, November 15, 2018

Uncanny X-Men #1 Script by Brisson, Rosenberg & Thompson

Script: Psylocke turns her attention back to the Madri as she crouches down and braces for battle again. Her psychic dagger becomes a psychic sword resembling a neon pink Excalibur, and a psychic shield forms on her other arm. She has become a knight. She charges into the swarm of Madri like Henry V, once more unto the breach or whatever. She is slashing with her sword and battering with her shield as the Madri close in all around her.


  1. 2 words.. BAD ASS! I'm loving Betsy more and more each day.

  2. With tropes like these, I’m just waiting for the fish n’ chips to appear.

  3. Some dude, ikr? It's like.. if she were, I dunno.. in an Asian body and she was using phrases like 'KYYAAAAAAAA' and using katana swords and wearing kimonos.

  4. I have you say, I am very impressed with this Creative Team of Uncanny X-men, because this feels like a fresh perspective of Psylocke this time. Usually, I tend to get upset how she was treated whether it was in Sam Humphires's or someone else's Run, but too not only give her this much attention as well as to change her entire outlook and appearance in a very creative manner (seem like she is stepping up the plate).

    You have to appreciate what the writers are trying do, like giving her some aspect of British Trait in her arsenal and move-sets, along her experience as a Ninja. I really appreciate the shield and Excalibur sword. As much as I am sadden with the previous Psylocke, it seems like an opportunity for Marvel for her to go up against.

    Guys, please respond or leave a comment on this web-link below, because some Ass-clown journalist thought it would be great day to criticize their new book and call it a letdown.

  5. That’s because it was a letdown. Even as far as terrifying visions go, they can do so much better than a rabid Madrox getting his ass handed to him.

  6. @Eric Completely silly,how can the fact that they're toying with silly stereotypical tropes be anything but cringeworthy?If they're trying to exorcise Psylocke's "Asian days" using psychic Excaliburs and "bloody" in every single phrase,then it just proves what an unnecessary fiasco the recent transformation truly was,not to mention that they haven't learnt anything from previous writers' failures writing Psylocke.

    And yeah,Extermination doesn't look compelling at all thus far.

  7. I had a looong wall of text typed up. Too long.

    TK weapons are lame. People will love it cause it looks visually cool.

    Marvel's pink lantern is back... whoopie.

    Lets forget she was ever trapped in an Asian body for years, both real and comic. I think we'll see very little remembrance of that time as Marvel will want to move past that mess as quickly as possible due to the times we currently live in.

    Lets give it time.

    Next writer, please.

    I love Psylocke, still.

  8. Psylocke is embracing her British heritage and she looks so good. I love this. <3

    Lmao at the bitter debbie downers still pressed about this. I love your salty tears as well.

  9. @CmX and @Unknown, 😂💀⚰️

    Psylocke has always used “bloody” pre-Siege Perilous and post-Siege Perilous. And she used it all the time when she woree Kwannon’s face. The only time she didn’t was shortly after Acts of Vegeance when she was super quiet and no one could figure her out or was even sure if she was Psylocke other than Wolvie’s word.

    As for the weapons, people would have been irked if she didn’t have them and claimed that she was no longer the Psylocke they knew.

    In my perfect world, she wouldn’t use her telekinesis this way and would use it the way she did in the mini, but I’m stoked that she is being written consistently in character with her own face and is the warrior she yearned to be since her childhood and as shown since her Marvel UK days. 💜

    Like Vigmer said, I cannot wait until this self-actulized Psylocke is written by a really awesome writer, like Claremont, Remender or the guy who writes Red.

    1. @CMX and @Unknown, I was laughing at your with. The rest of my reply was to everyone here.

  10. @CmX Even your feeble caricature of Asian Psylocke has more motivation than this depiction of British Psylocke.

  11. Have y’all been playing this online game?

  12. I really love it. They need to write her and Jean in different ways, and make Betsy the new "marvel's pink lantern" is PERFECT. Like Rahsaan I prefer Betsy using her tk like in her mini, but that kind of approach is totally Jean's way.
    Olivia Munn did an flawless job in the movies, and that use to tk is unpublished on marvel's comics.
    This was really creative.

  13. @Jeferson, Olivia Munn was the only actor who seemed to act as if she actually wanted to be in that abominable movie. Bless her heart. I appreciated her being a real sport.

  14. There are so many ways to be and use UK English and history without using Bloody. Also She's using an Arming Sword lol.

    I do hate her being a Pink Lantern.

  15. Guys, why are we acting like Elizabeth hasn’t been using “bloody?” Marvel has a habit of making all its non-American characters hyperbolic when it comes to using ethnic vernacular. Look at how Moira, Sean, Roberto, Kurt, Piotr and a slew of other have been written.

    I actually like when she uses “bloody” and “luv,” like when Rogue uses “Ah” for “I” and “sugah.”

  16. A knight ... seriously?! They really just "reskinned" her. I thought she was going back to her roots as a creative full-blown telepath after reading the last issue of Mystery in Madripoor. So now we have two telepath-telekinetics on the team. I don't like this at all. I really thought the tk would stay with Kwannon, so she could get some character development. But if Betsy has both powers, Kwannon is getting obsolete as a character.

  17. @Mixia, yeah. Let’s hope we get something really creative in terms of power ussage soon. I’m not too sold on this trio of writers. I hope we get Claremont or Remender. Who I would really love is someone like Brian K. Vaughan!!!

    As for Kwannon, I’m fine with never seeing her again. And if we do, she should be an empathic ninja. And that is it.

  18. @Rahsaan Chisolm Kwannon is probably going to get killed off anyway. It's a little sad as Asians are indeed underrepresented in Marvel comic books. I like the empathic ninja thing though. And you are absolutely right about the writers. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Claremont and Remender were awesome!

  19. @Mixia, agreed. Asians are vastly underrepresented. East Asians, as well as those from West Asia and India. The sad thing is that it isn’t due to lack of quantity. We have a slew of very interesting Asian characters right in the X-Men. The only two getting any real play are Jubilee and Armor. I would love to see more Sunfire and more Dust. that being said, I’m super hapy to have Trinary. Kwannon is a hollow character. She has never been written as anything other than a plot device that was created to convolute Elizabeth’s story. I think the only way to actualize her as a character would be to complete remove her from the X-Men line and place her somewhere else in the Marvel Universe with her own separate story and her own distinct powers. Having her be telepathic or telekinetic still ties her to Psylocke and makes her a completely dependent character.

  20. @Rajsaam Chisolm You're absolutely right, Dust and Sunfire don't get the attention they deserve. And about Kwannon, she is indeed a hollow character, a blank slate. This makes me wonder why writers keep bringing her back ... If writers mess with characters, they should at least have a rough plan for their development. I like your idea about adding her to a non-X-Men team. I personally would have loved to see Betsy going back to being a telepath and Kwannon taking the tk. Betsy having both powers and being a martial artist at the same time doesn't feel right. Good characters need some weaknesses. Besides, Betsy was always written the best way when she only used one of these powers. Remender, for example, chose to only use her tp in X-Force.

    1. @Mixia, true! And under Remender, she was solid as just telepathic. Her original power set is perfectly fine. Especially, since she still knows how to fight physically.

  21. Excalibur and shields?

    This reeks of editorial mandate. Like they've decided to crank the wheel in as far the opposite direction as humanly possible. So I guess Betsy's time as a ninja is effectively gone as if it never happened.

    All these years I assumed Betsy used katanas because she had come to prefer that fighting style, but I guess not. Now that she's regained her English body, it's broadswords and shields and medieval combat. BECAUSE SHE'S BRITISH AND IN NO WAY A NINJA ANYMORE!

    I get Marvel wants to distance Betsy away from the 'yellow-face' stigma--and I guess plans to do something with Kwannon for some reason--but I had hoped they would handle it a little more organically and with a bit more grace.
    This is a sledgehammer haphazardly thrown through a window.

    Ah well...I guess I should just be glad she's still a fighter at all. When they first switched her back, I was afraid they'd regress her to point where she wasn't even a physical combatant anymore.

    The slang doesn't bother me though.
