Written by: Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenberg, Kelly Thompson
Art by: Mahmud A. Asrar
Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu & Edgar Delgado
The Story:
The Children of the Atom Are Back!
New ongoing series kicking off with a 10-part weekly epic, the flagship X-Men series that started it all is back and better than ever! Starting with a mysterious and tragic disappearance, the X-Men are drawn into what might be…their final adventure?! X-Fan favorite writers Ed Brisson (Extermination), Matthew Rosenberg (Phoenix Resurrection) and Kelly Thompson (MR. & MRS. X) and all-star artists Mahmud Asrar (X-Men Red), R.B. Silva (X-Men Blue), Yildiray Cinar (Weapon X) and Pere PΓ©rez (Rogue and Gambit) join forces to bring you…X-Men Disassembled?!
In Stores: November 14, 2018
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ReplyDeleteI see Storm continues to be dissed. LOL.
She should be leading. The while intro with Kitty is 31 flavors of wrong. I’m still excited though.
Where exactly does Lauras Claws fit in her arm?
ReplyDeleteKitty has leader has grown on me. She's one of the few child characters allowed to grow up in the X-books. She's trained under Scott & especially Logan, death with mutant incidents while away in college & grad school & shown she's willing to sacrifice herself. We've had Scott & Storm rotate leaderships throughout the years, Rogue lead a few times, even Jeans led a strike team before Red.
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to give Kitty a chance. It at least breathes some fresh air into the book. Especially Uncanny, which will desperately need it if Marvel wants to break the 5-10 issue writer by 1 writer before they relaunch it or call it a mini.
That's been the fate of a lot of X-books the last few years.
@Alex, good points about Kitty. However, don’t you find Storm’s acceptance of all gbis to be a bit out of character. Not in an egotistical way, but in that Ororo has been written very weakly over the last several years, including in Gold. The last time we got a glimpse of the real Ororo was in Brian Woods’ X-Men. I find it hard to believe that the Storm of old would “follow” Kitty, Rogue, Gambit, or Jean. I think she would consult with them, but not follow them. That feels way out of character to me. Stepping down feels forced.
You are 100% right. Storm is a queen who leads
DeleteUm, if you guys are talking about the recap page, I think they mean that Kitty WAS the leader of the X-Men for now (and she was, as seen in X-Men Gold), not that she still is. After all, it also mentions Jean having her own team of X-Men (which she had, in X-Men Red).
ReplyDeleteThat said, the covers for the next issues seem to indicate Jean may become the leader of all X-Men from now on. Which is fine, I guess, as she's one of the first X-Men and may have even better leadership skills assuming she retains "Jeen"'s memories after the ANXM return to their time period. Kitty seems to be in charge of the younger generation of X-Men (which is fine to me, too). As for Storm, while she may be the most capable leader, I guess she doesn't mind taking the back seat for a while; taking full responsibility for her friends can be stressful...
Oh, and may I say this art looks great? I hope it's just as good in the other pages, and that the artists in charge of the next issues can do a good job as well.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, i’m pretty glad to see that both Jean-Paul and Lorna will be featured as main characters in this run. I was hoping that Roberto and David Alleyne would too since they both were on the wraparound cover, but this lineup is still great.
ReplyDeleteIt actually would be cool to see Bobby Drake and David bond platonically (Bobby is a grown ass man and David is still just a kid) over their queerness as both are nelwy exploring their sexualities as gay and bisexual.
DeleteAlso, would have dug if Sooraya and Doug were cast members and if we saw Doug’s close friendships with Kitty and Betsy. Again though, I’m very happy with the current lineup.
DeleteI am just a little worried about how they gonna write Psylocke from now. She was absolutely powerful in the japanese body, and now it seems she was diminushed to "girl with psychic knife" and I can not accept this, after all she has done telepathic and telekinetically last months... A simple telepath it's a vulnerable character (Jean has tk, Emma diamond form) since every curve we find a way to block the telepathy.
ReplyDeleteJeferson, where on panel has it stated or alluded she is diminished in power?
ReplyDeleteYou're basing this off the covers you've seen where she brandishes a psyknife on each cover. I think you're missing the point. What Marvel is doing is driving the message home, "she's still cool, she's still a fighter, etc. Look, the psyknife" etc
Let's get through the first arc, (or hell even the first issue of Uncanny) before you jump to conclusions that she's depowered.
Precisely. For a good run of the Japenese body, she was actually depowered after Acts of Vegeance and only used the psy-knife. It was not until the last few years that she began using her powers creatively again as she had pre-siege. Let’s actually wainto see what is written for her.
DeleteCmX, if you read corret, I said "it seems" her levels was diminished. I say this for all the background about her power sets, that changed every single month almost. And, in fact, I can affirm this if she actually losed her tk (the most agressive side of her as a mutant). At least I hope they bring back her original power "flashes of future", that apparently Jean is showing here...
DeleteI just do not want her to be just a secondary character after all the lasts amazings months of her being a powerhouse psychic. (I bet they really do not know what to do with her besides bring her back her original body and power set, wich it would be a very downsizing move about her power's level)
I'm sorry, but how does it seems her powers are diminshed??? We literally haven't seen Psylocke in action since Madripoor #4 where she beat the hell out of three Femme Fatales. This makes no sense. Least we be reminded that this so-called "powerful" Psylocke you speak of was beaten by Medusa's hair. What was so amazing about these last months of "powehouse psychic" exactly? I repeat she was beaten by MEDUSA'S HAIR. And she needed Xavier's help to defeat the Shadow King. She couldn't beat him by herself. There was nothing powerful about that. Just wait until you read it instead of jumping to conclusions.
ReplyDeleteJefferson Where are you getting your info mate? Even a PURE Telepath can be a beast in the hands of the right writer. The only reason I can think they'd make a pure Telepath Weaker is to promote the villain, which will defeat any hero on the first outing.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Psylocke used to lose LOTS of fights. Sometimes she got knocked out after doing absolutely nothing in the "POWERFUL Japanese Body."
Why does being Japanese make her more powerful than being white?
She got taken out of action during the hunt for Wolverine not only by Styx, but by a Wolverine Clone tossing X-23 into her. She was hurt so bad, she was out of commission for days. She got chumped by Medusa, etc. In the "Powerful" body she gets chumped and slumped a lot.
I hope this new Psylocke writters keep her a bad ass as she was in her Asian body and not a crying confused telpath and I hope she retains her telekinetic powers as well!
ReplyDeleteI think she was a powerhouse at different times in both bodies. It really depends on the writers. I think her TK has been basically downgraded anyway, she hardly ever uses it now. I think her Telepathy has increased and TK was lowered. The trajectory of her Telepathic strength from what I seen was basically British Body was good, then she kind downgraded when turning "Asian" into just Psychic knife girl, they explained the reasoning behind that when it was revealed that Kwannon actually took half her telepathy from her, She got her full telepathy back when Kwannon died and started training with Jean which probably honed her skills to be sharper from before she turned "Asian". Then lastly AOA Jean Grey unlocked Betsy's full telepathic potential using the Phoenix Force. Essentially in the "Asian" body she went from half telepathy, Full telepathy with Jean training, and then (I know some hate this word but just for comparison sake LOL) Omega Telepath. I think that's why she became a powerhouse. I don't think the body should matter. She should hopefully have retained everything.
ReplyDeleteI am actually hoping she does NOT have the TK....instead she keeps her martial arts training & gets her precog abilities back - I would like to see her precog powers become battle oriented like Ravager has in DC where she sees her enemies moves by seeing quick short flashes in the future
ReplyDeleteStephen, π―π―π―π―π―
DeleteNever liked the telekinetic weapon arseneal. The psychic knife was okay as a focused extension of her telepathy, but everything from the katana onward has been downright silly. Especially, all the weaponry we saw in Woods’ all-woman X-Men. And I say that as a fan of Woods as a writer. The random precig flashes distinguish her enough in a good way.
DeleteThat being said, I love when she uses real weapons. As one of our other community members suggested, I’d love to see her add some medieval English swords and weapons to her arsenel along with her real katanas.
DeleteAgreed @rahsaan.
ReplyDeleteThe "Pink Lantern" Psylocke was dumb. She was already distinctive enough, when it came to her Telepathy, adding things to make her "Kewl" made it dumb.
I've never understood why they always had her with Katanas, when she's an English Woman, then I read the Rule of Kewl on tv tropes.
Then I was like ahhhh...
Still hated it though.
You know what hopefully they leave her powers alone. We don't need her already convoluted power set history getting even more muddied when a new writer decides after ten issues to recon whatever new power the last writer gave her.
ReplyDeleteI think characters need to evolve her powers, such as Emma has done , and Betsy's increasing control of her t.k. powers such as creating weapons like the t.k.katana onward was good writting for her.I'm aware bot everyone is going to agree but Psylocke fans are diverse and we all have diferent opinions and are entitle to have diverse views of what we think is a better versiob of her, that being said that os the main motive of why Betsy is an whole diferent animal when talking about psychics, her powers are always changing and evolving and she has never been almighty nor uber powerful like Emma or Porfesor X or Jean Grey , and that is wahy I love her , her power resides within her , in her strenght of personality. so either way I love Betsy with or without t.k. (altough like everyone here I do have my preference) and I guess everyone here loves her, even if shes asian caucasian telepath shadow queen precognitions death horsewoman or t.k. weapon master .. <3
ReplyDeleteI love her but prefer no TK, but I dont agree that she's not uber powerful. At least now. After AOA Jean unlocked her psychic potential, she was able to knock over Apocalypse/Archangel with a Psi Blast (the writer even stated no one had previously been able to do that), and she almost brought a building down with a psychic butterfly in Astonishing X-Men. It took Rogue and Bishop together to stop her. I think Xavier/Jean/Emma are more skilled with using telepathy like psychic surgeons, where as Betsy seems to like to get to the point with Brute Force lol. Hence the Psi Blasts or Psychic knife. I'd like to see the professor actually train her, like Jean had the advantage of.
DeleteNow, X-Man, we all know how Charlie likes to do sneaky stuff like implant suggestions an other things into students’ heads and exploit them when he feels it is time. I’m not sure I want Elizabeth anywhere near that shady character. π
Delete@Rahsaan that is true lol. Of course I dont think Betsy has the father/daughter connection to Xavier/X that Jean has so she can probably handle him if she had to lol. I just always thought it gave Jean an advantage to have been trained by the most powerful telepath on earth. I did kinda laugh though when he was Onslaught and he told Jean her mind probes were pathetic lol. Also when Jean said that while the professor taught her everything she knows about telepathy, it's very clear he didn't teach her everything that he knows haha. Shady indeed:)
DeleteX-man the one thing about comics is Consistency. What you posted did happen on panel. But the one off's don't prove anything. The First time I saw Iceman become the first full-on, (I hate the word Omega) Omega level mutant on page, he did it over and over.
ReplyDeletePsylocke has yet to repeat many of those feats. I don't mind her not being the strongest, you need to have characters that aren't the best at what they do.
It's why I despise Modern Wolverine. Dude went from a badass to MEH! He has his rabid fan base that loves him no matter what. But to me, 80's and early 90's Wolverine is the best.
He took time to heal, fought better, wasn't Godly, and came across as 100% more relatable. No matter which Body she's in Psylocke needs to be a Butterfly not a brute. Her being a brute just to be cool is dumb to me.
You can do visual things with Telepathy that don't involve silly Omega OMG THAT'S KEWL, to be cool feats.
She's in the past used her powers in ways others haven't she should go back to that.
Exactly, Finn. Everybody loves her here, that is more important. In my case, I prefer her as a british, but with more than "just" telepathy, repeating, since we have thousand telepaths and tons of psychic's blocks in the Marvel Universe.
ReplyDeleteFrom this preview I think you can kiss hopes of precog for Psylocke goodbye. Looks like jean will be the one with the visions.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as terrifying visions are supposed to go, it’s going to take more than a rabid Madrox to make this interesting.