Monday, October 15, 2018

Uncanny X-Men #1 Variant Cover by Jim Cheung


  1. best team cover yet - Betts looks glorious

  2. @Stephen, I love this one, but Finch’s this far is my favorite.

    I am so happy that these covers are getting much better!

  3. Through all these Uncanny variants we've seen so many A listers draw British Psylocke that never drew her before lol this is awesome!

  4. An A lister who is actually British you mean. I found out about this when I actually met him. Really nice variant done by Jim Cheung. If you have the chance to go to WonderCon, you need to visit him first. He actually did me a variant for All New Wolverine. Very talented person.

  5. Eric, I had no idea Mr Cheung is British himself. That's interesting! He did a great job depicting original Betsy here.

  6. This is by far my favorite cover ! :)

  7. I also had no idea Jim Cheung was British. I'm a huge fan of his art, though I recall at least two times when he just used two dots and a curved line to draw faces for characters in the back of a panel (one of them was in the Children's Crusade miniseries), like how children (and I) usually draw eyes and a mouth.

    Then again, to be honest, I kinda enjoyed that he did that. And it's still more original work than what Greg Land usually does.
