Saturday, September 1, 2018

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Mandripoor #4 Spoiler Variant Cover Step by Step by Terry Dodson


  1. Great! The Dodson couple's art may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I think their work is consistently beautiful.

    Now, not related to the Dodsons (or to Psylocke), but... is anyone here following the Extermination miniseries? Judging from the covers and the short stories leading to it, I thought it was going to be a Days of Future Past with the time-displaced O5 X-Men, but apparently it's much more serious than that: only in the first two issues, we already had Cable being killed off (by ANOTHER Cable, who's apparently the future son of the time-displaced versions of Scott and Jean... he also killed Bloodstorm, but I guess not many readers will care about her demise) and the time-displaced Angel being captured and having his cosmically-changed wings cut off from his body (...ouch).

    It seems to be more interesting than I was expecting, even if things are a bit convoluted. I doubt Psylocke will have a big role in this event, but hopefully she can have at least a cameo or two before it is over. I mean, even Rachel is appearing in it, and she's often forgotten in defining events for the X-Men, so...

  2. Hey, @FSaker. I still don’t read Gold. Is Rachel still in hound mood and attacking people?

  3. I'm not reading Gold either, but some friends that do usually comment on what happens each issue.

    Apparently, Rachel is back to normal. Old Man Logan, on the other hand, was turned into a Hound by Ahab...

  4. I've always liked the Dodson's work. I agree it's always been consistent. They've improved over the years without completely changing their style also.

    I wondering is the first pencil draft actual graphite or digital pencil?

  5. I don’t like her coloring. It’s too cartoony for his style. But I think they are GREAT separately! I think his art needs a grittier coloring
