Saturday, August 4, 2018

Psylocke & X-Force To Join 'Marvel: Future Fight'

Calling all #MARVELFutureFight fans, heroes, and true believers! Join us on our Facebook page for our livestream on August 6th at 6:30 PM PDT, where we'll discuss our #Deadpool & X-Force update, as well as upcoming events!


  1. ...I thought Deadpool and Cable were already present in this game. So it's just Psylocke and Domino being included?

    I guess I should be happy, but honestly, Future Fight didn't impress me. In fact, the last really interesting Marvel game was LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (the first one; the second was quite convoluted). Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite COULD have been interesting, but Disney had to forbid Capcom from using X-Men and we all know how it ended...

  2. Yaaas finally !!! Been waiting for this since always!
