Thursday, August 16, 2018

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #4 Preview

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #4
Writer: Jim Zub
Art by: Thony Silas & Leonard Kirk
Cover by: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Variant Cover by: Chris Bachalo
Spoiler Variant Cover by: Terry Dodson

The Story:
One of the X-Men is changed forever! Past and present clash in final battle on an island of secrets and sin! What darkness lies within Sapphire Styx? Can a ghost from the past save Psylocke from oblivion?

In Stores: August 22, 2018


  1. Wait so... Patched Logan from the two previous issues is actually his soul Betsy found inside her with one eye ?

  2. AKO, that's what I've been thinking too. I never thought Patch was actually Psylocke messing with Sapphire.. As Sapphire admitted she consumed his soul at some point. Perhaps it's a remnant and not necessarily his entire soul?

    So much to be explained in just one issue haha

    1. CmX, so true lol. only one week away but is it me or the art is SLIGHTLY different than the pens before. Still not that much better though

  3. AKO, yeah, youre not wrong, Leonard Kirk is doing part of the issue. Who I really like his style but it looks quite different here. I imagine he was added to art duties last second since he wasn't originally solicited.

    Five pages shown.. we got just 15 pages to tell the rest of this story lol

  4. Time for me to call my bookstore this weekend and get my variant cover reserved

  5. Concerned about this bit: "I may no longer inhabit the body of a Japanese warrior woman, but that doesn't mean I'm helpless."

  6. Simply put: Betsy's merge with Kwannon is the one thing that made her stand out, that made her interesting.
    Even if this is the "true" Psylocke, it's like losing a beloved character in the comic books.

    I don't know why she would take Sapphire's body if her own body is still intact.

    1. I love her still. And to answer youe question, I think that Kwannon body may have been killed by Styx.

    2. Also are we sure she will take the Sapphire body? She looks like herself in the covers; not Sapphire.

    3. Sorry to disagree. That may be the only thing you found interesting, but others of us, actually care about more than her looks, or keel, ninja Tropes.

  7. Note the dress she has on. I love the nod to her first fight with Sabretooth in Uncanny 213 when she becomes an official X-Man.

    1. I noticed that too! I also love how she changed her hair color when she looked in the mirror lol

    2. CMX, yeah! I dug the hair color change from blonde to purple too. Very nice, subtle nods to her history.

  8. Yes, someone else noticed the dress! I am totally loving that nod.

    1. @Jeanette, it’s like she’s come full circle.

  9. the art is soooo much better - she looks great here

  10. This is really good. Her starting as herself as a blond child and then remembering and deciding to be her adult self with the purple hair and the Mutant Massacre outfit. The details are lovely. I’m so excited.

  11. "Also are we sure she will take the Sapphire body? She looks like herself in the covers; not Sapphire."

    I hope you're right. Being trapped in Sapphire Styx's body would be the exact opposite from fixing Psylocke, even if she telekinetically changed the body to resemble her own (you know, Rachelsaur style). If she needs to leave Kwannon's body, the only acceptable trade is to get her real body back.

    As for Kwannon's body, yes, Styx did say it was dead. Not just soulless, dead. Then again, the X-Men have a habit of repeatedly cheating death, so who knows for sure?

  12. @Anonymous, I don't think she was child as blonde here. I could be wrong, but here breasts look pretty adult-like in the images as a blonde landing on the bones and looking in the mirror. LOL.

  13. @FSaker, you know that would be the one part of this that would irk me all over again with Marvel.

    @Outback, you never did tell me what Theory No.3 is regarding how she gets back to looking like herself. Theories 1 and 2 that I have are Jamie and Sinister.

  14. @Fskaker Shh! No one talks about the Rachelsaur incident lol. That was one of CC's more interesting ideas.

    The artist for this issue should have done the whole mini. If this is legit her being caucasian again I can see why it was regulated to a mini regarding another character. It's been teased before in the main X books. Having it come out of nowhere in a series about Logan is surprising.

    Part of me wishes the variant spoiler cover was never revealed. At the same time I think Marvel did it because A. they spoil everything. B. To get people's complaints out of the way.

    What I find funny is on some forums, people are complaining that her soul doesn't look like Kwannon. I'm like it's her soul, not an astral plane/mental projection.

  15. LMAO Rahsaan, you’re right. I didn’t even notice that. She looks young-ish in the first shot of her in the bone pile.

  16. Random question: Where is Spiral these days? After all her machinations with Psylocke, I'd be curious to see her reaction to a restored Bets. Is Spiral still "good?"

  17. What I really want to see is Brian's reaction to her! I love those two together!

  18. With her change of body I wonder what will happen next after that really. Will she join X-Force one day again, have change of thoughts, Change in rivalries and such ?
    I mean it's her hard earned reward to get that body back. I still wonder if somehow this isn't the last we see of body witch for Betsy. if they decide to swap again they better get that hand body.

    And still... with this body switch is done, what happened to Kwanon? I don't remember.

  19. Kwannon is on a permanent dirt nap.

  20. It's all speculation because of what we are seeing in this preview versus what we saw at the end of #3. It sure looked like Psylocke destroyed Sapphire's body from within at the end of #3, so what happens to Psylocke on a psychic/physical level since she was "inside" Sapphire? My guess is that she reclaims her own body at great cost, and her experiences in Sapphire's psyche has profound changes on her physical appearance, leading to her new "hybrid" look. But again, speculation. In a few days, we'll know.

    1. @Anonymous, heavens! I hope
      not. No more hybrid looks. I hope Marvel just makes her look like her solely. I hope there is no more hybrid look like Claremont gave her pre-Kwannon; no intermingled DNA like Lobdell/Nicieza did with Kwannon. And I hope that she is not like R’Chel or X.


  21. Hey, guys. Here’s a good interview with Claremont on this subject.

    1. As Chris Claremont recently posted in conversation on Facebook where this all came up:

      ‘I can’t/won’t speak for any subsequent writers on the X-canon, but the character *I* created (*way* back in “Captain Britain”), Brian Braddock’s (ever-so-slightly) elder twin was re-crafted from Angle to Angle-Asian courtesy of Mojo; he’s considered her a special plaything of his since her arrival in the X-Canon where he gave her “bionic” eyes, which were still there at the time of her transformation, which is why *he* was involved in the event. The subsequent ret-con doesn’t work for me. If I ever have the chance, I’ll happily do to it what Deadpool did to Ryan Reynolds did when he time-jumped to the moment the actor started reading the script for “Green Lantern” (& yes, Fabes, that moment made me laugh out loud!) So as far as I’m concerned, Richard’s right, same character. End of rant.’

  22. Hey Rahsaan,

    I don't remember what I was saying about theory #3 but it probably wasn't important or I was being jokes.

    Tazirai, I am pretty sure that people here who may prefer a version of Psylocke that you don't prefer can like her for more than "her looks, or keel, ninja Tropes". They seem passionate about the character. There are a lot of complex issues tied up with the issue of representation that are most easily expressed by way of a discussion on her visual representation, and I would not be so dismissive about it. It would be more respectful.


  23. @AO,

    You must admit that Douglas is looking all kinds of sexy with that beard. Elizabeth may be out here creepin' real soon.
