Thursday, May 17, 2018

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1 Preview

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #1 (of 4)
Jim Zub (W) • Thony Silas (A)
Cover by: Greg Land
Variant Cover by: Chris Bachalo
Connecting Where’s Wolverine Variant Cover by: Todd Nauck (4 of 4)

The Story:
What mayhem has the return of the mutant with metal claws caused in Madripoor? When Wolverine’s former alter-ego Patch is sighted on the streets of Madripoor, the infamous island of ill-repute, Kitty Pryde pulls together a group of Logan’s closest friends to try and find him: Storm, Rogue, Psylocke, Domino, and Jubilee. What they discover is a twisted cabal of crime and dark mysteries that will take these X-Men from the depths of Lowtown to the stars circling overhead in the Hunt For Wolverine.

In Stores: May 23, 2018


  1. Ok so ..either way the writer did a horrible job researching Marvel before getting hired or I missed something , because last time I checked neither Jubilee nor Rogue, had their 90's powers anymore , meaning Jubilee is a vampire not a walking lights show and Rogue doesnt have Miss Marvel's powers from the series flight and super strenght..

  2. Jubilee got her powers back and became human in Generation X vol 2. Rogue absorbed all those powers from Wonder Man in Uncanny Avengers.

  3. Aliex, thank you.

    Finn, my boy... You really must keep up with storylines.

    1. Yep as I said it: either the writter or me and it was the second one lol u.u Cool to know those facts from both x-women.

  4. Really? I kinda liked Jubilee as a vampire... well, I also like her as a mutant, so it's cool.

    What's not cool, however, is Kitty still wearing the generic X-student uniform. Although nowadays even the X-students don't wear this uniform anymore, so she can finally claim she has an exclusive outfit, I guess.

    1. FSaker, I gotta disagree with you here. Kitty needs to stop. She looks basic AF. ��

    2. Anonymous, I jave to agree with FSaker. I think that costume is classic, especially for Kitty. I think that's why it has become symbolic and help make her leader and heart of the X-Men. Love the hair as well.

    3. Brian, the hairdo is cool. The costume is uninspired and frumpy.

    4. She looks like a neophyte versus a season vet. She needs an update immediately.

  5. Who cares about her hair or the outfit?
    The problem is that, once again, she is the leader when more focus could be put on any one of the powerful women in this series.

    1. Unknown, how dare you? Shadowcat is powerful. She is X-Men legacy. She don’t got the destructive capacity that Storm, Rogue, Psylocke and Jubilee got and she don’t got Domino’s big guns, but where do you get off saying she is not powerful as a character?

    2. Anonymous,🖒💪

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Howdy-do Anonymous,
    Characters such as Storm and Psylocke are omega level mutants in regards to the power that they can handle. Not to mention that they have more leadership experience. It's one thing if Kitty has her one team. She just shouldn't be leading the larger movement, and telling her former mentors what to do.

    1. Unknown, no. The only one of them ladies that was Shadowcat’a mentor was Storm. She was already an established X-Man with more experience than the rest when they came along, including Psylocke who wasn’t even sure if she should be a New Mutant or an X-Man when she arrived at the mansion. And Rogue was insane when she arrived... Too much of a hot mess to mentor anybody!

  8. So instead of say mentor, we could say teacher. Jubilee, Storm and Psylocke have at least attempted to occupy those kind of roles at Xavier's.
    You could even just go on the fact that currently, most characters in this series have played secondary roles in other books. My point is that this is a chance for more well-known characters to get the spotlight, and not just Kitty.

    1. Unknown, I must contest. Pretty much all of these women have had more equal spotlight for the last decade. If we want someone who has been relegated to the sidelines to be central and who is a “Logan Girl,” then it would have to be somebody like Yukio. You know I am correct. Why do you continue to resist?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In the last decade...there have been great representations of these women in the comics.
    However, much of that has been disregarded by the "ResurrXion" line of books. This is the same line of comic books that made Kitty the face of all the mutants. That is all. Have a good day.

    1. “Have a good day.” Oh, my. There is no need for us to take on an adversarial and very dismissive ton with one another. ResurrXion is only a year old. Psylocke had pretty much been at the epicenter of Astonishing throughout during this time. Jubilee was the heart of Generation X. Also, Domino and Rogue now each have their own titles. Kitty has been the lead in Gold which literally no one cares about. So, yes she needs a new uniform and it is okay for her to be the mission leader this once as she will soon return to Gold which no one reads.

      For the record, Storm should always lead the X-Men. It’s just your misinformation that Shadowcat is junior to everybody else on that plane, this is absolutely wrong.

  11. Also, in the last decade, Storm was kowtowing to Cyke and Emma for much of it, Rogue was in perpetual cry mode and Jubilee was a dark and dismal vampire, so what great representations are you referring to, dearest?

  12. "For the record, Storm should always lead the X-Men"

    I think we can all agree on that. It's a shame that Storm's leadership skills were awfully represented during her time as principal at the Jean Grey School and later in the X-Haven. Despite that, I still think she's tied with Professor X and Cyclops as the best X-leader (Schism should have had happened between her and Scott; Logan isn't convincing as a leader at all).

    As for Kitty, while I'm not very fond of her, I can't deny she is a good leader. To me, she's neither a senior nor a junior in relation to Rogue and Psylocke; I see all three of them being on the same level (yes, Kitty was the first one to join the team, but she left before the X-Men faced very tough situations with the Mutant Massacre and their time hidden in Australia and being hunted by the Reavers, which did increase Rogue's and Betsy's experiences quite a lot). And she's definitely a senior to Jubilee and Domino.

    Finally, as to which lady should lead this team in Madripoor, Storm would be the right choice, but I'm okay with Kitty taking charge of the other gals: as one Marvel editor (I forgot who... sorry!) brilliantly said years ago, Psylocke and Rogue have everything it takes to be good leaders but neither of them actually wants this responsibility.

    ...Wow, that was a long comment. Sorry about that, guys!

    1. FSaker, no need for apologies. Yours was a well thought out, splendidly written reply.

  13. I agree with FSaker, Ororo is the legitimate heir of Xavier's dream, and I say naturally, instead Scott that was always trying to prove himself as good enough for the title.
    I just want know what they are planning for Betsy...

  14. @FSaker Don't worry about it, not everybody on this thread is so easily offended ;)

    I agree with your points. Storm is the right choice to take the lead.
    As long as Betsey doesn't go back to her original state, then it should be okay.

    1. LOL at “everybody.” Don’t get fresh. I was not offended. I just needed to set you straight. It’s all love, boo. We’re agreed on Storm, but we may come to blows depending on what you mean by Psylocke’s original state. If you mean thong ass in the air with no character development, then we are still cool. If you mean psycho-blasting ex-model with poise and graces, then I will have to send for you again. ��
