Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Astonishing X-Men #1 Cover & Variant Covers - Updated

Regular Cover by
Jim Cheung
Variant Cover by
Variant Cover by
John Cassaday

Character Variant Cover by
Terry Dodson
Villain Variant Cover by
Dale Keown
Remastered Variant Cover by
Jim Lee

Trading Card Variant Cover by
John Tyler Christopher
KRS Uncanny Variant by
Philip Tan
Fried Pie Variant by
Olivier Vatine

Exclusive Color Variant by
Adi Granov
Exclusive Virgin Variant by
Adi Granov
Age of Comics Variant by
Elizabeth Torque

Unknown Comic Books Variant by Lucio Parrillo
Variant by
Mark Brooks
Virgin Variant by
Mark Brooks

Virgin Unknown Comic Books Variant by Lucio Parrillo
B&W Unknown Comic Books Variant by
Lucio Parrillo
B&W KRS Uncanny Variant by
Philip Tan

Remastered Unknown Comic Books Variant by Jim Lee
B&W Remastered Unknown Comic Books Variant by Jim Lee
Action Figure Variant by
John Tyler Christopher


  1. They funny thing is, is that psylocke is front and centre on most covers. Does this mean she is the most popular member of that team?

  2. I just hope that writter doesnt kill betsy again!!! U.u He obviously doesnt like the XMen and has a knack for killing our merry mutants..

  3. Where i can purchase variant by Mark Brooks?

  4. Anonymous, you can find it here:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Rogue's uniform with the big X on her belly as well as a little, redundant X her belt is tacky. She needs a new look stat.

  7. Rogue's look will probably depend on the artist. In the preview pics seen several posts below this post, when she is reeling from Psylocke's power, she has neither X's.

    Agreed, it looks bad on the cover art. Artgerm probably thought the same as you as he did not add the "X-Belt."

  8. I hope we don't get too much of the the whole Rogue/Gambit thing in this book. I was done to death in the 90's so much so that im still kinda over it haha

  9. They funny thing is, is that psylocke is front and centre on most covers.

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