Tuesday, March 28, 2017

'Astonishing X-Men' To Have New Artist Each Issue, Beginning with Jim Cheung

Newsamara: The artists drawing the previously-announced Astonishing X-Men relaunch have been revealed. The July-debuting title written by Charles Soule will be illustrated by a new artist in each issue, beginning with Jim Cheung and going on to include Ron Garney, ACO, Phil Noto, Greg Land, and Ramon Rosanas.

"The threat facing our heroes touches on all corners of the X-Men mythology," said Axel Alonso, Marvel's Editor-In-Chief. "So each issue - illustrated by a superstar artist - will dig deep into one of your favorite pieces of X-Men lore, with some eye-popping surprises along the way. The last page of issue one definitely qualifies as one of those, and it's bound to make X-Men fans very happy.”

Astonishing X-Men was originally advertised to begin in June, but it is now scheduled to debut in July according to Marvel.


  1. So this is basically going to be a mini-series then?
    Marvels new standard. 11-12 issues then done, onto the next thing.

    1. I'm actually okay with that if it'll keep story arcs well-written and tight versus loose, dangling plots that writers forget about or leave before resolving.

  2. You know you are old when you remember the days that Psylocke was a Brit.
