Tuesday, January 17, 2017

X-Position: Cullen Bunn Promises Major Characters Returns in X-Men Blue

CBR: This week in X-POSITION, “Uncanny X-Men” and “Deadpool and the Mercs for Money” writer Cullen Bunn joins us and answers all of your questions about everything from the upcoming “X-Men Blue” series and the next issues of “Uncanny X-Men.”

Your “UXM” run has been building toward the inevitable confrontation between Psylocke and Magneto. Will the results of that showdown explain why Magneto seems to be back in the X-Men’s sphere of influence [in “X-Men Blue”] while Betsy appears to be missing?

Bunn: There is a big showdown coming up, that’s for sure. The results of that fight will at least help to set up Magneto’s role in “X-Men Blue. As for Psylocke, if she’s throwing down with Magneto, that could very well explain why you haven’t seen much of her in previews of future storylines.

Most Psylocke fans view you as being in the top three Betsy writers, alongside [Chris] Claremont and [Rick] Remender. Did you do everything he wanted to do with her, or would he like another shot at her sometime? ResurrXion Phase 2, perhaps?

Bunn: No, I didn’t get to do everything I wanted with the character. I had a big Otherworld story in mind and I had dreams of seeing Psylocke take on the mantle of Captain Britain. Who knows? Maybe one day! No matter how many issues I wrote, I would have always wanted to do more. I love the character, and would happily return to her world sometime.


  1. Now I'm very concerned about Betsy after this Magneto situation... She deserves way better then this and hopefully a better future.

  2. The idea of Betsy to be the all-new Captain Britain is interesting but... No. I don't think she need to claim your brother mantle. Anyway, aren't Betsy and Brain feuded? I don't guess Brian will give Betsy your mantle, at least no after she "murdered" theirs older brother James.

  3. Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die.

  4. Dear Moderator, please delete the ^ comment from the troll immediately above me, the one posted by "Unknown".

    1. I'm not a troll I'm serious. I don't want her to die again. I just don't have a login. Tom

    2. It was very clear you weren't trolling... The context of your reply fit perfectly to the thread. Strange.

    3. Seriously, how is that considered trolling? It's a valid opinion like any other, and one that I share.

  5. Weird... I thought I had written a comment about Psylocke's future (and how Bunn pointing at his idea of turning her into the next Captain Britain could still be a plan for the final issues), but it's not here.

    Well, anyway, about Betsy and Brian, they reconciled after Jamie's death, in Remender's final UXF issue. So he could give her his mantle...

    ...except that, if I'm not mistaken, Brian is currently in one of the Avengers books. So it could be a little bit weird if there were two CBs at the same time.

    Still, even though I used to be the first one here to freak out every time it seemed that Betsy could die, do you guys really think she would be killed in a tie-in issue? Plus, if Magneto killed her, it would be quite a huge deal for the X-Men as a whole; even if the O5 forgave him (Jeen's ethics are quite questionable), would Storm's group (all of them being close friends with Psylocke) really allow them to follow Magneto? Worse, would they really let Magneto walk away? Plus, would Marvel even allow Bunn to tease the possibility of Psylocke dying (when few years ago they tried so hard to hide anything that pointed to Nightcrawler dying in Second Coming, or recently Cyclops being innocent from any "Inhuman genocide")?? I don't think so.

    So, unless Betsy becomes a real genocide by the end of IvX and someone has to kill her to save the world, my theory is that she is still alive by the end of UXM. We just need to find out where she will be by then.

    1. I think something will happen like Betsy fakes her death in the fight with Magneto. And if Magneto were to kill her Im sure none of the others would know unless they probed his mind and as you know he shields himself from telepaths digging too deep much how he kept secrets from Psylocke all through Bunns UXM.

  6. She's not dying. It's already been done with her. Frankly, every time I see a Psylocke death theory, it makes me roll my eyes. The only character that dies like a billion times is Jean Grey. Realistically, they're running out of ideas for her, so she's just going to kind of go in limbo, make an appearance here or there... which is kind of terrible too, but there's only so many "I've killed but feel guilty and yet I still kill" or "I have to save Archangel from himself" stories about Psylocke. She's much more than these two re-hashed plot devices, but even the writers that claim to love her can't see past this.

    I think the reason why she's not there is actually quite simple: her and Magneto have a permanent falling out, and she walks away from all things related to the X-Men. Since the X-Men need Magneto for some unknown reason, she refuses to go along with it and just leaves.

  7. I guess it was just a misunderstanding of the comments, everyone, no need to worry.

    Anyway, Tom, I really understand you, as I used to worry about Betsy dying all the time, too. But I really don't feel she will die this time. Even though Psylocke isn't as iconic as Cyclops, Storm or Wolverine, she's still a pretty big character, so I doubt her death wouldn't have huge repercussions to the X-Men, especially if her murderer is Magneto or one of the O5 like "Jeen". And, even if we consider that Marvel could be hiding these repercussions, wouldn't some place like Bleeding Cool have already found this out?

    So, don't worry. Sure, it's not impossible that she may die, but I think it's very unlikely to happen right now.

  8. I feel the same. I don't think she'll die but I can see her being placed into limbo again. It kinda sucks cause it makes me think of how 90's Betsy was pretty much only defined by her sex appeal. It seemed that due to her being the sexy member of the team she wasn't given too much and took a backseat to characters like Rogue & Storm.

    Seems to be happening again, unfortunately. Only this time it's because she's either written as either dealing with her violence obsession or saving Warren.

  9. Limbo may mean another trip back to Spiral's Body Shoppe. That's where Rachel was one of the times she was in Limbo. And we know Spiral and Mojo love them saw Psylocke! By the way, where did Spiral/Rita go once X-Gorce ended?
