Monday, March 14, 2016

Olivia Munn Talks Psylocke

CNET Magazine: Olivia Munn spoke with Connie Guglielmo, editor in chief of CNET News, about preferring PCs over Macs and why she’s waiting for someone to invent a Tesla-like hoverboard, and Psylocke of course.

You play Psylocke in X-Men. Why did the role appeal to you? 

Munn: I’ve loved Psylocke for so long. She’s a really, really strong badass female character in this comic book world where a lot of times the women don’t get to be strong and badass. You see a lot of superheroes [who] don’t always want to kill, and they’ll avoid it if they can. She’s never had a problem killing, and I like that she was the bad guy that had no problem being the bad guy. She’s telekinetic and telepathic so she can read your mind. She can create anything with her mind. To win any fights, she can just create a mountain and have it fall down on you, but she chooses to create a sword so she can kill up close and personal. I always thought that was really cool and badass.

Munn also shared a Psylocke quote from the upcoming X-Men: Apocalyse: "I also know there are monsters in the world. I may even be one of them." - Psylocke


  1. As much as I like how she looks for the role, I kinda wish they would stop asking her about the character and her fandom, because whenever I read a soundbyte from her about the character's comic book history, it sounds like she doesn't really know it. Just play the movie role and don't fake the funk.

  2. To be fair, she's right about most of the things she said (Psylocke IS strong and badass, she theoretically COULD create a telekinetic mountain - though it would be really hard for her -, and killing wasn't a problem for her, even before the body swap, like when she suggested that the X-Men should kill Havok).

    The only wrong point was about Psylocke being "the bad guy that had no problem being the bad guy". In this case, she may be referring to the film version of Psylocke. Though it is kinda applicable to her participation in Remender's and Spurrier's X-Force teams, where the heroes would often do stuff that usually only bad guys do (but Olivia's knowledge about Psylocke seems to be mainly from the 1990s, so I'm not sure if she's familiar with Betsy's time in X-Force). And the line she quotes seems to indicate that Betsy will be truly evil in the film, thus increasing her chances of dying in it. Pity.

    Anyway, she actually seems to be one of the few actors in the X-Men films (and in superhero films in general) who is familiar with the characters they're playing. I still can't forget one of the times that the X-Men:Apocalypse cast gathered in a comic con and the actors portraying Cyclops and Quicksilver could only describe their characters as "the guy that shoots beams from his eyes" and "the guy with superspeed"...

  3. FSaker,

    Read this one:

    You are right her being more publicly enthused than most of her castmates which is great, but I'd rather she not misinform new fans about the character.

  4. Her Psylocke quote was way off. Unless, she was referrring to Spiral and Mojo's mind-control when they kidnappped het, renamed her Psylocke and made her star in that Wildways TV show.

  5. Agree with you guys with the Critique. It's almost like she loves the look of the character, rather than the character.

  6. Quote is said to be from the movie.

    1. Hi, Vigmed. Not the quote above. I'm referring to her summary of Psylocke's history in the link I posted several replies up.

  7. Ah, I see now. Must have skipped that post somehow.

    I hope she does well in the movie, for the sake of the character. But I'd be okay if they got someone else to play Psylocke if they do make another movie using her.

    Let's see how she does first, I guess. It's just, I already know the voice is going to bug the hell out of me lol

    1. I know, right! Elizabeth with an American accent! And Jean with an English one! A hot mess.
