Thursday, January 14, 2016

Uncanny X-Men #2 Preview

Uncanny X-Men #2
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Cover & Art by: Greg Land

The Story:
In a world that’s never hated or feared mutants more, there is only one constant: BIGGER THREATS REQUIRE MORE THREATENING X-MEN. Refusing to accept one more mutant death, the most ruthless mutants on Earth have banded together to proactively mow down their enemies. But with a team populated by relentless killers, one question applies above all others: Can they stay away from each other’s throats long enough to sever their targets’?

In Stores: January 20, 2016


  1. Anyone else pretty sick of Mystique? Regardless if it's Bunn writing her, I'm over her like I am Emma Frost

  2. ...Remember when I said Land seemed to be improving a lot with this series?

    Yeah, forget that. The art in these pages is horrible: lots of static poses, reused faces, porn expressions... such a pity.

    Oh well, at least he will be replaced by another artist in a few issues.
