Thursday, October 8, 2015

#tbt: Uncanny X-Men #273

#tbt: Uncanny X-Men #273 – Boom-Boom is chasing Iceman through the makeshift living quarters, hoping for some payback, when Iceman runs into a steely Psylocke. Boom-Boom uses this opportunity to drop a time-bomb down the back of Iceman’s shorts, before Jean Grey tells them both to leave. She showers, while Psylocke explains why she has not called her brother yet. Jean Grey attempts to use Cerebro to try and find some former X-Men, but on the Astral Plane, is attacked by the Shadow King, who revels in her presence. Psylocke is forced to use her psi-knife on Jean to free her, but upon returning to the real world, neither woman is sure who their foe was or what he really wants. Written by Chris Claremont and Art by Jim Lee. Read full summary here.


  1. "Spme of us still are. No matter how hard we try to hide it."

    I always womdered who Elizabeth was referring to in this scene. Herself? Or was she throwing Jean some shade?

  2. This was the first Psylocke - Jean interaction I read. I always wondered what their relationship would be like back then, since Psylocke was in some ways Jean's replacement on the team.

  3. Brian,

    Here is their very first encounter:

  4. Jean's response seems to imply that Psylocke's comment in this scene was meant for her - but it makes more sense to assume Betsy is talking about herself. She barely knew Jean by then, and Jean was far from being wild the few times they had met.

    Unless Betsy is saying that as a compliment to the way Jean fought against Cameron Hodge.
