Saturday, September 12, 2015

Olivia Munn Shares One Last Freestyle

Um vídeo publicado por Olivia Munn (@oliviamunn) em


  1. Munn is still not Psylocke for me.

  2. @james Who did you want for Psylocke? I know so many people had ideas for actors either white, asian or eurasian.

  3. I honestly hoped they would have gone with either a fully caucasian actress for British Psylocke or a fully Asain (preferably Japanese, since there is are some pretty big differences between people of different Asian nationalities.... for example a Vietnamese actress would not be able to visually pull off a Korean character, in most cases) actress for ninja Psylocke.... for some reason mixing the two bodies together and then making the character's costume only resemble the iconic look from one of the bodies doesn't quite sit right with me. I'm still excited to see Munn as psylocke in the actual movie, but I think it would have been a better decision to just cast someone who was either white or asian, and not a mix of both.

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